The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Catching a Thief

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

“Please hold on for a moment, madam,” Madam Xu requested with a piercing gaze that suggested there was more to her words than met the eye.

Pei Jiao Jiao, visibly irritated, responded sharply, “What is it that you want now?”

Madam Xu replied in a gentle tone, “I apologize for disturbing you, but this concerns your honor and reputation. It is important that I intervene.”

She then inquired about the origin of Pei Jiao Jiao’s intricately designed hairpin, which glistened uniquely. “Where did you acquire such a beautifully detailed hairpin?”

Pei Jiao Jiao appeared briefly guilty but regained her composure swiftly, claiming, “It was a gift from my husband, a treasured family heirloom.”

Madam Xu, scrutinizing her closely, countered, “How curious that my wedding hairpin has found its way to you! Deng Zhi, summon the authorities!” She recognized the hairpin as one of her personal valuable items.

Vowing to herself, she thought of the audacity of someone taking her belongings, wearing her jewelry, and using her dowry to support a mistress. She promised stern revenge.

In a panic, Pei Jiao Jiao pleaded, “Please, do not call the authorities! This hairpin is a family gift from my husband. What proof do you have? How can you accuse me so casually?”

As she wept, her tearful state garnered sympathy from the bystanders, drawing their attention to her distress and teary eyes.

Deng Zhi, already aware of the plan, discreetly dispatched someone to notify the authorities.

Madam Xu responded, “Proof? I designed this hairpin myself at the age of fifteen and had it custom-made. It is truly one of a kind. The original design is at my home. Would you like to see the proof, or have you not examined the hairpin closely?” She recalled the immense love and effort she had invested in creating that small ornament, symbolizing her enduring love with the Marquis, with their names intricately inscribed inside it, intertwined in the gold.

In her anger, she felt a gentle touch—a small pair of hands softly enclosing her finger. [Mama, don’t let anger take over. Showing anger will only make our enemies happy.]

The comforting touch of her child, Chao Chao, brought a smile to Madam Xu’s face, warming her heart and softening her angry expression.

Soon, the authorities arrived as planned.

Pei Jiao Jiao turned pale at their entrance, and the maid behind her gave her a sharp, judgmental glance. This maid, sent by Lu Yuan Ze, was tasked with both serving and spying on her.

“Who has made this complaint?” the officer inquired, his demeanor serious but respectful towards Madam Xu once he recognized her.

Madam Xu, who had recently been bestowed a third-rank royal title, reflected her elevated status and commanded respect. Understanding the capital’s social hierarchy, the guards were cautious not to offend her.

Additionally, Madam Xu hailed from a prominent family: the direct daughter of the esteemed royal tutor and sister to Xu Yi Ting, the current Labor Minister, a figure both revered and feared in the court.

The rise of the Xu family was a blend of fortune and strategic shrewdness. Initially under the king’s watchful eye, Xu Yi Ting had maintained his third-rank position for eight years until a recent twist of fate propelled him to greater heights.

With a hint of sarcasm, Deng Zhi confessed to making the report. “I reported it. The hairpin this woman is wearing is part of my mistress’s wedding dowry. How it ended up with her, I cannot say. Is it possible that this lady, celebrated as the mother of the capital’s gifted scholar, Lu Jing Huai, has resorted to theft?” She couldn’t contain a scornful chuckle at the end.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

The accusation infuriated Pei Jiao Jiao, her face flushing with anger. Just moments earlier, she had been lauded as the mother of a genius, and now she was publicly accused of being a thief.

“I didn’t steal anything!” she defended herself vehemently, convinced that Madam Xu was acting out of jealousy.

Unperturbed, Deng Zhi boldly snatched the hairpin from Pei Jiao Jiao’s hair, inadvertently pulling some strands in the process, a fact that seemed to satisfy her. She then deliberately stepped on the hairpin until it broke, revealing the engraved names Lu and Xu.

“Look, this hairpin indeed belongs to Madam Xu! It even bears her name,” the onlookers remarked, now pointing accusatorily at Pei Jiao Jiao.

“Could it be possible? Could the genius boy’s mother actually be a thief?” someone whispered, pushing Pei Jiao Jiao into a state of furious denial.

“No! It wasn’t me!” she insisted loudly, shaking with rage, while the maid beside her subtly signaled for help.

The crowd jeered, “So, the mother of the genius, Lu Jing Huai, turns out to be a thief, and even worse, for stealing someone else’s wedding gift!”

“I didn’t steal anything, I promise!” Pei Jiao Jiao desperately tried to defend herself, fully aware of her son’s sterling reputation and his connections to powerful figures.

Deng Zhi gazed at Pei Jiao Jiao with disdain, her voice laden with skepticism, “If you’re so innocent, then why not have your husband come and explain how this ended up in your possession?”

Pei Jiao Jiao fell into a tense, uneasy silence. She hesitated to even mention Lu Yuan Ze’s name, displaying her anxiety.

This pause made the crowd more suspicious, leading them to think, “If she can’t even mention his name, she must be guilty.”

The onlookers’ doubt intensified, with someone remarking, “She claims she’s innocent yet refuses to call her husband to defend her?”

Whispers spread through the crowd, with one observer noting, “She seemed so respectable, yet now she’s accused of theft.”

Another added, fueling the speculation, “So, the achievements of the prodigy are funded by stolen goods?” The whispers escalated into open accusations, with more people casting judgmental looks at Pei Jiao Jiao.

Deng Zhi added fuel to the fire, “Just a few days ago, her son was engaged to the Jiang family, who presented many gifts. Were those also obtained dishonestly?”

Amid the serious accusations and growing pressure, the authorities found themselves in a dilemma. Torn between the influence of the marquis’s family and the potential consequences of acting against the family of Lu Jing Huai, who had recently risen to prominence at Tianhong Academy and received public commendation from the headmaster, they hesitated.

The head constable intervened, “Madam, you’ll need to accompany us.”

Pei Jiao Jiao faced a dilemma; following the authorities could jeopardize her opportunity to clear her name on the spot. However, the maid beside her discreetly advised compliance, suggesting that resistance could worsen their situation. Reluctantly, she agreed to go.

“I’ll accompany to ensure my mistress’s interests are looked after,” Deng Zhi declared, emphasizing that the accusation would be formally addressed.

Meanwhile, Madam Xu instructed another servant, Ying Xue, to retrieve the original hairpin design and dowry documents from their home, determined to pursue justice thoroughly.

After making these arrangements, Madam Xu selected a thoughtful gift for Chao Chao and returned home, only to be greeted less warmly than expected by Nanny Lin.

“The senior madam is waiting for you, Milady. She’s resting now, so please wait outside Deshan Hall until you’re called.” Nanny Lin’s tone and demeanor lacked the usual respect expected from a servant.

This reception irritated Madam Xu. She recalled the early days of her marriage when she had faced similar treatment from the family matriarch, with Lu Yuan Ze urging her to be patient, reminding her of the old lady’s difficult life and sacrifices. Now faced with a similar situation, Madam Xu contemplated her next steps.


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