Terror Awakening chapter 22

Chapter 22: Code Name

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

In the midst of the bustling call center, Rain’s momentary lapse in composure instantly drew the attention of a stern-faced middle-aged man donning a crisp uniform. He briskly approached Rain, tapping authoritatively on the table in front of her. “Rain,” he voiced with a clear note of disapproval, “you must control your emotions. This is a critical juncture, and we can’t afford to let personal feelings jeopardize our work.”

Rain, flustered, tried to explain herself, “Captain, this individual is evidently privy to the ongoing situation but remains tight-lipped.”

The captain replied sternly, “During such unprecedented events, it’s not uncommon for people to be overwhelmed emotionally. It’s our job to be compassionate, patient, and even reassuring. The reason many of our call operators are women is because they typically exhibit these traits effectively. If you find it challenging to uphold these standards, you may consider a different position.” His words were direct and unyielding.

Rain lowered her head, replying, “Understood, Captain.”

“I will handle this call,” he continued, “Learn from this experience.” Switching the line, he introduced himself to the caller, “Greetings, this is Captain Build, Rain’s supervisor at Interpol. Please accept my apologies for her earlier lapse in judgment. I assure you it’s been addressed. I’d appreciate your understanding during this critical phase, and your cooperation is pivotal. Now, may we proceed with our discussion?”

Inside a city bus, a young man named Miles clutched his phone, intrigued by the sudden change in conversation. “The captain, interesting,” he pondered, “Seems I’ve managed to escalate my call to someone of higher rank.”

He confidently declared, “I’ll disclose all I know about Right in its entirety. However, I expect you to share specific details that I need to be aware of. I refrained from speaking with Rain earlier because she lacked the necessary authority for the decisions I’m expecting.”

Despite his youthful tone, Miles exhibited sharp reasoning and astuteness.

Captain Build, in return, jotted down a brief profile:

Name: William (To Be Confirmed)

Age: Roughly 20

Character Traits: Though inexperienced in certain aspects, he exhibits caution and intelligence beyond his years.

“I’m willing to exchange information if you have knowledge about Right,” Captain Build probed, “Could you start by giving a brief on Right’s current situation?”

Miles responded concisely, “As I mentioned, Right is no longer alive.”

A brief silence ensued.

Captain Build mentally pieced the information together, ‘The ghost tamer met his demise due to a vengeful ghost’s resurrection due to invoking its power. Usually, invoking such power denotes an immediate, significant event.’

“That’s accurate,” Miles chimed in.

“Would you be kind enough to delve deeper?” urged Captain Build.

“Of course.” With that, Miles embarked on narrating the happenings of the preceding day.

In a dimly lit room, Captain Build motioned discreetly to Rain, who stood at a distance, “Rain, start a new dossier on this vengeful spirit.”

Rain, always prepared, chose an old-fashioned approach by quickly pulling out her pen and paper and scribbling down the details rather than using a digital device.

“The ghost domain, the eerie ghost in the lavatory stairwell, an ancient spirit with a chilling ability to kill with the mere echo of door knocks.” With every bit of detail that was jotted down, the weight of the situation manifested in Build’s increasingly grave expression.

Wrapping up his account, Miles inquired, “Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

Build leaned back, observing the youth from the other end of the phone. “Our young acquaintance here is clearly still guarding certain pieces of information, understandably not fully trusting us. It’s commendable, showing caution at such a young age. But I hope you’ll understand the importance of our mutual cooperation,” he remarked. “How, may I ask, did you manage to extricate yourself from the ghost domain? It’s not a domain one can just casually walk out of.”

Taking a moment, Miles proposed a counter-question, “Before I provide an answer, could I seek some clarity?”

Build, intrigued, nodded in consent after a brief pause.

“Exactly what constitutes a ghost?” Miles pressed.

Build took a moment, then responded, “Various global institutions have conducted myriad studies on this. A prevailing theory suggests that what we term ‘ghosts’ are a unique form of energy, akin perhaps to dark matter or an uncharted subatomic particle, an area of existence not yet completely demystified by our sciences. Historically, we’ve always sought to label the unknown – much like our ancestors attributing atmospheric phenomena like rain or thunder to deities when they’re merely natural processes.”

