The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Morning Cries in Despair

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

“Husband, why do you insult me like this? I am the mother of our children, three sons and a daughter. Even if you disregard Yan Shu, I deserve more respect than those despicable people you’re comparing me to,” Madame Xu declared with a touch of rebellion in her voice, causing Lu Yuan Ze’s anger to become visibly apparent.

“The child you’re referring to was born out of wedlock, a poor kid marked by his birth, hidden from the world. How can you think of associating him with our respectable family name? You might not think highly of me, but that doesn’t justify disrespecting me,” Madame Xu said, clearly striking a nerve with Lu Yuan Ze, whose irritation was evident.

“A person’s worth isn’t determined by their birth circumstances. Jing Huai is a kind-hearted child,” Lu Yuan Ze argued, struggling to contain his growing anger.

“To call a prostitute’s child a hero is laughable,” Madame Xu dismissed.

“Stop!” Lu Yuan Ze shouted, his tone initially harsh but then softening, as if he regretted his words. “Let’s not discuss this any further; I was only joking. I have my wife, and Yan Shu is enough.”

Madame Xu didn’t respond, leaving her position unclear.

“My love, where is that jade pendant you used to wear so elegantly? Can I take a closer look at that intricate piece? It seems to have a rich history.” He was hinting at a jade pendant, a valuable family treasure passed down through the Xu family, usually from mother to daughter.

This pendant, whose origin was a mystery to many, was especially cherished by Madame Xu’s mother. Before Madame Xu got married, her mother entrusted her with this important family heirloom, warning her never to part with it. On their wedding night, as Madame Xu showed off the pendant, Lu Yuan Ze became curious about it.

“Do you mean the Auspicious Dragon Pendant?” Madame Xu asked.

“Yes, that’s the one,” Lu Yuan Ze confirmed.

Madame Xu firmly replied, “This pendant cannot be borrowed; it’s meant to be passed down to the daughters of the Xu family.” Lu Yuan Ze, noticing Madame Xu’s subtle sign of disdain as she fanned her nose, took it as an affront and quickly left Tingfeng Yard.

Alone, Madame Xu pondered over Lu Yuan Ze’s peculiar interest in the Auspicious Dragon Pendant, her mind occupied with this puzzle until dawn.

“The Auspicious Dragon Pendant? Madam, you can’t give it to him; it’s an invaluable Xu family heirloom. If your family found out, they’d be furious,” Deng Zhi joked while doing Madame Xu’s hair.

Sitting cross-legged on the couch, eagerly awaiting roasted sweet potatoes from Ying Xue, Lu Chao Chao suddenly perked up, her interest piqued.

[The Auspicious Dragon Pendant? Why does that sound so familiar?] she thought, annoyed as she tugged at her hair buns, almost pulling them off her head. [Isn’t that the jade pendant my mama intended to give to that fake daughter?]

Frustrated after sensing her daughter’s thoughts, Madame Xu went to retrieve the pendant. She went through several layers of cabinets until she found a large sandalwood box. After unlocking multiple locks, she carefully removed the Auspicious Dragon Pendant.

Seeing the pendant made Lu Chao Chao sit up straight, completely drawn to its deep spiritual energy.

“This pendant truly has a unique aura. Just being near it makes me feel energized and joyful,” Deng Zhi observed, carefully avoiding touching the pendant. The pendant, made of exceptionally clear white jade and decorated with patterns of clouds, looked almost heavenly, as if it was not from this world. Merely holding the pendant felt warming and calming, bringing a sense of tranquility and comfort.

“Clearly, someone with bad intentions wants its beauty for themselves,” Deng Zhi speculated, showing a bit of scorn.

Madame Xu laughed, “In his dreams! This jewel is meant for my Chao Chao.” She began to suspect that Lu Yuan Ze’s interest might have been for personal gain.

Could there be magical properties to the pendant she wasn’t aware of? Even though she had handled it many times, Madame Xu had never noticed anything unusual.

Meanwhile, Lu Chao Chao happily ate her roasted sweet potato and drank some soup, keeping an eye on Madame Xu. She felt a strong, instinctive connection to the Auspicious Dragon Pendant, not from memories, but from a deep recognition.

[Let me see it… Mama, please look at me…] Lu Chao Chao thought, eagerly trying to capture her mother’s attention.

Madame Xu, moved by her daughter’s look of desire, gave in. “Here you go, my sweet Chao Chao…” She decided it was time to stop holding back, realizing the pendant was always meant for Chao Chao.

Holding the pendant, Lu Chao Chao examined it closely, her curiosity turning to shock.

[Could this be the same item I once had?] she pondered, staring intently. She realized that this pendant, which she had used as a storage item in her past life as a cultivator and had reluctantly given away along with its precious contents, had somehow returned to her.

As she whispered a spell, a powerful energy burst from the pendant, indicating the awakening of its hidden powers.

As Lu Chao Chao looked at the jade pendant, seeing its light fade, she instinctively closed her eyes, realizing something profound. She felt immense relief as she sensed her storage space merging with her consciousness through the Auspicious Dragon Pendant.

With a bittersweet smile, she reflected on the irony of how the protagonist of a novel had been parading around with treasures that felt eerily familiar to her. Initially, she had thought the novel was inspired by her magical items. But the reality was more direct and irksome—those treasures were actually hers.

“Chao Chao, are you okay? You’re shivering; are you cold?” Madame Xu, noticing her daughter’s shivers and chattering teeth, expressed her concern.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

“Please, light another basin of charcoal,” she said, puzzled by her daughter’s shivering, which seemed more like teeth grinding in anger or frustration.

When Lu Chao Chao looked up at her mother, Madame Xu saw a deep anger in her eyes. Embracing her daughter, Madame Xu was soon covered in her tears. “Wuwuwuwu…” Lu Chao Chao, filled with a mix of anger and sadness, cried over the misappropriation of her storage space by someone else.

Pointing to the sky with a small hand, she angrily denounced the injustice, cursing the heavens for the betrayal and swearing vengeance.

“What’s the matter, Little Miss? Do you want some candy?” Deng Zhi asked, seeing the little girl’s distress and hurrying to offer some solace.

In the background, thunder hesitated as if reluctant to come too close to the capital, possibly sensing the unrest there.

Lu Chao Chao, too distraught to talk, clung to her mother, her sobs loud and painful. She mourned not just for her personal loss but also for the impact her storage space had on her family, contributing to the Xu family’s unfortunate fate.

“Chao Chao, do you really like this jade pendant? It now belongs to you. I promise, I won’t give it away,” Madame Xu reassured her, interpreting her daughter’s attachment as a deep affection for the pendant itself.

Overcome with emotion, Lu Chao Chao eventually cried herself to sleep. Her deep sense of injustice was clear, yet getting the pendant back meant that the novel’s protagonist might now face new challenges.

Upon waking later, still feeling drowsy, Lu Chao Chao held the comforting jade pendant in her hand, a reminder of the day’s events. Embarrassed by her outburst, she hesitantly gave the pendant to Deng Zhi, asking her to “hide it away.”

“Have you finished crying?” Deng Zhi lightly teased as she took the pendant to conceal it securely.

“It’s started to snow outside; let’s get you dressed warmly,” Deng Zhi suggested after finishing the task, helping Lu Chao Chao prepare for the cold. “The second young master is back and is in the front courtyard now.”

Lu Chao Chao’s eyes lit up with excitement.

[Quick, quick, quick, I have to see this famously love-struck fool in history!] she thought, looking forward to witnessing the drama firsthand.


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