The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 68

Chapter 68: The Paralyzed Man Stood Up

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

On the eve of the New Year, as she made her way back to the lavish Marquis’s Mansion, Madam Xu immediately immersed herself in the bustling preparations for the celebration. The mansion was brilliantly illuminated, every nook adorned with festive decor, resonating with the sounds of joy and laughter from those within.

In a remarkable display of generosity, Madam Xu announced to the gathered household staff, “As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication each of you has shown. As a token of my appreciation, I am offering each of you a red envelope containing twice the amount of this month’s salary.”

Her announcement was greeted with deep bows and heartfelt thanks from all those present.

Amid the festivities, Su Zhi Qing, dressed elegantly in a style favored by the Marquis, approached to collect her monthly allowance, looking as radiant as a blooming lotus.

“Madam, may you enjoy boundless wealth and health,” she greeted Madam Xu, her voice carrying a hint of concern despite the formalities. “I noticed that the Marquis hasn’t returned yet. May I ask about his whereabouts?”

Madam Xu replied with measured detachment, “The Marquis left the palace early today. His responsibilities to the state are demanding, and he likely won’t return until much later tonight. Please, do not wait up for him. Go to your quarters and rest. If he doesn’t make it back for tomorrow’s ancestral worship ceremony, I will ensure that your name is formally added to the family register. Your efforts in saving Yue’er have not gone unnoticed; be assured that we will honor our debt to you.”

A flicker of irritation passed over Su Zhi Qing’s face, quickly masked by a veneer of politeness.

Pei Jiao Jiao! He must have gone to see her!

Holding back her frustration, Su Zhi Qing thanked Madam Xu and left gracefully, her departure to Qingping Court marked by a deliberate sway of her hips.

Madam Xu’s lips curled into a knowing smile, though her eyes remained sharp and calculating.

Lu Yuan Ze, after all my years of loyalty and service to this household, you dare to divide your affections, secretly maintaining another family. Can you truly face the repercussions of your deceit?

“Madam, the clan elders from the ancestral home in Clear Creek Village have arrived,” Deng Zhi murmured, interrupting her thoughts.

The Lu family originated from Clear Creek Village, where the old Marquis had rallied to the king’s cause, earning his noble status before relocating the family to the capital, while the elders remained to oversee the ancestral lands.

“Arrange for their accommodations in the nearby property,” Madam Xu instructed, maintaining a tradition upheld annually when the elders visited to mark the year’s end.

As the evening progressed and another concern weighed on her mind, she asked, “And what of the old madam?”

Deng Zhi’s face clouded with displeasure, “She has decided to spend the entire night in prayer at the small Buddhist hall, ushering in the New Year alone.”

It appeared that the old lady’s devotion to her grandson, Lu Jing Huai, now in the prime of his youth, had deepened further, highlighting the complex network of loyalties and tensions within the Marquis’s Mansion on this festive occasion.

“It’s alright; we can still enjoy a peaceful New Year’s Eve dinner, just the family,” Madam Xu’s tone softened, revealing a rare warmth. It had been a long time since she last enjoyed such simple, unguarded moments with her children, having been preoccupied with her life’s dramas and commitments, especially those involving Lu Yuan Ze, to which she had unintentionally given her heart.

“Our small kitchen has prepared the meal, and we’ve set up a barbecue grill in the courtyard to keep the plum wine warm,” Deng Zhi announced cheerfully, describing a scene of a cozy, intimate gathering.

The atmosphere in Tingfeng Yard was filled with a unique anticipation and warmth.

“This year marks the first New Year’s celebration with Chao Chao among us,” Lu Zheng Yue reflected, holding Chao Chao tenderly. The addition of Chao Chao had brought an irreplaceable warmth and joy to their home, strengthening its very foundation.

Meanwhile, Lu Yan Shu was deeply absorbed in a book by the window, his movements deliberate and strong. After a moment, he closed the book and braced himself against the table, preparing to stand with a determination that contradicted his physical limitations.

“Young master, may I assist you?” a servant asked, noticing his effort.

“Step back,” Lu Yan Shu ordered, his voice a mixture of strength and resolve. As he pushed himself to stand, his arms trembled under his weight, a clear sign of his immense willpower. Sweat formed on his forehead, but his eyes shone with an unyielding resolve.

