The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Sneaking Out with Sister

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

Before the break of dawn, Lu Yuan Xiao made his way to Madam Xu’s room to pay her a morning visit. He appeared visibly exhausted, his face framed by dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.

“Mother,” he began, his voice laden with fatigue, “last night was exceptionally noisy. It sounded as if a thief was rummaging around, causing a ruckus.” He mentioned this while rubbing his weary eyes, struggling to keep them open.

Madam Xu, on the other hand, seemed in good spirits and unaffected by the disturbance. She appeared to be aware of the cause of the noise. “It might have been just a mouse. Don’t worry, I’ve already handled it by setting out some poison. Tonight should be much quieter,” she reassured him, her tone hinting at a deeper knowledge of the noise. In a softer voice, she added, “Please, lower your voice. Your little sister had a difficult night too and might be sleeping in,” she advised as they began their breakfast.

Lu Yuan Xiao hastily consumed his breakfast and, with his school bag in tow, announced, “I’m going to check on my sister before I leave for school.”

Deng Zhi, a family servant, chuckled and remarked, “He always claimed he didn’t want a sister during the pregnancy, fearing she’d be too frail and cry often. But now, the third young master makes it a point to visit her every day, both before and after school. It’s truly endearing.”

“Sister, I’m here. I’ve brought you milk, diapers, and new clothes,” Lu Yuan Xiao cheerfully declared.

[I’m so excited! Third Brother is taking me on a secret adventure! And he even remembered to bring my favorite floral bag to carry me!]

Lu Chao Chao, his sister, reached out with her tiny hand, and her brother carefully placed her into the bag.

[We need to hurry, or Sister Ying Xue will start looking for me…] Lu Chao Chao nestled into the bag, her little head peeking out, her eyes alight with excitement.

With the stealth of a thief, Lu Yuan Xiao opened the window and leapt out, his sister secured on his back. Despite the bustling activity within the mansion, they managed to leave undetected.

The capital of North Zhao was bustling with vibrancy and color. For Lu Chao Chao, it was akin to a magical realm, filled with bright candy fruits and enticing toys offered by street vendors.

[Look at those tanghulu, they’re so beautiful! I want one! And that toy looks amazing!]

Without hesitation, her brother purchased a piece of candied fruit for her, a sweet treat for her to relish.

As they walked through the streets, many people were engaged in the tradition of burning paper money, their homes adorned with fresh divine paintings. Despite the festive atmosphere, a subtle tension lingered among the passersby.

“Don’t worry, Chao Chao. It’s an annual tradition from the 13th to the 15th of July when it’s believed that the gates of hell open, and spirits roam among us. That’s why people burn paper money and gold ingots for the spirits and hang divine paintings on their doors to ward off evil spirits. But we’re safe; the King has had the abbot from the National Temple bless the capital,” he reassured her, gently patting her head.

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted. “Fat dumpling, what’s moving in your bag?”

Lu Yuan Xiao quickly concealed his sister deeper within the bag and retorted, “It’s none of your business!” He clutched the bag close, prepared to protect his secret.

“Fat dumpling, you’re acting like such a girl. Why the floral bag? Couldn’t make it in school, so now you’re pretending to be a girl?” Li Siqi, the bold and mocking grandson of the Protectorate General’s family, taunted.

Accompanying Li Siqi were two notable boys: Jiang Yun Mo, the legitimate heir of the Jiang family, and a young monk, who was the King’s fourth son. Despite his tender age of six, the young prince was known for his delicate health, having been a frequent crier since birth and rarely opening his eyes, which led to his being sent to the National Temple for his wellbeing.

“You’re the girly one! Your entire family is girly!” Lu Yuan Xiao snapped back defiantly, sticking out his tongue and hugging his school bag tightly, ensuring no one could peek inside.

“Why would you even carry a floral bag? I’d never be seen with something so flashy,” Li Siqi mocked, rolling his eyes, with Jiang Yun Mo chiming in, “Exactly.”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

Lu Yuan Xiao ignored their ridicule, well aware of the Jiang family’s reputation for betrayal and exploiting others’ misfortunes. “Bah!” he thought, dismissing them internally.

“Open the bag and show us what’s inside!” Li Siqi demanded, making a grab for it.

