Terror Awakening chapter 53

Chapter 53: A Shameful Escape

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Once bustling with life and activity, the shopping mall now lay enveloped in a deafening and oppressive silence. Where there used to be the incessant buzz of the elevator and the ever-present echo of footsteps, there was now only quiet. Even the desperate calls for help that once echoed throughout the building had abruptly ceased.

This silence, however, was not one of peace or tranquility. Instead, it carried with it a weight of unease. A pungent odor, so intense it was almost palpable, filled the air, making it hard to breathe. On the fifth floor, a group of motionless figures stood blocking the way. Their skin was ashen, and their bodies showed signs of decomposition, making it clear they had been deceased for quite some time. Yet, these figures had only just appeared from the mall’s hidden nooks and crannies. Referring to them as humans felt wrong; they resembled specters or apparitions.

Amidst this chilling scene, Mr. Calm, a respected business owner from the community, was frozen in terror. The grim tableau in front of him had him paralyzed, and in his fear, he found solace by mentally reciting prayers, pleading with the heavens to grant him protection. He vowed to offer more incense in return, hoping that these acts of faith would see him safely out of this horrific scenario.

After what felt like an eternity, Mr. Calm realized that everything had gone eerily still. He was still alive and untouched by the surrounding horror. Yet, deep down, he understood that this temporary reprieve wasn’t a result of his prayers, but rather due to the timely intervention of Miles.

“Mr. Calm, it’s time to snap out of it. Look at me,” Miles’s voice broke through. “Remember what I told you earlier? Your current safety is fleeting. Your chances of getting out of here alive are slim. But, if you’re willing to compensate me for my expertise, I can guarantee your safe passage.”

With trepidation, Mr. Calm opened his eyes. The sight of the decaying figures made his heart race, but the presence of Miles, very much alive, brought a momentary sigh of relief.

“You can ensure I make it out alive?” Mr. Calm inquired hesitantly.

Miles replied with confidence, “Do you doubt my abilities, Mr. Calm? Haven’t you witnessed who kept you safe just now? Stay low and hidden. We’re safe, for the time being.”

At that moment, Ethan, lying not too far away, interjected, “Don’t let Miles’s young age deceive you. He holds significant influence in Spear City. Trust in his capabilities. As it stands, he’s our only hope. The current predicament is beyond even my expertise. It would be wise to let Miles lead us out, unless of course, you’d rather risk it all.”

Ethan’s words were not entirely altruistic; he knew he lacked the means to capitalize on the situation and thus directed the potentially profitable offer to Miles.

Miles, glancing at his phone, added, “Make up your mind, and do it quickly. I can give you ten minutes at most. After that, I’m leaving.”

His urgency was clear; once night enveloped the mall, the dangers lurking within would only intensify.

Gathering his courage, Mr. Calm posed a question, “What’s your price for ensuring our safety? Would five million be enough?”

Mr. Calm felt a slight ease at the thought of handing over the money to the young man, Miles, rather than to Ethan. In doing so, he hoped to establish a valuable connection and perhaps even foster a friendship. After all, it’s already said that Miles held significant influence in Spear City, making him an individual of notable repute.

Besides, the sum of five million might have been hefty, but it’s negligible when weighed against the cost of his own life.

“Very well, five million it shall be,” Miles replied, a glint of excitement evident in his eyes.

Miles had cleverly used fear as a bargaining tool. By putting Mr. Calm in a state of terror first, he had made the business owner more amenable to parting with a larger sum. Had Miles approached Mr. Calm upfront with such a demand, the latter would have probably balked at the proposal and haggling would have ensued.

“However,” Miles added with a smirk, “I operate on a strict principle: payment upfront, followed by service. If this arrangement sits well with you, initiate the transfer.”

“Of course,” responded Mr. Calm without hesitation. For a businessman of his caliber, five million was a feasible expense.

Turning his attention to another individual, Miles sharply remarked, “You there! I recognize you. Aren’t you Mall Manager Li? Let’s discuss your payment now. Mr. Calm has agreed to a fee of five million for his safe passage. What’s your contribution? Don’t assume I’ll escort you to safety without compensation. If you’re reluctant to pay, I’m perfectly content leaving you behind.”

Mall Manager Li’s complexion drained of color. With a voice quivering with fear, he stammered, “I can’t possibly match that amount. I have only five hundred thousand to my name. I’m merely a mall manager. My assets aren’t vast.”

A smirk crept onto Miles’s face. “I see you trying to play me. But, fortunately for you, I consider myself a benevolent person. Despite our past differences and your previous disdain towards me, I’m not one to hold onto grudges. So, show me your online bank account. If your balance reads less than five hundred thousand, I’ll accept that sum. If it’s more, you’ll need to part with all of it either as payment for my assistance or risk remaining trapped here.”

Miles continued, fixing a stern gaze on the manager, “I’m a man of principle. I assure you, no deceit, no revenge. Now, decide.”

