The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Believing in Chao Chao Brings Eternal Life

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

During the New Year’s feast, the atmosphere was tinged with a peculiar sense of unease. Madame Xu remained detached, her expression unchanging, while the matriarch of the family appeared visibly disheartened. Amidst this somber setting, only Lu Yuan Xiao and Gu Ling seemed to find joy, engaging in lively toasts and fully immersing themselves in the festive spirit.

Lu Chao Chao, on the other hand, was growing increasingly agitated, her thoughts running wild with frustration. [Enough with the drinking already! Can’t you see it’s time to move on? I’m eager to witness the lantern festival, to bask in the glow of the lanterns! This old Bipeng, constantly babbling in his drunken stupor, won’t ever stop!] She mentally ranted, her patience wearing thin.

The mention of “old Bipeng” caught everyone off guard, especially Lu Zheng Yue, who found the term vulgar and unsettling, leading to a fit of uncontrollable coughing. “Cough, cough, cough… old Bipeng??” He was puzzled as he’s never heard of the term.

Madame Xu couldn’t help but react when she noticed Chao Chao on the verge of a meltdown, her tolerance reaching its limit. [This is unbearable! Am I to be underestimated, thought of as weak? Though I may be young and seemingly powerless, I’m not to be trifled with!] Chao Chao seethed internally.

Sensing the brewing storm, Madame Xu intervened with a grand gesture, suggesting the younger members of the family retire early to spare the adults any further disturbances. “Let’s allow the children to rest, we wouldn’t want to dampen the spirits of the evening,” she said with a strategic smile, just as Deng Zhi moved to calm Chao Chao, who was on the brink of causing a scene.

Lu Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this decision. The thought of Chao Chao’s notorious tantrums—marked by a spectacle of flying food and saliva—was enough to worry anyone who had witnessed them before.

Chao Chao, however, seemed pleased with the outcome, her mood brightening as she caught on to her mother’s cue. [Ah, Mama knows me best. Love you…] she thought, her eyes gleaming with affection.

“Father, with your permission, I shall take my siblings to rest,” announced Lu Yan Shu, gracefully addressing the elders from his wheelchair, signaling the end of their participation in the night’s festivities.

Lu Zheng Yue exchanged a meaningful look with Lu Yan Shu, a hint of sadness momentarily clouding his joy at the gesture.

“I’ll check on Wan Yi,” declared the elderly matriarch, excusing herself from the gathering as well.

In the quiet that followed their departure, Gu Ling couldn’t help but express a poignant thought to Lu Yuan Xiao. “Brother, how much better things would have been if Yan Shu could have taken charge of your family’s estate. It’s a pity his condition limits him so,” he lamented, a note of regret in his voice despite his tipsiness. “Forgive me if I speak out of turn; the alcohol loosens my tongue.”

Lu Yuan Xiao’s response was marked by a sobering clarity, the weight of reality grounding his thoughts. “Indeed, the responsibilities of my family’s lineage cannot be entrusted to someone bound by physical limitations.”

In his view, Jing Huai, now grown and fully capable, was deemed by many to be a pillar strong enough to support the Marquis House on his own—valued at ten times the worth of Lu Yan Shu.

Meanwhile, Lu Yan Shu found solace and purpose in his studies, standing tall and leaning against a window, his focus entirely absorbed by the book.

As the New Year’s Day festivities commenced, the capital city came alive with vibrant lights and decorations. Streets were adorned with red lanterns and windows showcased intricate paper-cuts. The bustling market stalls, vibrant and loud, attracted crowds of young people, their faces bright with smiles. Amidst this colorful spectacle, Lu Chao Chao, with her eyes wide in wonder, was particularly captivated by the joyful scene.

“Candy… candy…” she expressed her longing for the candied hawthorn, its sweet allure impossible to resist.

Lu Yuan Xiao indulged her by purchasing an entire candy stick decorated with orange and hawthorn treats that gleamed with sesame seeds, earning himself a delighted kiss from Lu Chao Chao.

However, her excitement didn’t stop at the sweets. Upon spotting shiny rouge in a nearby shop, her eyes sparkled with desire. Lu Zheng Yue, caught off guard by her interest in such adult adornments, initially hesitated, explaining, “You’re still too young for rouge, that’s for grown-ups.”

Yet, unable to resist her imploring gaze, he eventually succumbed and bought her a small bottle of the bright red rouge, which she eagerly pocketed. Her fascination with vibrant colors seemed innate, even at her tender age.

As they continued their stroll, Lu Chao Chao noticed a familiar figure nearby, selecting jewelry—a graceful girl who caught her attention. It was then that Lu Zheng Yue, upon realizing they were in the vicinity of Wen Ning, his fiancée, tried to redirect Chao Chao’s attention elsewhere.

