The Ninth Secret Bureau chapter 0 p9

Chapter 0 “Prologue Part 9”

Inhaling deeply to draw another hefty dose of nicotine, Gold Happy continues in a trance-like state: “I threw up everything I ate to the point my stomach fluid came out… I really wanted to die back there, but I was too afraid to kill myself. I didn’t want to end up in the pot….”

Muttering without direction, the man starts to shiver instead of straight trembling due to his own cowardice.

“And then a masked man came into the room. He told me he would spare my life since I brought him the key. That as long as I keep my mouth shut and go to prison quietly then they won’t kill me.”

“That’s when you came to the police station?” Fatty Ho half believed his story since found no falsehood, “My impression of you isn’t that of a real coward, at least not to this extent. You saw your own son killed and turned to soup, why are you able follow their instructions and give yourself up?”

“No… You don’t know … He took me to a room….. I saw the monsters in there…. THEY-THEY’RE COMING!!!”

Gold Happy’s abrupt scream sent the thief falling off his chair and into a corner.

“Didn’t you say you were going to let me go! I did what you asked of me!! PLEASE SPARE ME!!”

There’s an incredible level of fear in the man’s eye as he locks onto the exit door to the interrogation room.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just me.” Fatty Ho hurried forward and attempted to comfort the thief, “You are safe here, no one will find you.”

By this stage, Gold Happy could no longer utter a word, his throat seemingly choked by an invisible force as his pupils dilate outward at the largest limit.

In that instant, Fatty Ho could clearly see what the thief was freaking out about. Reflecting off of those pupils, he saw several reflections.

In addition to his own, there seems to be…. three other people?

Exploding into cold chill, special agent Fatty Ho swings himself around in record time and reflexively draws his pistol. He’s ready for a fight of his life. Yet, there was nothing there, only the dim light coming off of the now battered lamp on the table.

By the time he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to his prisoner, Gold Happy was already without life sign.

Frustrated and furious at his own failure, Fatty Ho gritted his teeth and swiftly went over to pull back the guy’s eyelid up for examination.

“What the hell is this… this old boy died from extreme fear….”

The thief king’s heart had stopped, his pupils scattered and without focus. He couldn’t be anymore dead.

“This…” Feeling a headache coming due to his own failure, the special agent rubs his own temple as he formulated all the information he has.

If Gold Happy didn’t lie about his story and said the truth, this is going to be a big problem.

That psychiatric hospital is not an ordinary institution. They know about the key, and they also know about Gold Happy possessing it. Perhaps the whole heist was a setup from the beginning to lure this old boy over there. But why did they let him go though? This guy is a wanted criminal. Even if he disappears, no one will know, nor would anyone report his disappearance. What is their purpose in doing all this?


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