This was not merely an attempt to stand; it was a struggle for something greater. After being paralyzed, feeling pain in his legs was a sign of hope—a signal that strength was returning.

As he finally stood, though unsteadily, the pain was intense but strangely gratifying. It represented life and possibility.

The servant, overwhelmed with emotion, hurried out to inform the others, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to convey the miracle he had just witnessed.

In a rush of concern and confusion, Madam Xu and the rest of the family hurried to Lu Yan Shu’s side.

“Yan Shu, are you alright?” they asked, their voices a blend of worry and hope.

“Big Brother, what’s happening?” Lu Zheng Yue entered quickly.

Perched on her third brother’s shoulder, Lu Chao Chao was blissfully unaware as she sipped from her bottle, occasionally letting out a contented burp.

In the midst of the commotion, Lu Yan Shu stood there, a gentle smile on his face, his gaze soft yet filled with an indomitable spirit.

Seeing this, Madam Xu could not contain her tears; they flowed freely as she exclaimed, “Yan Shu, Yan Shu has stood up!”

Lu Yuan Xiao’s response was a mix of fierce joy and protectiveness, “Big Brother isn’t paralyzed anymore! Anyone who says otherwise will have to answer to me!”

Lu Yuan Xiao had earned a reputation at the academy for fiercely defending his brother. Any suggestion that his brother was permanently paralyzed met with his strong opposition, leading to numerous confrontations and punishments from their father, a testament to his unwavering loyalty.

As his family’s tears of joy and surprise flowed, Lu Yan Shu experienced a deep emotional surge. Emboldened by the moment, he took a tentative step forward, only to falter. Quick hands from his family steadied him, a clear demonstration of their support and love.

“Don’t worry, my son,” Madam Xu sobbed, her emotions raw. “One step is just the beginning. You’ll take another, and then another, and soon, you’ll be walking just as you used to. To see you stand once again is a gift I never dared hope for.”

Her eldest son’s condition had been a constant source of heartache. Despite Chao Chao’s promise of healing, Madam Xu’s heart had been weighed down by years of disappointments, making it difficult for her to harbor hope.

Though visibly moved by the support, Lu Yan Shu regained his composure as he sat back in his wheelchair. “Mother, give me half a year,” he declared with serene confidence, “and I will walk as I did before. At the autumn examinations, I will not only participate but will secure the title of top scholar.” His voice was steady, reflecting his inherent brilliance and ambition.

Madam Xu, understanding the delicate nature of their situation, instructed, “Let’s keep the news of Yan Shu’s recovery within our walls for now.” The room, secured by Deng Zhi and filled only with close family members, was a safe space for such intimate revelations.

“We’ll keep it under wraps,” Lu Yuan Xiao declared, his determination morphing into a playful challenge. “And when the time is right, we’ll surprise them all.”

The room, buoyed by this shared secret, erupted into laughter and light-hearted banter, a united front poised for a future filled with triumphs.

In the midst of this familial warmth, Lu Chao Chao, young yet observant, offered her New Year’s greetings with an adorable earnestness, her voice cheerful though slightly muffled by her inexperience with words.

“Mama, Happy Wah Year,” she beamed, her efforts at speech marking the tenderness of her age.

“Big Pot, Happy Wah Year,” she continued, her greetings extending to each family member with a heartfelt, if not entirely articulate, enthusiasm.

Her efforts were rewarded with a generous array of red envelopes, her eyes sparkling with the simple joy of the tradition.

“Hide money!” Declaring her intention to secure her newfound wealth, she scampered off, a child’s innocence blending seamlessly with the night’s earlier profound moments.

“She’s definitely going to hide it under the bed in that small box. That’s where she keeps all her treasures,” Head Maid Deng Zhi commented, the scene unfolding with lightheartedness contrasting the evening’s earlier emotional intensity.

With the solemnity only a child can muster for their prized possessions, Lu Chao Chao tucked away her red envelopes and snacks into her secret cache, casting a judgmental eye over her collection of jade pendants. “These broken things, not worth hiding!” she muttered to herself, her actions and decisions echoing the resilience and spirit of her family.

This New Year’s Eve, within the walls of the mansion, was a testament to the enduring strength and unity of the family, a harbinger of hope and recovery.


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