The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Let It All Be Destroyed

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

In a moment of tender contemplation, the king’s gaze fell upon Chao Chao, brimming with warmth and affection. He silently mused, “Why isn’t this child my own daughter?”

Lowering himself to her level, the king’s voice was gentle as he asked, “Chao Chao, would you like to have a different father?”

Nearby, the crown prince shuddered violently, witnessing a side of his father he had never seen before—a side that seemed as deceptive as a wolf cloaked in sheep’s clothing.

At that time, Chao Chao was contentedly sipping water from her milk bottle, the little bell on her head ringing clearly as she moved. She had just enjoyed a hearty meal of roast chicken.

Curiously, she looked up and asked, “Will you play with me?” Her own father rarely engaged in play with her.

The king’s response was enthusiastic. “Of course, I’ll play with you. I’m skilled in hunting, chess, waging wars, martial arts, and even hide and seek. I’m a man of many talents and a scholar too.”

“I’m certainly no less capable than your current father,” he boasted with a slight air of pride.

Lu Chao Chao, unimpressed, waved her hand dismissively.

“Can you braid hair?” she challenged him, pointing to her own tangled locks.

The king paused, taken aback, then conceded, “Uh… I can learn.”

With a thoughtful nod, the king commanded, “Cheng Xi, bring some of the young princes to play with Chao Chao in the palace.”

“And send a message to the Xu family, letting them know Chao Chao will be staying with us today,” he added, thinking it beneficial for her to get acquainted with the palace environment.

“How about staying overnight?” he suggested. “We have several new royal dishes that are sweet and sour, very tasty. I’ve brought in chefs especially to prepare delightful treats for children.”

Lu Chao Chao’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Yes, yes, yes!”

The king’s expression grew more somber.

The crown prince’s eyes flickered, contemplating the significant implications of integrating Chao Chao and her siblings from the Xu family into the royal family—a prospect both thrilling and formidable. The traditional court officials would undoubtedly be shocked.

“Father… Father…” he began nervously as several young princes filed into the royal study and knelt respectfully beside the king.

The royal lineage was a complex affair: the queen, the primary consort, had her son later, placing the crown prince third in line. The eldest prince, born to Consort Hui, had moved out at fifteen. The second prince, born to Consort Qin, was currently studying at the royal academy at age twelve. The crown prince, now eight, was followed by the fourth prince, Xie Jun An, who was six and about to leave the palace with Consort Xian. The fifth and sixth princes, both five, the seventh prince, four, and the youngest, three, were all impeccably groomed and chosen for their charm.

“Take good care of sister Chao Chao. If she cries, you’ll be in trouble,” the king instructed as he dismissed them. The princes, under strict orders from their mothers, vowed to keep Chao Chao happy.

As they left, Little Five suddenly clasped his chest, amazed, “Oh my god, Father actually smiled at me!”

“Seeing Father makes my legs tremble; he’s so scary,” Little Six whispered, shrinking back.

“Sister Chao Chao, aren’t you scared of Father?” asked the seventh prince.

Chao Chao looked puzzled. “Uncle is not scary; he’s a good uncle… How could he be scary?”

Back in the study, the crown prince looked up at his father, pondering their future together, “Father, do you want them to grow up together?”

The king nodded firmly. “Chao Chao is a heavenly treasure. We must keep her close. If I can’t marry Madam Xu, we must prepare for all possibilities.”

“These princes, growing up together, will inevitably form strong bonds. If they are destined, it will be their blessing,” the king mused, his plans crystallizing in his mind.

Outside, laughter echoed as the princes crafted clay figures by the pond, their joy reaching back to the king.

“Father, we’re here…” announced the fifth prince, proudly showing the clay figures.

“We’ve taken good care of sister; she had a lot of fun with us,” they chimed in unison.

The king’s curiosity was piqued. “What did you compete in?”

“Standing up peeing! Seeing who can pee the highest and farthest!” the fifth prince exclaimed, waving his hand excitedly.

“Father, I won!” he declared proudly.

The king was stunned, his grand visions for a harmonious childhood quickly dissolving.

“We also used pee to mix with the mud for the figures. The leftover mud was made into beggar’s chicken, which we sent to the royal kitchen,” the children continued, oblivious to the king’s mounting dismay.

The king, seeing the beggar’s chicken steaming on the tray—already missing a few bites—and hearing about their unhygienic adventures, felt his world spin.

This was not the childhood bonding he had envisioned.

“A bunch of hopeless things, let it all be destroyed,” he sighed, relinquishing his grand plans for a harmonious royal childhood.


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