Terror Awakening chapter 29

Chapter 29: The Handprint in the Bathroom

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

The very idea of a ghost haunting the house was so terrifying that it would have driven away even the most courageous individual. However, Miles found himself in a predicament. He needed to reclaim the ominous red newspaper, and to do so, he needed to face this spine-chilling experience head-on.

Hesitating, but ultimately determining his next move, Miles resolved to stay in the house and await the ghost’s reappearance. This wasn’t just about a newspaper. Possessing it was essential for Miles to suppress the eerie “ghost eye” that resided within him. Choosing to remain in the home, despite being acutely aware of its haunted status, was a testament to his remarkable courage.

Fully comprehending the gravity of his decision, Miles summoned all his inner strength. He was prepared to confront whatever awaited him, even if it meant risking his life. To live a life constantly overshadowed by fear was a slow descent into despair, and that was a path he was determined not to tread.

Meanwhile, in a posh neighborhood of Spear City stood the lavish home of Coral.

From the previous day, Coral had secluded herself inside, not once stepping out. A growing sense of unease kept her confined within. Consequently, the distressed woman found herself trapped in the shower. She frantically scrubbed a specific spot on her neck, staring intently at her reflection. Her eyes mirrored a mix of sheer terror and creeping insanity. Her rigorous scrubbing had inflamed her skin.

Any other person would have been overwhelmed by the pain.

Yet, Coral was unfazed. If anything, she scrubbed even harder, her eyes widening with mounting dread. Eventually, her aggressive scrubbing caused her skin to break and bleed, resulting in a bright red trail on the bathroom floor.

Tragically, her painful efforts were in vain. Two distinct greenish-black handprints were still starkly visible on her neck. They appeared fused to her skin, eerily resembling a birthmark that had been there since birth, and they seemed impossible to wash away.

Simultaneously, Coral’s mother, Mrs. Ocean, sat anxiously on the living room couch, frequently glancing at the wall clock.

“It’s been over two hours since Coral locked herself in the bathroom. She showered just this morning as well. Is she feeling ill?” she wondered aloud.

Coral’s father, Mr. Beach, shared his wife’s concern. “She’s been acting strangely since she got back from school yesterday. She hardly ate, remained isolated in her room, and kept every light on, even during the day. It’s like she’s suddenly become terrified of the dark. If she continues to shower all day, we should consider seeking medical advice.”

“Dear, did you manage to find out what happened at the school the other night? I’ve tried contacting her teachers, but to no avail,” Mrs. Ocean inquired.

When Mr. Beach spoke, his voice was heavy with concern, and there was a distinct look of distress in his eyes as the smoke from his cigarette curled upwards. “I made a trip to the school just yesterday, and the situation is deeply unsettling. The entire school has been temporarily closed down, and students have been sent home indefinitely. There were numerous other parents present, each with a worried expression mirroring mine.”

He took a deep drag from his cigarette and exhaled slowly. “A few parents I spoke to said their children hadn’t come home since that ominous night. Calls to their children go straight to voicemail, and no one seems to know where they might be. It’s not just one or two kids, either. There are quite a number of them missing.”

Mrs. Ocean’s face paled upon hearing this. “How could such a thing happen? How is it possible for so many children to just vanish?”

“It’s clear there’s been some sort of incident at the school. They’re keeping the specifics from us. I thought about discussing it with Coral to see if she knew anything, but given her current fragile state, I don’t want to further distress her,” Mr. Beach responded, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration and extinguishing his cigarette. He sighed deeply, “Whatever occurred at that school, it has left our Coral terrified.”

Mrs. Ocean’s voice trembled as she asked, “Could she have been harassed or bullied by some troublemakers at the school?”

Shaking his head, Mr. Beach said, “I don’t think so. This isn’t just a case of a single student being bullied. There’s something much larger at play. And wasn’t it one of Coral’s classmates who escorted her back home just yesterday morning?”

Mrs. Ocean nodded slowly, “Yes, I met that young boy. His name’s Miles.”

“We should try to speak with him. Maybe he has some insights into what transpired,” suggested Mr. Beach.

“I’ve thought of that, but I never took down his contact information,” Mrs. Ocean admitted with regret.

Suddenly, the air was split by a harrowing scream from the bathroom.

