The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 43

Chapter 43: The Many Troubles Behind the Scenes

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

“You?! You!!” The old woman’s voice was filled with such intense anger that it seemed to rob her of breath, creating palpable tension in the room.

“How can you be so heartless to say such things?” she accused, her voice heavy with blame.

“Just look at Wan Yi! Look at all her injuries! How can you be so cruel? Do you want to see her suffer until she dies? Is this how a sister-in-law should act?” The old woman was clearly furious, her eyes burning with a sense of righteousness, appalled by Madam Xu’s apparent lack of sympathy.

Despite the strong condemnation, Madam Xu remained composed, replying calmly, “Mother-in-law, aren’t these the same ideas Wan Yi herself has expressed?”

“When a man is violent towards a woman, people often say the woman must have done something to deserve it. This is what Wan Yi told me. So, what, I’m supposed to accept violence against me, but Wan Yi isn’t?” Madam Xu’s voice was filled with sarcasm, her statement dripping with bitterness.

“It seems being born to different mothers really does make a difference. When I joined this family, Mother-in-law, you promised to treat me as your own daughter. But it looks like that was just a lie.” Pretending to be upset, Madam Xu dabbed at her eyes, putting on an act of being wronged before quickly leaving the room, hiding her face.

As the door swung open forcefully, a maid standing nearby couldn’t help but look inside. She saw Wan Yi, looking disheveled, her body bearing the marks of her ordeal.

Wan Yi, trying to cover up, shouted, “Get away, don’t look!” clearly panicked.

Watching the drama unfold, Deng Zhi barely contained her amusement, a small smile almost revealing itself through her pretended concern.

And then there was Lu Chao Chao, laughing openly, clearly enjoying the scene, her happiness evident.

Caught in the moment, Deng Zhi quickly followed the lady out.

No sooner had they reached the courtyard than they heard Madam Xu giving orders. “Young couples today can’t handle anything. Why run back to your family over a small fight? They’re just starting their life together; this will only worry the husband for no reason. Send for him, tell him Wan Yi has run back to her family. He should come to fetch her.”

[Yes, that’s right! This year, Grandmother’s health has been fragile many times; let’s not upset her again.] Lu Chao Chao was impressed by how well Madam Xu twisted the situation to their advantage.

Wan Yi had just made it to the safety of her home, and now they were planning to send her back.

“My dear Chao Chao, do you think I’m too harsh?” Madam Xu asked, looking at her daughter, perhaps seeking some comfort.

Lu Chao Chao silently praised her mother, thinking, [My mother is the kindest person, truly the most caring in the world. It’s obvious they’re just taking advantage of her good nature, which is so wrong…] Her admiration for her mother was evident, even though she didn’t speak the words.

Feeling touched by this unspoken communication, Madam Xu said, “I’m planning to visit the grand princess. Would you like to come with me?”

Immediately, Lu Chao Chao reached out for a hug from Madam Xu, showing how much she loved and trusted her.

Thinking of the grand princess and her unborn baby, a baby that represented hope, made the little girl smile.

“I wonder when Zheng Yue will be coming home?” Madam Xu mused, thinking about her son who had been away for a while. Her worry for him was clear.

“With New Year’s coming up, he should be on his way already. He’ll be here before we know it,” Head Maid Deng Zhi reassured her, trying to ease her concern.

[My brother, always so head-over-heels…] Lu Chao Chao’s thoughts about her brother made Madam Xu a bit worried, but she didn’t let it bother her too much.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

As winter set in, Deng Zhi carefully selected several cute outfits for Lu Chao Chao, ensuring she was both warm and fashionable.

“Such a lovely child is hard to find. Miss Chao Chao is such a joy, never crying or fussing, always happy and agreeable,” the servants often said, all of them fond of the well-mannered little girl.

Held in their arms, they headed to the grand princess’s home, arriving at the mansion after a carriage ride.

“Please, come in quickly. The grand princess has been looking forward to your visit, especially with it being so cold this year,” the nanny welcomed them warmly at the door.

