Terror Awakening chapter 80

Chapter 80: Money Matters

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

After the vehicle halted in front of a quaint neighborhood, Ethan stepped out with a hint of concern in his voice while he spoke: “You’re not genuinely thinking about assisting that corporation in addressing that event, are you? It appears to be a gamble with high stakes. Even if we were to intervene and address this supernatural predicament, there’s no assurance that we’ll uncover a method to prevent the malevolent spirit from awakening inside us.”

“Do you only intend to sell that artifact and divide the proceeds?” A questioning look appeared on Miles’s face as he turned to the man.

A tinge of redness spread across Ethan’s cheeks. “Wouldn’t that be the most prudent course of action?”

“Don’t you value your own life?” Miles probed further.

“While we might stave off the ghost’s return for a while, isn’t it inevitable that we all face death one day? Even if this spirit doesn’t claim us, future ghostly encounters might. I see things differently than you,” Ethan added, a touch of hesitation in his voice. “You’re still in your prime, fresh to this world, and can afford to gamble. I’ve come to a point where I’ve accepted my destiny. I’ve made plans for the aftermath of my departure. What I truly need now is a considerable sum of money.”

Miles reflected deeply on Ethan’s words since he couldn’t really find fault in Ethan’s perspective.

This sense of acceptance, this longing for a certain degree of security, was relatable. He himself had felt similarly at some point.

“Given what you’ve said, you don’t need to accompany me in three days. Keep this,” Miles suggested, extending a gilded box to Ethan. “If I fail to return after the third day, find a different purchaser and liquidate it. We’ll divide the earnings as we initially agreed.”

“How can I possibly accept such a thing?” A look of astonishment spread across Ethan’s face.

Miles elaborated, “I need to be ready for every possible scenario. If I don’t make it back, you’ll be aware of the necessary steps. If I do, I’ll figure out the secret to enduring. Also, refrain from using the club’s resources. I’m skeptical about that Cockroach Club. Seek an alternative buyer.”

“I understand,” Ethan replied with a nod, no longer objecting to the proposition.

Changing the topic, Miles inquired, “By the way, how did Writing manage to procure those unique armaments? I’ve run out of ammunition. Although they may not be potent against phantoms, they are formidable against those who control them. While I might not be able to eliminate the ghost itself, eradicating their human masters is equally effective. I foresee that this eerie situation will draw the attention of many ghost tamers. While I’m uncertain about the power of the ghost I’ll be up against, I prefer not to contend with other ghost tamers when managing this entity.”

“I’m not entirely aware of Writing’s suppliers,” Ethan confessed. “However, I’m familiar with an online platform where they can be acquired. I’ve yet to make a purchase myself, but I know of others who have, and they vouch for its credibility.”

“Why haven’t you considered investing in weapons for personal protection?” Miles questioned, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

It was evident to Miles that these weapons weren’t intended to combat ethereal beings like ghosts but as a defense against human threats. Deploying the force of a malicious ghost to tackle mere mortals or other ghost tamers seemed like an extravagant use of energy. It made sense to have tangible, real-world weapons at hand for such confrontations.

Ethan hesitated a moment before admitting, somewhat embarrassed, “The cost of acquiring good-quality weapons has always been a deterrent for me. I’ve been reluctant to part with a significant sum for them. But come, let’s head to my residence. I’ve got something to show you.”

Before long, Ethan ushered Miles towards a grand villa situated within the residential enclave.

“Quite the residence you have here – a villa and all,” Miles remarked appreciatively.

“It’s a recent acquisition. Drained nearly all of my savings to get it,” Ethan responded, a hint of pride in his voice.

As they ventured into the villa’s garden, they noticed a young boy and an older girl engaged in a playful water gun battle. Despite her age advantage, the girl was clearly outmatched by the boy’s mischievous tactics, ending up drenched as he relentlessly pursued her.

Spotting her father, the girl made a beeline for him, exclaiming, “Daddy, daddy! Dong Dong’s at it again!” She swiftly took shelter behind Ethan’s legs.

“Dong Dong, how many times must I tell you? No picking on your sister,” Ethan admonished with a mock sternness.

Feigning horror, the boy, endearingly referred to as Dong Dong, shouted, “Uh-oh! Daddy’s going to get mad! Run!” With that, he sped off into the house.

Casting an affectionate gaze at the girl, Miles inquired, “This is your daughter, I presume?”

“Yes, she just turned six. Quite the sweetheart, isn’t she?” Ethan replied, a proud grin on his face as he tenderly patted his daughter’s damp hair.

“She certainly is,” Miles agreed. “Though, it seems your son is a tad wary of you.”

Ethan sighed, “Ever since I took up the role of a ghost tamer, my visits home have become infrequent, and I never sleep here. I’m always apprehensive that a ghost might manifest during my slumber. Given this, it’s understandable for Dong Dong to feel somewhat estranged.”

Intrigued, Miles delved deeper, “How did you find yourself entangled in this ghost taming business?”

Ethan took a deep breath and began, “It was wholly unintended. My original profession was that of an electrician. One day, while I was installing new electrical fixtures in a decrepit house nearly six decades old, my drill punctured an unseen cavity in the wall.” He paused momentarily, “To my horror, fresh blood began oozing from the hole.”

