Terror Awakening chapter 79

Chapter 79: Additional Conditions

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Sun started the meeting with a clear intent. “Our initial plan was to acquire the unique item that Mr. Miles possesses. We had set aside a hundred million dollars, all in cash, ready to be handed over once we had confirmed the item’s authenticity and that it was indeed the one we sought.”

Drawing out a neatly prepared document, she continued, “Here’s the proposed contract outlining the purchase terms. If everything is in order and meets your approval, Mr. Miles, we are prepared to finalize the deal immediately. Our accountant is also present and ready to transfer the entire amount to your chosen account in a matter of minutes.”

Once she had taken her seat, Sun did not mince her words. She got straight to the point, discussing the acquisition and subtly hinting that they were equipped to complete the transaction on the spot, given everything was agreeable.

Miles, however, after giving the contract a cursory glance, pushed it aside. “I may not grasp the fine print of this contract, but the monetary offer seems satisfactory. I’m amenable to parting with the item, but I have an additional condition that must be met,” he declared assertively.

Intrigued, Sun asked, “And what might that condition be, Mr. Miles?”

His eyes narrowing with determination, Miles responded, “I need guidance on how to master the second ghost and prolong its resurrection. Given the substantial sum you’re willing to invest in this acquisition, I’m sure you’ve extensively studied its intricacies. I’m convinced you have a remedy for my current challenge.”

His proclamation created a hushed tension in the room, as all present turned their attention to the unfolding negotiation.

A murmur of excitement spread. The possibility that there might be a method to control and extend the life of this so-called ‘ghost’ instilled a sense of hope amongst those listening, a chance to defy the natural order of life.

Sun appeared slightly taken aback, “How did you come across such knowledge? It’s not a subject readily available to the public.”

Brushing aside her query, Miles pressed, “All I want to know is whether you accept my additional condition. If you do, we stand on the cusp of a mutually beneficial agreement today.”

Sun replied cautiously, “My current mandate only extends to the cash transaction for the item. I don’t have the authority to approve any additional requests.”

Miles, undeterred, pressed on, “Then it’s essential you get in touch with whoever does have that authority. Time is of the essence, and I would advise against unnecessary delays. I tend to get quite impatient. And trust me, no one enjoys my company when I’m displeased.”

As he finished his statement, an eerie red glint appeared in his eyes, intensifying the atmosphere in the room.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sun replied with added urgency, “Very well, I’ll reach out to them right away. Please allow me a few minutes.”

She quickly stood up, preparing to step away while adding, “Please bear with me, Mr. Miles.”

Miles merely nodded, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Certainly.”

Sun quickly gathered her team to a more private corner of the club, her face displaying a mix of concern and urgency. She took out her sleek phone and dialed a number. The dial tone echoed a few times before someone on the other end answered, leading her to start explaining the situation. In the interim, Miles chose to remain seated, allowing Sun and her team the space and privacy they needed while observing the room’s reactions.

It was then that Stretch, a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and deep-set eyes that hinted at a wealth of experience, approached Miles. His tone was filled with a mix of anxiety and hope. “Have you found a way to prolong the ghost’s resurrection?”

Miles turned to Stretch, eyes locking onto the older man’s. “I haven’t. But I believe they have the answers.” He subtly motioned toward Sun and her team. “Why do you think I’m negotiating? If I held that secret, there would be no need for this entire exchange.”

His implication was clear: he was trying to get the most from Sun’s group. If they didn’t meet his demands, it might mean dashing the hopes of the other ghost tamers present, making their exit potentially perilous.

Stretch sighed deeply, his gaze following Miles’s. “You may not have the knowledge, but they surely do. They wouldn’t have come here otherwise,” he murmured, his eyes reflecting a yearning that went beyond simple curiosity.

On the phone, Sun’s voice took on a hushed, earnest tone. “The situation here is escalating. Miles appears to have inside information, and he’s made additional demands. Other ghost tamers present are now aware of the revival extension method. If we can’t seal this deal today, I fear our exit might be problematic.”

Even though she tried to keep her conversation discrete, Sun could feel the weight of many eyes on her, their gazes intense, almost predatory. The once-welcoming ambiance of the club had transformed into an atmosphere of tension. An unnerving chill enveloped her as if these individuals would stop at nothing to obtain what they desired.

She listened intently to the person on the other end of the line, her face revealing nothing of the conversation. Finally, she nodded, taking a deep breath. “I understand the stakes. We’ll proceed as discussed.”

After ending her call, Sun returned to the main table, her face a mask of professionalism. “I’m sorry for the interruption, Mr. Miles,” she began.

Miles, who had been meticulously cleaning a rather ornate baton and occasionally glancing at a specially crafted handgun, looked up with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Took longer than expected. What did your superiors say?”