[We’re expecting a big snowstorm, a real disaster, unfortunately.] Feeling the bite of the cold air and thinking about the tough winter ahead, Lu Chao Chao couldn’t help feeling a bit sad.

Taking the situation seriously, Madam Xu was also concerned about the coming winter.

Inside, the cold was replaced by the cozy warmth from the charcoal heating.

“You don’t need to stand on ceremony with me,” the princess said, stopping Madam Xu before she could bow, showing the closeness between them.

With its wool carpeted floor, the room felt soft underfoot, and Lu Chao Chao was gently set down to explore.

Looking radiant in her pregnancy, the grand princess smiled warmly at Lu Chao Chao. Now five months pregnant, her belly was noticeably larger.

“Do you remember me, Chao Chao?” she asked, reaching out. Lu Chao Chao, still unsteady on her feet but faster when crawling, moved towards her with the curiosity of a child discovering new things.

Full of energy, the little girl hurried across the room to the grand princess. When she got there, she pointed at the princess’s pregnant belly with a small finger, her eyes showing her wonder. She confidently said, “Two,” in a soft voice. But then, she seemed to change her mind, shaking her head and showing three fingers, before deciding on two again.

“Chao Chao… gave it!” she said proudly, patting her chest, her voice quiet but filled with achievement.

The grand princess smiled and nodded, confirming, “Auntie knows. This is our secret, right?”

This unique connection started when Chao Chao appeared in the princess’s dream. Once the princess found out she was expecting, she believed Chao Chao’s dream visit was a sign. Now, Chao Chao’s statement of “two” was seen as a prediction.

“What are you two secretly talking about?” Madam Xu asked, looking at them curiously.

Chao Chao just smiled, keeping the secret between them.

The grand princess then shared, “I’ve been married for over ten years and hadn’t been blessed with children. After I announced my pregnancy, so many friends have been asking me for advice. One friend, in particular, who has a weak daughter and hasn’t had children of her own, is now forty-two. She begged me for any remedy that could help her conceive for a second. She said, regardless of the baby’s gender, it would give her daughter some support. She’s worried because her daughter is so frail. They have a big family and business, and without her parents, she will be taken advantage of by other relatives.”

The princess made sure to add, “I won’t share anything without your okay,” seeing Madam Xu’s concern.

Madam Xu knew about Chao Chao’s special abilities but was always careful about keeping her safe from any harm.

Seeing Madam Xu’s reluctance, the princess didn’t push and started explaining about her friend.

“My friend is Madam Qin. Despite her hard luck, she’s always been kind. After her marriage, she was injured in an attack meant for her husband, Mr. Chen, which affected her health. But Mr. Chen, who became a minister, has always cared for her deeply, no matter what,” she said.

Madam Xu’s expression changed as she recognized who the princess was talking about, “The wife of the Minister of Rites?”

The grand princess was surprised Madam Xu knew of her, asking, “You know about this too?”

Madam Xu nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Lu Chao Chao, holding onto the back of a chair for balance, had a heartfelt wish in her young mind, thinking, [That kind-hearted lady needs help. Chao Chao wants to help her!]

Seeing Madam Xu’s serious look, Lu Chao Chao looked up at her with wide, hopeful eyes.

Madam Xu paused, then set a condition, “Fine… but we must keep this matter between us.” She was worried about how this might affect Chao Chao’s future.

“Of course, I understand the concern.” The grand princess saw Madam Xu’s softened stance but didn’t press for more details. She then asked someone to bring Madam Qin to them.

Soon after, Madam Qin arrived, and after exchanging polite greetings, her attention was drawn to a baby girl sitting by the grand princess, her hair done up in cute little buns. This baby, not even a year old yet, had a natural charm that made her instantly likable, her sweet face bringing joy to those around her.

“This child,” the grand princess indicated towards the baby on the floor, “is the answer to your wishes for a child.”

Madam Qin’s eyes went wide with shock, struggling to understand the offer. “I’m not sophisticated, please don’t joke with me!” she said, her voice a mix of hope and doubt.


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