Terror Awakening chapter 54

Chapter 54: Sliding Out of the Mall

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Right then, a peculiar and unexpected scene played out inside the shopping center.

Inside, a collection of well-dressed, seemingly accomplished adults found themselves in a most unusual position. They lay flat on their bellies, propelling themselves backward by pushing off with their feet, emulating the backward movement of caterpillars. Even more bizarre was the intermittent expression of delight that flashed across their faces as they engaged in this unusual act.

“It’s working! The ghosts don’t seem to spot us. They’re just hovering in place,” declared Mr. Calm with a tone laced with excitement.

In this odd manner, they had managed to slide from the mall’s fifth level to the fourth, bypassing the section that they had deemed to be the riskiest. If their strange plan continued to work, they hoped to be out of the mall in no time.

But then, a surprised Mr. Calm observed, “Mall Manager Li, how on earth are you sliding so swiftly? You’re already down to the third level?”

While continuing his sliding movement, Mall Manager Li responded, “It felt odd at the outset, but I’ve gotten the hang of it. I feel like I’ve picked up some speed. Mr. Calm, perhaps you’re not adopting the right posture? Observe me, doesn’t my movement appear fluid?”

A frantic voice echoed from behind, “Hold on, don’t abandon me here!” It was Master Catch, whose slightly portly stature meant that he was having a harder time keeping up with the others and was consequently falling behind.

From a distance, Miles observed the spectacle. He watched the ensemble mimic caterpillars, having made their way from the fifth level, and he was overwhelmed with amusement.

Despite the gravity of the situation, none reprimanded Miles for his untimely laughter. After all, it was Miles’s inventive escape technique that was offering them a shot at evading whatever danger lurked in the mall. Yet, it was evident that for a group of adults, this method of evasion was a tad undignified.

Miles then communicated via a walkie-talkie, “River, what’s your status?”

River’s voice, tinged with anxiety, responded, “I’m doing alright. I’m close to accessing the old security footage. Soon, I’ll pinpoint the exact spot of that ghost. It looks like the first incident happened on the fifth floor. You haven’t abandoned me, have you?”

“First, I’ll ensure everyone’s safety, then I’ll circle back for you. Remain stationary, and you’ll be unharmed. Stay connected and alert me immediately if you sense any peril,” Miles consoled.

River’s voice wavered, betraying her fear of being deserted.

The evening had matured by then. The mall’s entrance was punctuated by several police vehicles, and yellow crime scene tape delineated a containment area as the vicinity around the shopping center became sealed off.

An officer named Bright, the captain of the investigative unit for the district, looked at the sealed mall with a mix of exhaustion and concern. “What exactly is unfolding inside that mall?” he pondered aloud.

One of the officers approached Captain Bright with urgency in his steps. “Sir, earlier today we received intel about a potential killer in the vicinity. This individual is believed to be linked with the recent spate of disappearances within this mall. Moreover, some of the neighboring store owners mentioned that roughly an hour prior to the lockdown, the proprietor of the mall, Mr. Calm, had summoned a feng shui expert to assess the mall’s spiritual energy and conduct a specific ritual. To ensure the process went uninterrupted, he had the entire mall closed off. As of now, we are in the dark about the situation inside.”

Captain Bright’s face displayed a mix of resolve and caution. “If the intel is accurate and the suspect is indeed within the confines of this mall, it’s a golden opportunity. Prepare to breach the entrance and initiate the rescue operation.”

The officer saluted, “Understood, sir.”

Without wasting a moment, the team stationed outside set into motion. Equipped with specialized tools, they endeavored to force open the main entrance of the mall. Their expertise shone as the door’s lock gave way swiftly. Yet, as the massive door was pushed open, the team was met with an overpowering, nauseating stench. A few officers gagged, struggling to hold back their revulsion.

Captain Bright’s demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing slightly. With years on the force, dealing with a myriad of grim cases, he was all too familiar with this scent—it was the unmistakable, lingering odor of death.

“Hold your positions,” he ordered sharply. “Do not venture inside just yet.”

He had a sinking feeling that there was more to the mysterious disappearances in this mall than met the eye. Their earlier investigations had been inconclusive, forcing them to seal the mall temporarily.

However, the scene that unfolded next left everyone on site dumbstruck.

Emerging from the mall’s dimly lit interior was a spectacle none had anticipated. A man, smartly dressed in a suit, was propelling himself along the ground in a manner reminiscent of a caterpillar. His face was a mosaic of relief and ecstasy.

Was this some kind of prank?

But then, one by one, more individuals followed suit. Among them were Mr. Calm, the mall’s proprietor, Master Catch, and a handful of other mall staffers who had survived the ordeal. Their methodical sliding motion, originating from the mall’s upper levels, was eerily synchronized as if they had been coached.

“Hold off on any intervention,” Captain Bright commanded. “Let them exit the premises on their own. Everyone else, be on high alert for unforeseen developments.”