Sun hesitated briefly. “Controlling the second ghost is no simple feat. Rushing it can lead to catastrophic results — a fatality rate exceeding ninety percent.”

Miles leaned in, “But there have been survivors, haven’t there?”

Sun sighed, “A few have managed, yes, but their cases might be rare exceptions. As you must realize, not everyone is that lucky.”

Miles stroked his chin thoughtfully, “So there’s a key element, a specific method or condition I’m missing.”

Sun continued, “Our leadership has given the green light to your additional terms and our original acquisition. However, the item you’re offering isn’t enough for such knowledge.”

Raising an eyebrow, Miles responded sharply, “You expect me to fetch another ghost for you? If that’s the case, you can keep your money.”

Sun took a deep breath, trying to articulate her company’s position. “What we need isn’t another ghost, Mr. Miles. We are facing an unprecedented supernatural disturbance within our organization. We believe that someone of your caliber, someone able to capture and contain a ghost, is best suited to handle this situation. If you can resolve this for us, our company is prepared to not only proceed with the current transaction but also to share the method to control the second ghost. But be warned: success is not assured. Many have tried and failed, with grave consequences.”

She handed him a folder containing some preliminary information on the event and a sleek, professional business card emblazoned with the company’s logo. “All the details you might need are in here. Once you’ve managed to address our problem, don’t hesitate to contact us.”

Drawing herself up, Sun announced, “Our business here is concluded for now. We’ll be departing.”

However, just as she was about to stand, Miles stopped her with a sharp tone. “Wait a moment.”

She hesitated, looking back at him. “Yes, Mr. Miles?”

He leaned forward, eyes intense. “I need to make myself crystal clear. If there’s any hint of treachery or deceit in this arrangement, or any detail you’ve omitted, it won’t end well for you or your associates. If there’s something else you’re hiding, it’s best to come clean now. If you depart without being fully transparent, know that there will be repercussions.”

The tension in the room was palpable. For all his youth, Miles’s reputation as a ghost tamer gave weight to his words, causing Sun and her team to exchange uneasy glances.

Sun swallowed hard, responding, “I assure you, we’re being forthright in our dealings.”

Miles’s voice dropped even lower, filled with a quiet menace, “If there’s any hint of duplicity, I won’t just stop at you; I’ll ensure everyone affiliated with you faces the consequences. Now, you may go.”

Barely able to mask her relief, Sun stood up abruptly. “Very well, we’re leaving.” Without another word, she and her team hastily exited, looking almost like they were fleeing.

Watching them go, Miles turned to Ethan. “Can you keep tabs on them if necessary?”

Ethan nodded, “Certainly.”

Miles picked up the folder, scanning its contents. It mentioned a remote village near Spear City but offered little additional detail.

Ethan frowned, “Do we really want to get involved in this? The odds aren’t in our favor. We might be walking into a trap.”

Miles pondered for a moment, “I share your concerns and even suspect this might be a play by Sun’s company. However…” He looked around the room, addressing the group, “The stakes are clear. If we want to survive, we have to tackle this supernatural event and gain control of that ghost. Who’s with me?”

A voice interrupted them. It was Cockroach, a notorious figure in the club. With a sneer, he remarked, “Why the hesitation now? You were quite the force to reckon with earlier.”

Miles leaned back, exhaling slowly, “You make it sound like I’m invincible. Remember, I’m still relatively young. Without someone more experienced by my side, I don’t always feel at ease,” he replied, a hint of deceptive vulnerability showing. “Here’s the information about the village and the event. I’ve planned to investigate it in three days, early morning. Anyone willing to join is more than welcome. If you choose not to, that’s your prerogative, and I won’t hold it against you.”

He paused for emphasis, “I won’t sugarcoat it: the chances of survival are bleak. But if we sit idly, we’re doomed anyway. If one of us manages to uncover the secret, the survival method can be spread among us. But that’s only if everyone pulls their weight.”

Miles knew he was playing a game of high stakes. He suspected the supernatural event wasn’t routine. But with his unique connection to the ghost domain, he wasn’t particularly worried about others vying for the prize. After all, he had managed to outsmart Ethan at the marketplace, and he believed he could do it again if it came to it.

In reality, he viewed potential participants as pawns, unwittingly advancing his own cause.

With a somber expression, he concluded, “That’s all I’ve got. I appreciate the time today, and I don’t intend to overstay. If destiny is kind, I’ll see some of you in three days.”

Without waiting for a reaction, Miles stood up gracefully and exited. Ethan, not wanting to linger either, quickly followed.

The remaining members at the club were left in a contemplative silence, their focus shifted to the details Miles had left behind. For many, it represented a glimmer of hope in a sea of despair.

The dilemma weighed heavily: risk it all for a chance to prolong the awakening of the formidable ghost within themselves, or stay put, resigning to an almost certain fate?


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