“I was ignorant of the supernatural world back then and caught off guard. Overwhelmed by curiosity, I made the error of touching the emerging blood,” Ethan recollected, his expression a mix of ruefulness and nostalgia. “You’ve heard the adage about curiosity, I presume. As soon as the blood made contact with my hand, it was as if it had a life of its own. It permeated my skin and coursed through my body. From that moment, I’ve been indelibly marked with the essence of a ghost.”

Ethan looked down at his hand, “This hand was the entryway, and now my body serves as a vessel. The more I harness the might of the vengeful spirit, the more of its essence accumulates within me. Lately, I sense an unsettling fullness in my being, as though I’m on the brink of overflowing.”

Deep in thought, Miles ventured, “Would there be any merit in periodically purging some of this accumulated essence?”

“I’ve attempted to expel it, but it’s futile,” Ethan admitted, his face pale with dread.

“The blood within me can’t be simply let out. When exposed to the external environment for an extended period, it forms a conduit for a petrifying ghost to materialize. And I’ve had the misfortune of witnessing that ghost. I’ve deduced that my safety, paradoxically, lies in the very thing that torments me — the confinement of this ghostly blood within my veins.”

His voice became more somber, “But living with this internal affliction is becoming increasingly difficult. Nights are torturous; I’m wracked by pain so intense it feels like my very essence is being torn asunder. And every dawn I awaken to find my bedding drenched in blood.”

“That very blood,” Ethan whispered, almost to himself, “could one day become the pool from which the malevolent entity reemerges.”

Miles was rendered speechless. He felt a pang of understanding.

Recently, his own slumbers had grown increasingly fitful. What started as reduced sleep durations, from six to now a mere four hours, was now accompanied by an eerie paralysis each time he attempted to rest. His eyes would dart about uncontrollably, trapped in a still body. It was as though the ghost within him was steadily gaining dominance.

As they stood lost in their thoughts, a woman, her face marked with concern, approached them. “Ethan, where have you been? You’ve been unreachable, and with school starting soon for the kids, your absence is deeply felt.”

“I’ve been entangled in some pressing affairs, pursuing a significant venture,” Ethan replied, trying to muster a casual demeanor. Indicating Miles, he added, “This is Miles, an associate of mine.”

Miles offered a respectful nod, “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

She returned the greeting with a reserved smile, “Hello.”

Ethan quickly added, “We have some important business to delve into. Would you mind keeping an eye on the children for a short while? Later, we can all go out for a family dinner.”

She nodded, not voicing any objections, and gently led the little girl away.

Inside a room, Ethan fired up his computer and, with practiced ease, pulled up a specific website. “This is an internationally renowned portal,” he began. “Its proprietors are shrouded in mystery, but they specialize in the trade of paranormal defense weaponry. The pricing is, admittedly, quite steep, well beyond the reach of the average individual. Stretch from our club introduced me to this site.”

The website bore the semblance of any typical e-commerce platform but was replete with peculiar items — gleaming knives, phones equipped with satellite tracking capabilities, and specialized apparel.

“For weaponry, you’d want to peruse this section,” Ethan said, directing Miles’s attention to a particular segment of the site.

Miles’s eyes nearly bulged out at the listed prices, “A hundred grand for a single item? Are they out of their minds? Why not directly resort to highway robbery?”

Ethan, ever the pragmatist, replied, “These aren’t your run-of-the-mill weapons. They’re engineered specifically to counter ghostly threats. Factor in the production costs, craftsmanship, and the fact that they’re primarily made of gold, the pricing starts to make a bit more sense. Have you been keeping track of the skyrocketing gold rates lately?”

“If you’re really serious about trapping spirits, then I’d strongly suggest considering one of these specially designed body bags,” Ethan proposed, his tone conveying the importance of his recommendation. “They’re uniquely crafted from pure gold, offering both portability and effectiveness. However, be warned, they come with a hefty price tag.”

The screen displayed a product that looked strikingly similar to a sleeping bag. But upon closer inspection, it became evident that this wasn’t just any sleeping bag. It was meticulously woven from gold threads, making it an opulent prison designed to ensnare spirits.

Its construction seemed more adept at containing vengeful spirits compared to the modest golden box Ethan had showcased earlier. This was especially true for spirits that could manifest into more tangible, physical forms.

“Twenty million? You’ve got to be kidding!” Miles could barely hide his shock at the staggering price.

Ethan, with a swift click, opened an embedded video showcasing the product’s functionality. The video featured a foreigner demonstrating the correct method of placing a body into the golden bag and sealing it tightly to ensure no ghostly escapes.

As Miles observed the instructional, the exorbitant price tag began to make a bit more sense. The body bag’s intricate design and proven efficacy made it clear that it was a premium tool in the ghost-catching arsenal.

“That very price tag is the reason it hasn’t found a place in my collection yet,” Ethan lamented, his voice tinged with a mix of desire and resignation.

After giving it some thought, Miles realized that this might be an indispensable purchase to achieve his objectives. Without hesitation, he pulled out his phone and quickly dialed River’s number.

River, engrossed in her stock trading activities back at her residence, picked up the call, sounding slightly distracted, “Hello? Who’s speaking?”

“It’s Miles,” came the crisp reply. “I need you to facilitate a transfer. We have a purchase to make.”


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