Both parents paled instantly, eyes wide with terror. Without wasting a moment, they hurried towards the bathroom door.

“Coral, please open the door! What’s wrong? Talk to us,” Mrs. Ocean cried out, knocking frantically.

But from within the bathroom, the desperate screams only grew louder and more frantic.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mr. Beach took matters into his own hands and used his strength to forcefully break down the bathroom door.

As the door swung open with a loud crash, Mrs. Ocean was the first to rush in. The horrific sight before her made her blood run cold. Blood was splattered all over the bathroom floor, and in a corner, Coral was crouched, her body covered in blood, with her face hidden behind her blood-soaked hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Oh my darling, what happened?!” Mrs. Ocean cried out, tears streaming down her face.

Through her sobs, Coral managed to speak, her voice trembling with fear, “It’s there, right outside the window. It came for me. Please… don’t get any closer. Stay back.”

Mrs. Ocean tried to comfort her daughter, “There’s nothing outside, sweetheart. You’re imagining things!” She quickly glanced towards the bathroom window, which appeared perfectly normal.

But Coral was adamant, her voice quivering, “No, Mom, it’s out there. It’s watching me.”

Tears streamed down Coral’s face as she gripped her mother’s arm with a desperation born from fear. “I need to be with Miles, Mom. His house is the only place I feel safe now. I can’t bear the thought of staying here. I don’t want to end up like the others,” she cried, her voice breaking with each word. Names of her classmates – Sue, Zhao Yan, Liu Jiayi – spilled out of her, punctuating her heart-wrenching pleas. Every name she mentioned was a stark reminder of the chilling reality they now faced. Pulling her mother closer, she buried her face deep into Mrs. Ocean’s comforting embrace.

Mrs. Ocean, tears streaming down her cheeks, held her daughter tightly, trying to be her pillar of strength. “It’s okay, darling. I’m here with you. We’re safe,” she whispered soothingly.

Coral’s sobs grew even louder, “It’s here, right outside that window. It’s waiting for me. I don’t want to die, Mom.”

Mrs. Ocean glanced towards the window for reassurance, trying to calm her daughter’s fears. “Sweetheart, look. We’re on the 16th floor. Nothing can be out there. It’s just your imagination playing tricks,” she tried to reason, though her own voice quivered with worry.

Despite her mother’s comforting words, Coral’s voice was filled with raw fear, “It’s real, Mom. I have to be with Miles. He’s the only one who can protect me.”

After a heavy, unsettling silence, Mr. Beach stepped forward, his face drawn with worry, “For now, let’s focus on getting Coral out of these wet clothes and into her room. We need to attend to her wounds. There’s a clinic downstairs. We’ll take her there. Tomorrow, I’ll track down Miles and get to the bottom of this.”

Nodding, Mrs. Ocean gently guided her shaken daughter out of the traumatic setting of the bathroom.

After they had left, Mr. Beach started the arduous task of turning off the hot water and cleaning the mess. His thoughts raced as he scrubbed away the blood.

He cast one last look at the window, curious about Coral’s claims. They were sixteen stories high; the very idea of something lurking outside seemed preposterous.

Seeing nothing initially, he was about to shut the window when he halted in shock. On the foggy, moisture-covered pane was a tiny, clear handprint. It was unmistakably small, like that of a young child, maybe around four or five years old.

To his mounting horror, he noticed that the same handprints started from the window and trailed inwards, sprawling across the ceiling and walls. It was as if a child had climbed from the outside into the room, leaving behind an eerie trail.

Chilled to the bone, Mr. Beach felt a growing sense of dread that stayed with him.


In another part of the city, William, Miles friend, was also facing his own challenges. He had barely set foot inside his house after an evening at the internet café when his father confronted him. Assuming his son had been up to some mischief, Mr. Noble didn’t wait for explanations. He administered a strict punishment to William, forbidding him from retiring to the comfort of his room.

Standing alone on the balcony, William felt the cool night breeze ruffle his hair. As he looked out into the vast expanse of the dark sky, punctuated only by the distant glimmer of stars, he was consumed by his thoughts about the recent unsettling events.

Who could be orchestrating all this against him? Which person, hidden in the shadows, had the motive to tarnish his reputation or make life difficult for him? The questions weighed heavily on his mind as he searched the horizon for answers that remained elusive.


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