Miles, his gaze unwavering, countered, “I seek the unvarnished truth. There’s another significant detail about the old ghost that I haven’t shared. I believe mutual sharing of knowledge would be beneficial.”

Tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table, Build pondered, “The ongoing scientific research hasn’t conclusively determined the true nature of ‘ghosts’. Some theorize they might be projections of our soul’s energy, but the predominant belief still resonates with a kind of spiritual idealism.”

Miles, visibly pensive, asked, “Could you clarify?”

The earnestness in Miles’s eyes betrayed his deepest hope: that these so-called spirits were merely unidentified energy transformations. But deep down, he knew the unsettling truth – ghosts were very real.

Refocusing the conversation, Build inquired, “Returning to our previous subject, how did you manage to exit the ghost domain?”

Miles, with a hint of irony, shared, “The reason is rather straightforward. I transformed into a ghost tamer.”

Build’s eyes sharpened, reflecting a mixture of expectation and realization. “I suspected as much,” he admitted, “For how else could one possibly break free from such a domain without embracing its core essence?”

Eager for more information, Build further pressed, “Is there additional knowledge about the old ghost that you’ve withheld?”

Determined, Miles countered, “Only if you can enlighten me more about these vengeful phantoms.”

Build nodded, signaling his agreement, “Very well.”

Miles took a deep breath, deciding to share everything he knew, “The elderly ghost had a sinister way of tracking people. He used the sound of knocking to pinpoint individuals, transmitted through various channels, be it phones or online platforms. Once he identified his target, he’d visit them in person and use that same chilling knock as a harbinger of their demise. The origin of this eerie phenomenon can be traced back to a post by an online user. I’d suggest you start your investigation there, but be extremely cautious of that distinct knocking sound. It acts as a curse, drawing the old man to those who hear it.”

Miles paused for a moment to ensure Build was paying attention before repeating the particulars and providing the online forum’s address.

“I’ve documented all you’ve shared, and we’ll dispatch a team to look into it,” Build assured him.

“In the interim, I’d recommend holding on to Right’s phone,” Build suggested, “It has been specifically engineered to fend off the wrathful spirit’s powers. Furthermore, its battery life is exceptional, lasting up to an entire year. So, unless you’re in a particularly dire situation, you should be able to maintain communication even amidst supernatural disturbances.”

Miles, raising an eyebrow in surprise, replied, “That’s intriguing to know. Thank you. For now, I’ve relayed all I aimed to share. We can resume our dialogue at a later time.”

Build nodded, “Understood. For any future communications, Rain will be your primary contact. And, I’d like to extend a formal apology for the earlier incident.”

Miles shrugged it off, “No harm done. It was just a flare-up on both our parts.” With that, he ended the call.

Rain, who had been listening intently, voiced her concern, “Captain Build, shouldn’t we take possession of Right’s phone? As per our regulations, it contains valuable intel and shouldn’t be with an outsider.”

Lost in thought, Build drummed his fingers on the table, “Our current predicament has evolved. Given that this young man has embraced his role as a ghost tamer, he warrants our special attention. I see potential in him, Rain. Monitor him closely.”

Taken aback, Rain questioned, “He’s newly initiated into the world of ghost tamers. Are we sure he’s prepared? He hasn’t undergone the customary training.”

Build’s gaze grew steely, “Perhaps a trial run as a provisional member? If necessary, we can always provide on-the-job training. I’ll apprise our superiors of this development. Speaking of which, how’s the data collation you were supervising?”

Rain glanced at the sheets before her, “All documented. Ready for archiving once sorted. What do we label this?”

“Use the code: Knocking Ghost,” Build instructed, “Its threat level is to be marked as A, falling under the Disaster category.” Pausing for a moment, he added, “Should the archival team need validation, let them know it was at my discretion.”

Rain nodded, slightly unnerved, “Understood.”

Thus, another formidable vengeful spirit made its ominous presence felt in the Asian continent.


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