For Mall Manager Li, the sight of the flung-open doors and the swarm of police outside was akin to a lifeline. Tears of relief welled in his eyes as he hurtled out, sliding at a speed that would challenge a brisk walker.

Against all odds, he had escaped the nightmarish confines of the mall.

“I’ve made it out! I’m actually alive!” The relief and elation in Mall Manager Li’s voice were palpable, a mixture of amazement and joy he had never experienced before in his life.

“Captain Bright, can you please explain what’s happening?” another voice demanded, clearly unable to make sense of the bizarre scene they had just witnessed.

Captain Bright, with his brows furrowed, admitted, “I wish I could provide an explanation, but I’m as in the dark as you are. We’ll need to debrief them to gather more details.”

Still high on adrenaline, Mall Manager Li called out, “Don’t rush to assist me up. I’m not done sliding just yet.” He seemed determined to slide beyond the police perimeter tape before allowing himself the luxury of standing upright.

From a distance, Miles observed the scene, a sense of satisfaction flooding over him. His unique solution had worked, and in doing so, he had ensured his promised compensation.

Just then, Ethan, who had been among the last to slide out of the mall, quickly got to his feet and approached Miles. “Miles, given the situation inside the mall and your unique talents, I believe we could partner up to capture that ghost. Interested?”

Miles raised an eyebrow, “Why would I risk my life to catch a ghost? Isn’t it a blessing simply to be alive right now?”

Ethan leaned in, his voice conspiratorial, “I initially ventured here with the primary objective of capturing that specific ghost. My assessment indicates that it’s a contained entity, not particularly powerful. But capturing it could prove quite lucrative. My individual capabilities have their limitations, but together, our success rate would skyrocket.”

Miles, intrigued, asked, “How lucrative are we talking?”

Ethan glanced around before whispering, “In the underground market, a captured ghost can be sold for upwards of a hundred million. Major corporations, influential tycoons, and even some secretive government sectors are potential buyers. The rarer and more potent the ghost, the higher its market price. As professionals who tame ghosts, our time on this earth is limited. With such a deal, we could ensure our families’ financial security long after we’re gone.”

Miles countered, “I’m not hard up for cash. Why should I risk it all for some hypothetical jackpot? Besides, today’s earnings alone are a significant boost for my family.”

Ethan continued, trying to sway him, “Harnessing a ghost requires tapping into malevolent spirits. It’s a dangerous game, and after today’s exertions, summoning such power again might unleash uncontrollable forces.”

“I know my limits,” Ethan responded defiantly. “And the risk is worth it. Or will you passively await your eventual demise?”

This angle seemed to resonate with Miles.

Ethan, sensing this, pressed on, “Capturing ghosts isn’t just about wealth. It offers invaluable knowledge. There’s word in Spear City of someone who’s lived problem-free for over six months, even after repeatedly invoking the power of malevolent spirits. It appears they’ve discovered a way to regulate the dormant evil spirit within ghost tamers.” He hesitated for a split second, gauging Miles’s reaction, before disclosing this bombshell.

Understanding the weight of his revelation, Ethan realized that without disclosing this critical information, swaying Miles would’ve been an uphill battle.

Miles’s eyes sharpened with interest, “Is that so?” The allure of the information was undeniable, pulling at the strings of his curiosity and hope.

Flashing memories brought back the disturbing text scrawled on the human skin that he possessed. It promised a revelation on controlling malevolent spirits, set to be unveiled in three months’ time. But given his precarious condition, Miles was acutely aware that three months might be a luxury he didn’t possess. If there was a chance to obtain this knowledge sooner, he couldn’t afford to dawdle. Every day, every hour, was vital.

Entrusting his life to the cryptic promise of an uncertain future wasn’t a gamble Miles was prepared to take. After all, the unsettling inscriptions on the human skin were hardly a reliable source.

Ethan, sensing Miles’s internal conflict, pressed on. “Consider your options swiftly. The ghost remains in the mall for now, maintaining its pattern. Decide before it exits the premises, for tracking a ghost whose behavior you’ve decoded – and one that isn’t excessively formidable – is a rare opportunity.”

Miles hesitated, “Give me a moment to deliberate.”

As he mulled over the proposition, contemplating its risks and rewards, he was interrupted by the approach of Mall Manager Li, accompanied by a handful of police officers.

Pointing accusingly at Miles, Li’s voice trembled with indignation, “This man right here blackmailed and extorted money from me inside the mall. I have the transaction records on my phone which serve as concrete evidence.” He went on to explain the earlier financial coercion he had experienced at Miles’s hands.

An officer, looking sternly at Miles, intoned, “We’ll need your cooperation for a thorough investigation into this matter.”

Miles, taken aback, shot an incredulous glance at Mall Manager Li. Of all the possible outcomes, he hadn’t anticipated this turn of events. Was Li really attempting to embroil him in a legal quagmire now?


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