Mall Manager Li’s mouth hung open, struggling to find words.

“Decide quickly. My patience is running thin. If I don’t see the funds soon, I’ll be on my way with just Mr. Calm,” Miles threatened.

“Fine, fine, just take it!” Desperation evident in his eyes, Mall Manager Li begrudgingly handed over his phone.

Miles swiftly accessed the banking app and whistled in surprise, “Well, well, Manager Li. A hefty balance of 1.8 million! Who would’ve thought? It’s intriguing how wealthy some of you seem to be. I can’t quite relate, given my humble background. But now, it appears this wealth is transferring to me. Go on, make the payment.”

Handing back the phone, Miles watched as a defeated Mall Manager Li complied.

The manager seethed inwardly, “This audacious young man. Bumping up his price with such brazenness! It’s nothing short of extortion.” He wished he could confront this audacious security personnel but feared potential repercussions.

But, left with no other alternatives, Mall Manager Li complied, transferring the hefty sum.

Mall Manager Li was now bearing the cost of his discreet financial indiscretions over the years. All the funds he had quietly skimmed from the mall’s earnings were ironically ending up in the hands of a security guard. He had to swallow the bitter realization that money, no matter how vast, was a renewable resource. But once his life was snuffed out, there was no returning.

Resignedly, he completed the transfer.

With that transaction behind him, Miles’s gaze shifted towards another individual, Master Catch. Walking over, he wore a mockingly thankful expression and clasped the man’s visibly shaking hand.

“Master Catch,” began Miles, “it’s indeed a day to remember. Your ingenious plan to lock down the mall has not only resulted in the untimely demise of your own disciples but also claimed many innocent mall employees.”

“I myself had a close shave with death. It’s commendable, really, how one can craft their own ruin so spectacularly.”

He continued, raising his eyebrows playfully, “Considering your earlier spectacular door-locking performance, I think it’s only fair you get some unique treatment from me.” Miles gave a sarcastic thumbs-up.

If Master Catch hadn’t initiated the lockdown, the exit routes would have remained open, providing everyone with a chance to flee. Consequently, many lives could have been saved.

Clearly overwhelmed, Master Catch struggled for words. His complexion oscillated between shades of dread and fury. Taking a deep breath, he finally muttered, “I possess a little over three million at the moment. The rest of my wealth is safeguarded in my home safe. I’ll hand over everything I have on me right now, just ensure my safety. I recognize the error of my ways and am willing to make amends. Can we move past this?”

Miles smirked, “Master Catch, are you under the impression that I’m simply out for a quick buck? Given Mr. Calm’s generous contribution of five million, and considering your profession as a Feng Shui master, I’d expect a more significant sum from you. How about we settle on an auspicious number – eight million? If you’re short on cash, perhaps you can provide other valuables as collateral.”

Reluctantly, Master Catch transferred the three million to Miles. To bridge the remaining amount, he handed over a designer wristwatch, a valuable jade pendant, keys to a luxury vehicle, and other miscellaneous valuables.

Grinning, Miles said, “With a total of over ten million now, I guess I’ve joined the league of the loathed affluent.” He laughed as he confirmed the balance on his phone.

In a different life, even with years of dedication and rigorous work, accumulating such a sum would’ve been unattainable for him. But as a ghost tamer, this massive fortune had been procured in a mere day.

He mused about how foreign ghost tamers often operated akin to mercenaries, opting for perilous assignments with substantial payoffs. The temptation of such a lifestyle was evidently irresistible.

Growing increasingly anxious, Mr. Calm inquired, “When do you plan to lead us out of this mess?”

“Right now,” replied Miles, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

Navigating his way to the storeroom, he came upon a somber sight. Sister Pear’s lifeless body lay sprawled, and from her grasp, he gently extracted the key to the front door.

“Listen closely,” Miles instructed the group as he held up the key, “You must heed my earlier advice – stay as low as possible, your backs grazing the floor as you move.”

Mall Manager Li, visibly puzzled, questioned, “How do you expect us to walk with our backs practically touching the ground?”

Miles elaborated, “Have you ever observed a caterpillar’s movement? It’s much the same. Think of it as backstroke swimming, but on land. It’s not as challenging as it sounds.”

Li’s indignation was evident. “So, you’re suggesting we, dignified adults, mimic crawling like toddlers or insects? While you stride about confidently? Are you ridiculing us?”

Miles, maintaining his cool, retorted, “Remember, I have the skills to manage these spirits. Do you? If you’re more concerned about your dignity than your life, by all means, stand tall. But don’t expect me to intervene when things go south.”

Mortified, Li took a deep breath and, swallowing his pride, started propelling himself backward, using his feet for momentum. His body slid smoothly across the floor in a caterpillar-like manner.

“Am I doing this right?” he inquired, looking up at Miles.

Miles gave an affirming nod, “Exactly like that. You’ve got the hang of it rather quickly. Smooth and fast. Well-executed.”


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