The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Good News and Bad News

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

The air around Fufeng Mountain was filled with ominous roars from every direction, causing Song Yu’s scalp to prickle with unease. High atop the mountain, nestled amidst dense forests, the atmosphere had turned eerily foreboding, indicating they were likely surrounded by vast numbers.

Lu Chao Chao, beaming with a wide grin, joyfully clapped her chubby hands and exclaimed, “They are having such a great time…”

A chill ran down Song Yu’s spine. He crouched to meet Chao Chao’s eye level and asked gently, “Chao Chao, did you bring these creatures here?”

With innocent blinks, Chao Chao patted her chest and cheerfully replied, “Friends, my friends.”

Without pressing further, Song Yu picked up Chao Chao and began to retrace their steps. Initially, they had been attacked by wild beasts, but now, with Chao Chao in his arms, the beasts not only avoided them but seemed to show a form of deference. Deep inside, Song Yu harbored a growing sense of foreboding.

Suddenly, a member of their group came running, panting and anxious. “Head, it’s bad news. The royal court has dispatched troops to suppress us, and they’ve reached the foot of the mountain.”

With wild beasts on one side and royal troops on the other, their situation seemed increasingly dire.

“Head, our contact in the capital is unreachable!” another member announced.

Song Yu furrowed his brows, rubbing the jade ring on his finger, his throat tightening.

“Has our contact been compromised?” another voice chimed in.

The messenger hesitated before responding, “Not yet. It seems he’s cut off all communication with Fufeng Mountain. After the recent crackdown on a high-ranking official, he’s gone silent. Maybe he’s frightened?”

A heavy silence fell over the group, the gravity of their predicament weighing on them.

Amidst the tension, the third-in-command pointed accusingly at Lu Chao Chao. “Is it these newcomers who attracted the trouble? When they arrived, the beasts stirred. Now with the beasts descending the mountain and our lines to the capital cut, it must be their doing!”

At that moment, Yuan Man and three maids were brought forth, bound with thick ropes. Only Xuan Yin remained composed, standing silently beside Lu Chao Chao.

“Kill them?” the second-in-command asked.

“And risk angering the beasts further or provoking a major conflict with the royal troops?” one wary voice among the crowd questioned.

The group fell silent again, pondering their next move.

But Song Yu, looking at Chao Chao, speculated, “Little girl, you must have some powerful backing.”

Chao Chao, puzzled, looked up at the sky then shook her head, indicating she had no powerful connections. “I have no one above me,” she declared simply.

Despite their tight management of the local magistrate and strong influence in Anning County, the latest urgent message from the county was a single, ominous word: Danger!

Song Yu continued to probe, “Chao Chao, what relation is the Xu family to you?”

“My maternal grandfather,” Chao Chao responded softly, her voice sweet and clear.

His overnight inquiries in the capital had confirmed her words. Where had they gone wrong?

“I didn’t expect such a little one as you to cause so much trouble,” Song Yu said, bewildered by the unfolding events.

Taking his remark as a compliment, Chao Chao shyly smiled, thinking he was praising her strength.

“You have connections to the royal family, which surprises me,” Song Yu mused, as it was clear the royal family regarded her highly.

Chao Chao’s eyes sparkled as she began excitedly, “Uncle King…”

Song Yu was puzzled. “Uncle? King?”

Chao Chao continued, her eyes gleaming, “Uncle gave me a jade. In a fight, I can call many, many people…”

Stunned, Song Yu realized she was referring to a personal jade token from the king—a symbol of royal favor.

“Auntie Princess, jade! Uncle King, jade! Granny Dowager, jade!” Chao Chao gestured dramatically, her expression animated, “So many, many jades… I don’t like them. Chao Chao doesn’t like them…” She waved dismissively.

Song Yu was left speechless, while the adults exchanged perplexed glances.

“What on earth did Sister Dong bring back? She might be more favored than a princess?” exclaimed the second-in-command.

“With troops at the mountain’s base, we need to send her back quickly,” declared the third-in-command grimly.

Yuan Man’s expression lightened briefly before Lu Chao Chao burst out, “Not go, not go, I’m not going home! I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want!” Tears welled up in her eyes, her frustration palpable.

Song Yu nearly broke down himself. Caught between the pressures of wild beasts and gathering troops, he was overwhelmed. After expelling the beasts earlier, the troops were still a looming threat.

Eventually, he got an idea and quickly retrieved the foods he ordered the cook to make today. Song Yu sighed as he fed Chao Chao, who ate with evident delight.

Soon, the little girl’s head drooped, her eyelids heavy, and she muttered, “Sleepy… so sleepy.” Before she could finish, she was fast asleep, snoring softly on the table.

“Ride fast, take her to the city gate,” Song Yu instructed the group, feeling the weight of exhaustion.

Selecting a trusted man, he had Chao Chao carried down the mountain. “Drop her at the city gate and return quickly. Her presence will surely draw attention, and she will be taken home promptly.”

Xuan Yin felt a knot in her stomach as she watched Chao Chao being carried away by herself, leaving them to leave in a second group in the rear.

“You little maidens are lucky to have come to Fufeng Mountain and leave unharmed,” spat one of the men.

Had it not been for the waiting troops, they might have faced harsher consequences. However, urgency dictated the bandits’ actions; they did nothing more than hustle them down the mountain. And for Lu Chao Chao, she was sent back to the city via a shortcut early. It felt like a surreal, exhausting dream.

When she awoke, cold and disoriented, Chao Chao found herself lying on the cold ground near the imposing city gate.

“Sister Xuan Yin?” she called out groggily, her face marked with drool.

Her milk bottle gone, the surroundings dark with only a faint light from the city gate, she began to crawl toward it.

A woman’s voice then reached her from behind, “Little girl, did you get lost? It’s so cold today, which family is so careless. Come, come, come, follow auntie. Auntie will warm you up, don’t be scared. I’ll take you home.”

The woman emerged from the shadows, quickly scooping up Chao Chao and covering her mouth as she hurried her onto a bullock cart.

Stunned and slow to react, Chao Chao found herself speeding toward the city outskirts on the creaking cart. The scenery became increasingly familiar.

Bad news: She had been kidnapped again.

Bad news: Kidnapped back to Fufeng Village.

Song Yu sat in his chair, wondering: As dawn breaks, will Fufeng Mountain return to its usual peace, won’t it?


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