The Ninth Secret Bureau chapter 1 p4

Chapter 1 “Chen Idle part 4”

“How old are you exactly?” he asks with a concerned voice.

“Twenty-three.” Idle replied.

Fatty Ho’s hand shuddered and nearly dropped the embering cigarette bud.

In their department, there are nearly a thousand certified temporary workers.

These temps varied in age. From eighty years old gramps to seventeen year old kids, they’re all treated differently depending on their position and seniority. Aka: High, Middle, Low level agents.

These three distinct posts represented their individual abilities of course, as well as their different pay, benefits and access to cases.

If I remember correctly, Old Week said on the phone this Chen Idle is a high level temp agent?

Are all high level temps this young now?

The last I recall, the youngest was supposed to be forty years old at least!

Although the fatty still had his doubts about the youngster, he’s nevertheless certain the bureau wouldn’t keep garbage’s on the payroll. If this guy held the position of a high level agent, it shows he had the ability to back up that claim.

“Young Idol, are you a meta human?”

Hearing this question, Idle formed a smile and answered: “If I am not a meta human, this case wouldn’t have been arranged into my hands, would it?”

Making a self-mocking smile at his own stupidity, Fatty Ho realized the redundancy of his question.

The concept of a meta human was first proposed by the Secret Bureau during the 1980s. It refers to those who have a special skill different from ordinary people.

Simply put, someone with some sort of power.

In recent years under the scrutinizing eyes of science, those old tales of psychics and witchery have now been categorized as metaphysics. In fact, a lot of these scientific theories regarding the paranormal and magical world have been used in a lot of fictional writings. To say the two worlds are so closely intertwined by this stage was no exaggeration. In fact, it’s difficult to decide what’s real or false anymore.

Take for example the fever regarding combat Qi’s often used in martial arts films back in the 80s. It’s a carnival of bullshit used to trick the modern populous and to sell movie tickets. However, it’s also undeniable that this era produced a lot of meta humans despite there being a whole ton of fake masters and ghost catchers.

So, in order to deal with this rise in paranormal activity and meta humans, the 507 institute was eventually established in the country. It’s main goal, to study and explain all magical and supernatural phenomenon. And sure enough, a revolution soon ensued in this field due to this. But over time everything fades away. The institute gradually disappeared from the public’s view, along with its achievements and the fad with combat Qi’s.

Of course, there are always going to be the people out there questioning if it’s really true that psychic powers are fake. This was particularly strong in the film circle with those crazy fans. Unfortunately for these die-hards, almost always would they come to the conclusion that it’s pure fiction and sci-fi found only in the movies and comics.

But what exactly was the truth though?

Well, meta humans aren’t as crazy and omnipotent as those shown in the movies, they do exist and are inextricably linked to the real world. In fact, many have seen and heard of such people as well without realizing this due to the muddled barrier separating the two worlds.

For example, taoist monks, feng shui masters, fortune tellers, wizards and etc.

Simply anyone who has a genuine ability capable of causing a supernatural phenomena could be considered a meta human.

At present, there are two types of meta humans commonly recognized by the authority.

One was the type that didn’t have any supernatural powers at birth, but rather earned it through hard work and training. A good example of these are the groups like paladins and monks from various religions.

The second would be the naturals. They’re born with their ability since birth, but are also extremely rare. For Fatty Ho and his department, they would treat this group with special care when involved.


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