Just then, the teacher entered with a ruler in hand, and Lu Yuan Xiao took his seat, glaring at Li Siqi. The classroom buzzed with curiosity about what Lu Yuan Xiao was concealing in his bag.

This incident occurred in a beginner’s class at the royal school, where students around seven or eight years old were just starting their education. The class was small, with only twelve students. Lu Yuan Xiao, coming from a modest middle-class family, found academics challenging. This struggle was exacerbated by Jiang Yun Mo’s interference, leading to discrimination and exclusion by his classmates. With his only friend sick and absent, Lu Yuan Xiao felt isolated and became the center of curiosity for his floral bag and its mysterious contents.

As the teacher passionately lectured, Lu Yuan Xiao couldn’t help but worry about his hidden sister, glancing toward the bag’s hiding spot. Unbeknownst to him, Li Siqi, driven by growing curiosity, covertly signaled to an accomplice. Distracted, Lu Yuan Xiao didn’t notice Li Siqi stealthily taking the floral bag.

The class’s attention shifted when the bag was slammed on the table, scattering books. The teacher authoritatively asked, “Yuan Xiao, stand up. What was I just talking about? Repeat it.”

Caught off guard and flustered, Lu Yuan Xiao stood frozen for a moment before he suddenly overheard his sister’s thoughts again.

[On Governing: Meng Yizi once asked Confucius about the essence of filial piety, to which Confucius replied, ‘Do not disobey.’ Later, while talking with Fan Chi in a chariot, Confucius was asked again about filial piety by Meng Sun, and he answered, ‘Do not disobey.’ Fan Chi, seeking more understanding, prompted Confucius to explain further, ‘Live according to the rites; when they pass away, bury them according to the rites, and make sacrifices to them according to the rites.’]

Impressed by Lu Yuan Xiao’s precise answer after using his sister to cheat, the teacher nodded in approval and motioned for him to sit down.

Li Siqi, unable to resist, smirked triumphantly at Lu Yuan Xiao and then eagerly looked inside the floral bag.

What he discovered was completely unexpected: a tiny, doll-like baby with dark, shining eyes that looked at him with innocence and curiosity. The baby giggled, chewing on her toe with joyous abandon.

Li Siqi was speechless, realizing Lu Yuan Xiao had bravely brought his sister to school!

Seeing Li Siqi, Lu Chao Chao stopped, looked thoughtful, and then offered her foot to him with a friendly “Ah,” as if sharing a precious treat.

Li Siqi, caught off guard, awkwardly responded, “Thanks, but I… don’t really eat toes.” This moment highlighted the innocent generosity of a child, willing to share even something as unusual as a toe.

“Let me see!” demanded Jiang Yun Mo, curious. But Li Siqi, suddenly protective, glared at him and hid the bag from view.

As soon as the final bell rang, Lu Yuan Xiao rushed to Li Siqi, pleading with evident desperation, “Give her back to me!” His voice was panicked, his forehead sweaty.

Lu Yuan Xiao truly regretted bringing his sister into such a potentially harmful situation, terrified that Li Siqi might harm her. Tears filled his eyes as he considered the repercussions of his actions.

“How dare you talk to Brother Siqi that way? Yelling and screaming…” Jiang Yun Mo started to threaten but was cut off by a stern look from Li Siqi, who silenced him.

“Shh…” holding the floral bag gently, “Follow me!”

Jiang Yun Mo, filled with curiosity and a desire to be involved in the exciting events, tried to follow along. But Li Siqi quickly stopped him, decisively stating, “Jiang Yun Mo, you’re not allowed to follow.”

Confused and slightly annoyed at being left out, Jiang Yun Mo reacted by stomping his foot, wondering why the contents of the floral bag were so important that Li Siqi had to sharply scold him.

The royal school’s grounds were vast, filled with beautiful gardens, creating an ideal setting for their secret meeting. To keep their conversation private, Li Siqi had a bookboy stand guard outside a fake mountain display.

Unable to contain his worry, Lu Yuan Xiao urgently said, “Quickly, give my sister back to me!”

Li Siqi responded with a stern look, indignantly replying, “I haven’t touched your sister! You’re quite daring, sneaking your sister into school. Did you do this without permission?”

Despite his tough exterior, Li Siqi found the baby charming and thought about how angry his own mother would be if he brought his sister to school. This internal conflict showed the depth of his character, caught between being a tough figure in the school and a protective one in this surprising situation.


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