The Ninth Secret Bureau chapter 1 p2

Chapter 1 “Chen Idle part 2”

“The content of this case is very complex with a high level of confidentiality. Whether or not you take up the case, I want all information you received to be kept confidential.”

The fatty puts the cup down and doesn’t intend to drink it again, but his tone was all serious and no games.

Idle didn’t mind having his tea being rejected so he quietly nodded.

“Ningchuan City’s thief king, Gold Happy, I’m sure you’ve heard of him as a local?”

“Yes, I’ve seen his story on TV, but I haven’t seen him in person.” Idle honestly answers with a smile.

Nodding solemnly, Fatty Ho understood where he must start with his tale, “He stole a national treasure.”

“National treasure?” Though slightly taken aback for a second, Idle didn’t find this to be surprising.

Over the years, Gold Happy had done numerous big jobs that blew up in the media. To say the person was a legend was not an exaggeration.

“What kind of national treasure?” He asks with more intrigue.

Inhaling deeply, the fatty locked onto the young man’s eyes and spoke with heavy note: “It’s a bronze key…”

Seeing the customer didn’t want to divulge more, Idle knew he wouldn’t get more information even if he asked.

“The key was first in our hands, but then it was lost by accident. It wasn’t until 1998 that we got a wire report that the key was in Gold Happy’s hand.” Fatty Ho sighed, his face tired, “We scoured for him, a total of twenty-one years!”

The way the fatty said that last part, it sounded like they had gone through fire and ice or something. Yet, instead of being drummed into excitement and bravado, Idle felt nothing and merely nodded like a uninterested listener.

“And then what?”

“……” Going awkwardly silent for a moment, Fatty Ho makes a small cough to clear the mood. “He turned himself into the police. After some preliminary interrogation, we got a lot of useful information.”

“Gold Happy turned himself in because he was threatened, and the group that threatened him had taken the key from his hands. According to the thief king’s testimony, those people are a little.… they can eat people.”

Hearing up to here, Idle’s tea sipping gesture stopped, his expression showing a rare reaction differing from his deadpan face.

“Are you sure they can eat people?” He asks with a skeptic look.

“I’m not sure, that’s why I came to you.” Fatty Ho replied with earnesty.

Strictly speaking, Idle and Fatty Ho are under the same department. Aka, the Secret Bureau in charge of all paranormal and magical related activities. However, the former was a temp worker that handles special cases where even the full-time staff could not deal with.

The same was true of this case.

“Can you smoke here?” Fatty Ho asks.

Nodding, Idle went ahead and pulled out an ashtray from under the table. “It’s alright to smoke, go ahead.”

Lighting one up for himself, Fatty Ho first took a few puffs before continuing. He needed some relief from the fatigue thus far, and the perfect remedy was nicotine in his line of work.

“Gold Happy died during the interrogation period. According to my preliminary judgment, it should have been a myocardial infarction, heart attack caused by extreme fear.”

As he smoked the cigarette, Fatty Ho recalled the scene back in that dim room they were in.


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