Terror Awakening chapter 44

Chapter 44: The Bizarre Mall

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Miles stared intently at the vacant spot where a body had previously lain. The seriousness of his expression deepened with each passing second.

The rumors about a ghost lurking in the mall now seemed to have some truth to them. This so-called ghost, however, had vanished without a trace. Where could it have gone?

The surroundings were bathed in a thick and almost palpable darkness. While it wasn’t complete and utter blackness, the dimness made it almost impossible to discern anything more than mere silhouettes beyond an arm’s length.

By this time, the trio consisting of Mr. Calm, Sister Pear, and the self-proclaimed ghost expert, Master Catch, had moved past pondering why the lights had suddenly gone out. Their primary concern now was the inexplicable dread they felt following the mysterious disappearance of the body.

Could the ghost be real?

The only source of light in the eerie setting was the dim glow from two candles, their flickering flames casting a feeble light that barely kept the engulfing shadows at bay. With so many people shuffling about, the shifting shadows they cast only intensified the already spine-chilling ambiance.

Master Catch’s voice suddenly pierced the stifling silence, “We need to get out of here now! Our previous actions have enraged the entity. If we don’t leave immediately, who knows what it might do!”

He was now convinced that they were dealing with an authentic supernatural entity and was keen to cut short their ghost hunting expedition.

Upon hearing Master Catch’s words, a female staff member was overcome with fear and let out a piercing scream. This set off a chain reaction, with everyone panicking and trying to find an exit.

But there was a problem.

Both the primary and emergency exits were locked. Master Catch had insisted on this, believing it would help contain the ghost. Now, it had ironically trapped them all inside.

“Where are the keys? Someone from security, open this door!” Mr. Calm shouted, yanking the locked door in desperation.

“Why did you all even agree to lock the doors? Did you genuinely think it would imprison the ghost? Look where that’s gotten us!” Miles’s voice was filled with frustration as he shone his flashlight around.

Trying to maintain some semblance of order, Mr. Calm turned to Miles and asked, “You work here. Do you have the keys for the main entrance? We need to get out.”

Miles responded with a slight hint of annoyance, “I’ve only been working here for two days. Sister Pear is the one with the keys. And while we’re at it, why not ask your ghost expert to sort out this mess?” With that, he shot a pointed look at a clearly rattled Master Catch.

Master Catch, already on edge, snapped back at Miles, “You’re blaming me? If you hadn’t interfered with my ritual earlier, we wouldn’t be in this dire situation. Whatever is out there is angry, and it’s not going to be so accommodating anymore!” He pointedly blamed Miles for their current predicament.

Miles replied with an unmistakable air of contempt, his lips curling into a sardonic smirk. “You call yourself a grown man, yet you come up with such pitiful excuses. Do you even believe in your own proclaimed abilities to handle ghosts? Look at yourself, you’re practically trembling with fear. Judging by that terrified expression, I bet you’d be the first to run if the ghost showed up again.”

Master Catch retorted, his voice filled with defiance, “I might not be able to exorcise this entity, but I assure you, it won’t lay a finger on anyone while I’m here.” He shifted his gaze to Mr. Calm, attempting to instill confidence, “Rest assured, you’re safe with me. I give you my word.”

Mr. Calm, choosing to place his trust in the dubious expertise of Master Catch, nodded in agreement. “I’ll rely on your abilities then.”

“Trust me,” Master Catch responded, attempting to project an aura of confidence that he clearly did not feel.

Miles just shook his head, bemused by the scene unfolding before him. Somehow, despite his obvious fear, Master Catch had swayed Mr. Calm with his reassuring words.

However, his musings were interrupted by a soft, unsettling noise. Shining his flashlight toward the source, the light revealed a sight that sent chills down his spine.

Illuminated under the beam was the decapitated head of Blush, the cashier who had gone missing following her chilling scream. Her hair was still neatly styled, a chilling contrast to the gruesome sight.

Master Catch, overwhelmed by terror, slumped against the wall, a wet stain spreading across his trousers. Both Mr. Calm and Mall Manager Li stood paralyzed, their eyes wide in sheer horror.

The mystery of the vanished body was disturbing enough, but seeing the severed head of a colleague who had been alive just moments ago was infinitely more horrifying. It was clear that this was not just any haunting.

“Has the ghost turned homicidal?” Miles pondered aloud, his brow deeply furrowed. He hadn’t yet tapped into his unique ability to perceive the supernatural, wanting to reserve that power for dire circumstances.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he bent down to inspect Blush’s head, casting a bright light upon it. “There’s no blood,” he noted, cautiously touching the skin. The immediate, putrid stench of decomposition hit him. “But this isn’t recent. It’s as if she’s been dead for several days, even though the head looks eerily well-preserved.”

