The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 11

Chapter 11: The Third Brother’s Gambling

This chapter from the novel is available on bcatranslation.

Madam Xu struggled to accept the humiliation that had befallen her family. Seemingly composed, she laughed softly and set down her teacup forcefully. “How can you speak of delays in dealing with this? Let me tell you what really happened. When Yan Shu rescued that girl, he completely exhausted himself by diving into the pond. Instead of seeking help, the girl hid among the rocks, which only delayed Yan Shu’s rescue. By the time they pulled him from the water, he was nearly dead. Miraculously, they managed to save him, but he suffered severe brain injuries, leaving him disabled. How can you be so detached, my dear husband? Yan Shu was once celebrated throughout the capital for his intelligence and potential!”

Madam Xu felt a profound injustice for her son. “Perhaps the girl didn’t fall intentionally, and maybe she hid out of fear. However, the consequences for Yan Shu are permanent. Should we allow this to create a rift between us and our colleagues? Consider my position at court, dear. I feel as if I’m constantly treading on thin ice,” her husband replied, trying to make her see the broader implications of their family’s stance.

Since marrying Lu Yuan Ze, Madam Xu felt increasingly overlooked, which drove her to push Yan Shu harder towards academic excellence. Yan Shu, driven by a desire to make his father proud and alleviate his mother’s distress, would study tirelessly into the night, often to the point of physical exhaustion, even before this tragedy struck.

“No one but Yan Shu himself can forgive what was done to him,” Madam Xu stated firmly. “Those who talk of forgiveness should endure what he endured. Let them experience drowning to truly understand his suffering,” she added, her voice calm yet underpinned by a strong emotional current.

Lu Yuan Ze noticed a shift in his wife; the kind, virtuous woman he had married seemed to be placing him second, possibly in an attempt to capture his attention. He looked at his distressed wife and sighed, “Well, if you can’t forgive, then you can’t,” he said, giving her hand a comforting pat.

Later, Madam Xu excused herself, mentioning she needed to feed Chao Chao, and left. As she departed, she overheard an unsettling conversation. “Was this scandal truly necessary? Think of the shame it has brought our dear grandson,” said the elderly lady, her voice filled with concern, affection, but also disapproval.

Hearing this, Deng Zhi, who accompanied Madam Xu, could not contain her frustration. Tears of anger welled up in her eyes. “The eldest young master is bedridden, and yet they worry about other matters…”

“Choose your words wisely,” Madam Xu cautioned her, looking around before Deng Zhi halted her speech. Shifting the conversation, Madam Xu asked, “Where’s my youngest son?” She was informed it was his day off, and he was probably reading in Tinglan Garden.

Resolved, Madam Xu led her group towards Tinglan Garden. A servant guarding the entrance noticed them and quickly ran inside, presumably to alert the others of their arrival.

Little Chao Chao, visibly excited, waved her arms around.

Sensing the urgency, Madam Xu commanded, “Stop that servant.” At once, one of her entourage tackled the servant to the ground.

“Why do you panic at the sight of the madam?” demanded Deng Zhi, glaring at the trembling servant. Without waiting for a response, Madam Xu strode into the garden.

As they approached the door, they heard faint yet unmistakable sounds of activity and celebration from inside. “Big win, big win…” voices chanted with glee.

The sight of the servant, pale and shaking on the ground, charged the atmosphere with tension. Deng Zhi moved to knock on the door, but Madam Xu, her patience worn thin, stopped her. Overcome by the intense emotions of a mother pushed beyond her limits, she kicked the door open.

“Are you trying to kill me, scaring me like that! Be careful, or I’ll…” Caught in the act, Lu Yuan Xiao held dice in one hand and a wad of money in the other. His eyes, red from strain, betrayed his deep involvement in gambling.

Raising his gaze, he met Madam Xu’s icy stare, which made him fumble and drop the dice.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

Seeing his mother, Lu Yuan Xiao was jolted back to reality, fear washing over him and draining the color from his face.

He dropped to his knees, trembling uncontrollably, a gesture mimicked by all the servants present.

Madam Xu gasped for breath, feeling as if she was being choked, the shock of the scene before her overwhelming.

“You… you…” Her voice broke, her vision blurring with tears. Had it not been for Chao Chao’s intervention, she wondered how long this secret would have remained hidden.

“Madam…” said Deng Zhi, equally shaken by the unfolding events.

“Such recklessness at such a young age,” even Ying Xue couldn’t conceal her astonishment, observing an eight-year-old so deeply entangled in gambling.

“How long has this been happening?” Madam Xu asked, her voice shaky, leaning on Deng Zhi for support.

Confronted with his mother’s profound disappointment, Lu Yuan Xiao broke down, admitting through tears, “Mother, I was wrong. It’s been three days.” The once lively boy now appeared haggard, with dark circles under his eyes, chapped lips, and his usually neat hair dull and disheveled.

“You’ve been given leeway because of your youth, but engaging in gambling, a destructive habit, at your age is inexcusable,” Madam Xu stated sternly.

“This vile practice, how dare you bring it into our home!” she fumed with anger.

“Who introduced you to this?” she demanded, her rage making her almost numb. The servants and book boys around Lu Yuan Xiao had been carefully chosen for their roles.

From a corner, a certain gagged and bound book boy cried out, attracting attention. Quickly, Jue Xia freed him.

“Madam, Qingyu and Qingyan started this,” the disheveled book boy knelt and confessed.

“They suggested gambling as a relaxation method when the young master was stressed from his studies. Qingyan even rationalized that a bit of gambling could be harmless fun, as long as it wasn’t about the money.”

“I tried to stop the young master, but Qingyu and Qingyan misled him and silenced me,” the book boy revealed.

Qingyu and Qingyan, chosen for their eloquence and literacy, were supposed to guide Lu Yuan Xiao in his studies, while Qingfeng and Qingshu were responsible for his daily care.

These two treacherous book boys had been appointed by the old lady herself!

“Given their betrayal, summon someone to execute these two as a lesson to all. Have every servant witness it,” Madam Xu ordered, her anger reaching a crescendo she had never before experienced.

As they were dragged away, Qingyu and Qingyan looked desperately at Lu Yuan Xiao, silently pleading for mercy.

Lu Yuan Xiao hesitated, wanting to intervene. These book boys had been his constant companions since he was three. However, he was stopped short by the revelation of their true intentions after hearing Chao Chao’s inner thoughts.

[They were sent to corrupt Third Brother, leading him into gambling, neglecting his studies, disrespecting his teacher, and pushing him toward disgrace.]

Madam Xu then dismissed all the questionable servants from around her son.

“To Qingfeng and Qingshu, who acted with integrity, your salaries will be doubled from this month forward. Take this as a token of my gratitude,” she said, rewarding them with fifty taels of silver each for their loyalty.

Lu Yuan Xiao was left distraught, his mother’s back turned to him, her disappointment palpable.

“Let every servant gather at Deshan Hall for the execution,” Madam Xu commanded, her gaze icy and resolute.


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