Confused by her brother’s sudden evasion, Lu Chao Chao attempted to call out but was quickly silenced by him. With his head bowed, Lu Zheng Yue led them swiftly to another shop, leaving Chao Chao feeling a mix of anger and betrayal.

[Why avoid my future sister-in-law? Why?] she thought, frustrated by his actions.

Lu Zheng Yue, burdened with guilt, finally confessed to Chao Chao. “I once harbored feelings for Su Zhi Qing, betraying Wen Ning in the process,” he admitted, revealing a moment of weakness that led him to question his loyalty to his engagement with Wen Ning despite never acting upon his attraction to Su Zhi Qing.

Looking back at things, Lu Zheng Yue found it weird how deeply captivated he was by Su Zhi Qing. It was as if his consciousness was overloaded with her presence, eliminating the possibility of thinking about anything—or anyone—else. However, it was Lu Chao Chao’s intervention that snapped him out of this infatuation, helping him to gradually regain his clarity as though waking from a deeply disorienting dream. Now, faced with Wen Ning, his feelings of guilt intensified, making it even harder for him to confront her emotions towards him.

With her innocent yet perceptive gaze, Lu Chao Chao seemed to grasp the complexity of the situation, yet also not fully comprehend the emotional depths. [But, Second Pot, you can’t blame yourself. Your diversion from Sister-in-law to Su Zhi Qing was preordained by fate. At that time, you were merely caught in destiny’s current, powerless to resist.]

She believed in the overwhelming force of fate, steering lives away from their intended paths, suggesting that resisting such predestined paths was beyond any mere mortal, including her second brother. With a confident lift of her head, she reassured him, [Now that you have me, I’ve altered the course fate had set for you, granting you the chance to pursue the life truly meant for you.]

This perspective left Lu Zheng Yue speechless for a moment, then filled with a newfound sense of hope.

[If you continue to overlook Sister Wen Ning, she is going to suffer again. Don’t you wish to be her protector?] Chao Chao spat her tongue out in displeasure and sprinkled her drool on his face.

“But… I… I’m afraid,” the boy confessed, reflecting on his past actions—how he had once boldly defied his mother for Su Zhi Qing, despite the confusion that clouded his judgment at the time. Now, with a clear mind, he realized his genuine affection for Wen Ning, his heart racing with the admission, yet still, he found himself paralyzed by fear to act on these feelings.

Seeing her brother’s continued hesitation, Lu Chao Chao assured him with a promise of support, “Chao Chao help!” She envisioned a plan to makeover her brother in such a way that would leave Wen Ning spellbound at first glance, hopelessly in love.

Lu Yuan Xiao, overhearing their conversation, was taken aback by his sister’s ambitious plan, skeptical yet intrigued by her confidence.

Lu Zheng Yue, though doubtful, considered that his sister’s perspective as a girl—albeit one not yet a year old—might offer insights far beyond his own capabilities, instilling in him an unexpected trust in her ability to navigate this delicate situation.

As they continued their preparations, Lu Zheng Yue observed his younger brother carefully selecting and purchasing various items, all aimed at enhancing his appearance and appeal. The first step in their plan was to emphasize Lu Zheng Yue’s scholarly nature, a trait highly regarded in their culture.

[Scholars often carry a fan,] Lu Chao Chao mused, handing him a fan to complement his scholarly demeanor.

Holding the fan, Lu Zheng Yue struck a thoughtful pose, looking the part of a learned man, although he couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place, wielding a fan amidst the snowy landscape, which made him look rather eccentric.

[Next, we need to make sure she notices you,] Lu Chao Chao inwardly declared with determination.

She presented him with an exquisite gold-trimmed robe, urging him to try it on with her baby babble. Despite his initial hesitation, Lu Zheng Yue complied and changed into the robe. Upon reappearing, he was met with a wave of astonishment; everyone’s gaze was instantly drawn to him, leaving no doubt of the robe’s impressive effect.

[See? Did it work?] Lu Chao Chao gleefuly yelped, visibly pleased with herself, her hands patting her chest in pride.

Lu Zheng Yue, witnessing the turning heads and admiring stares, felt a surge of confidence, acknowledging the success of the robe in capturing everyone’s attention.

The final touch in their plan was to showcase the wealth and status of the Marquis’s house, a critical element in the courtship process. With a sense of gravitas, Lu Chao Chao produced a hefty gold chain and a large ring, adorning her brother with these symbols of affluence and nobility. She meticulously arranged these items on him, ensuring that he embodied the very essence of the Marquis’s house’s wealth.

Lu Zheng Yue, now fully adorned, stood ready to dazzle his prospect. Lu Chao Chao was convinced that her efforts would impress and deeply move Wen Ning, bringing her to tears of happiness at the sight of him. The transformation was complete, and they were all eager to see the fruits of their labor.


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2 thoughts on “The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 72

  1. I don’t think this will have the estimated effect… it sounds hella stupid. Like when you let your baby sister do your hair and make-up and wind up looking like a clown.

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