“That makes no sense,” he whispered, more to himself than anyone else, “She was alive just a short while ago. How could she decompose so quickly? Perhaps this ghost possesses some unimaginable powers…”

Deep in contemplation, Miles attempted to piece together the clues. Given the limited evidence and having not yet encountered the ghost, he could only speculate about its capabilities and motivations.

Finally, he stood up, addressing the shaken group around him. “This mall is genuinely haunted by a malevolent spirit. It has already taken a life and may strike again. I strongly recommend that everyone gets out immediately.”

“How can we possibly escape with the doors all locked up?” Mall Manager Li’s voice quivered with anxiety. “Do you think you could help us locate Sister Pear? She’s the one with the key set.”

Miles looked contemplative for a moment before responding. “Given the sheer size of this mall, Sister Pear could literally be anywhere. It’s a huge risk to go searching for her now after you sent her off to lock the back doors. However, I do have some useful information. Although the main exit on the ground floor is locked tight, the fifth floor has an emergency exit that leads to the roof. From there, you might find an alternative route down.”

Mall Manager Li’s face lit up with relief. “That’s right! I completely overlooked that route. Thank you for pointing it out,” he said, clearly thankful. Without wasting another moment, he rushed towards the fifth floor, hoping for an escape.

Turning to the others, Miles asked, “What about all of you? Are you not planning to leave?”

His question seemed to pull them out of their trance. Several mall employees, propelled by the urge for survival, dashed off in the direction Mall Manager Li had taken, eager to find safety.

“You’ve been of immense help, young man,” Mr. Calm said, his voice trembling. He took Miles’s hand, squeezing it in gratitude.

“You can express your gratitude later,” Miles responded, maintaining a composed facade despite his eagerness to witness any ghostly activities that might ensue amidst the panic. “Right now, you should prioritize getting out safely.”

However, there was something else that Miles was eager to attend to, and it was rather personal.

“You aren’t coming along?” Mr. Calm inquired, eyebrows raised in astonishment.

“I need to use the restroom. Don’t wait for me, just go ahead,” Miles replied with a hint of casualness.

Mr. Calm stared, baffled. At such a crucial juncture, Miles was concerned about a bathroom break?

Elsewhere, on the mall’s fifth floor, Ethan caught sight of a figure by the balcony railing. Upon closer inspection, he realized it wasn’t a human, but a mannequin. In the low light, one could easily mistake it for a real person. Reminiscent of the decaying corpse he’d stumbled upon earlier, this mannequin was also devoid of its head.

“So, the ghost isn’t here on the fifth floor,” Ethan mused, glancing down the stairwell. Suddenly, all the lights in the mall were snuffed out, plunging the vast building into near-complete darkness, save for the dim glow of the two candles casting eerie shadows down at the ritual altar used by Mr. Catch. A harrowing scream resounded from below, followed by the unmistakable sounds of panicked people scattering in every direction.

“Was this a distraction tactic?” Ethan pondered, the idea forming rapidly in his mind. Was it possible for a ghost to be so strategic?

“Damn it!” Shaking off his unease, Ethan mustered the courage to head down towards the ground floor. But as he turned to leave, something unnerved him.

The headless mannequin, which had been stationary by the railing moments ago, had inexplicably disappeared.

Ethan’s ears pricked up as a faint, dragging sound echoed through the dimly lit hallway. It was unmistakable, like the soft tread of a foot on a marble floor.

Quickly, he whirled around, his heart racing, and was confronted by an eerie scene. The headless mannequin, which he had seen earlier by the railing and had mysteriously vanished, now stood just a few paces behind him. Its arm stretched out toward him in a gesture that was almost pleading.

“This has gone too far!” Ethan shouted, adrenaline surging. With a swift motion, he grabbed the mannequin’s extended arm, intent on ending the charade.

But the instant his fingers wrapped around the limb, a startling transformation occurred. His hands began to emit a radiant crimson glow, and a pungent, iron-rich odor – unmistakably that of blood – filled the air. As he tightened his grip, blood began to ooze from between his fingers, drenching the mannequin and forming a dark pool on the floor.

Suddenly, as if its strings had been cut, the mannequin crumbled. Its various parts fell apart, scattering haphazardly on the floor. The atmosphere grew still once again, the only sound being Ethan’s heavy breathing.

“Was this supposed to be the ghost’s doing?” Ethan whispered to himself, casting a wary glance over the lifeless mannequin fragments.

Everything appeared normal, at least as normal as a blood-soaked mannequin could be. It was just a lifeless figure devoid of any supernatural aura.

“I’m caught in a real tricky situation,” Ethan thought, his brow creasing with concern.

What transpired next defied explanation. The fresh blood on the floor began to animate, moving with a mind of its own. Slowly, it inched its way toward him, slithering up his shoes and back onto his hand.


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