Deep Sea Embers chapter 227

Chapter 227: “Faith Remains”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

In moments of deep reflection and adversity, even the most devout believers often face two pivotal challenges. The first arises when they begin to question the very beliefs they hold dear. The second, even more profound, occurs when, despite their wavering faith, they still find themselves blessed with divine power.

At this moment, a cacophony of overlapping, static-filled noises echoed in Vanna’s mind, like a broken recorder playing from afar. This growing din made her increasingly question the messages she received from the goddess. She reflected on the peculiar utterances she had perceived during a ritual in her room. Were they truly divine words? Or merely figments of her imagination? As she delved deeper into these thoughts, the static in her head grew louder, making it harder for her to focus.

Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, the noise ceased, pulling her out of her trance-like state.

Noticing her distracted demeanor, the old bishop voiced his concern, “Are you alright?”

Gathering her bearings, Vanna replied with a touch of uncertainty, “I believe so…” She then studied the bishop’s face, noting a similar bewilderment, and remarked, “You too…”

“When the last bell tolled, doubt clouded my thoughts,” Valentine admitted, looking defeated. “It’s not something I’d typically admit, but my faith isn’t as unwavering as the legendary saints enshrined in our temple. I’ve questioned why the malicious forces of the Ender have grown so powerful, why our sacred cathedral has failed to cage the devout Suntists, and why our goddess, in over a decade of turmoil, has not issued a single warning.”

After sharing his concerns, he turned to gaze upon the statue of Gomona, which despite the divine rays filtering through the stained glass above, stood cold and silent.

Regaining his composure, Valentine confessed, “After that moment of weakness, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. I realized that my lapse was akin to the gravest error mentioned in the Storm Codex – relying solely on divine intervention, thereby compromising one’s own resolve. Yet, those seeds of doubt have sprouted within me.”

Vanna, after considering his words, responded, “Deception has always been the weapon of heretics. They’ve plotted for years to breach our defenses from the inside, making their attack almost insurmountable. But this doesn’t imply that the goddess’s authority can be easily toppled.”

Nodding in agreement, Valentine said with a chuckle, “That very fact is why, even in moments of doubt, I still find solace in my faith. The goddess’s protective aura remains over our world. Her love and blessings are undeniable. However, this experience has made me ponder deeper questions.”

Vanna, with a stern expression, warned, “To question is to commit heresy, Bishop Valentine.” After a pause, she added with a hint of resignation, “And yet, I too have been guilty of the same.”

Valentine’s voice was gentle but laden with gravity, “Perhaps, we should view this as a divine trial set before us.”

Vanna didn’t respond verbally, choosing instead to stand beside him, facing the statue and joining him in a silent prayer.

However, the serenity of their shared moment was soon interrupted. The echoing sound of footsteps approached rapidly, and within minutes, Vanna’s attention was drawn to the entrance of the grand hall. She turned to see a middle-aged priest, dressed not in his religious attire but in common civilian clothes, approaching them with purpose.

“Head Bishop,” the person greeted, quickly extending a document towards Valentine, “This is the detailed report you requested.”

Valentine acknowledged him with a nod of gratitude and began to peruse the document’s contents. As he skimmed through the pages, Vanna noticed his countenance shift, a look of confusion and incredulity taking over.

Curiosity piqued, she inquired, “What’s contained in that report? What has it disclosed?”

“It’s a preliminary assessment,” Valentine began, his brow furrowing, “from the city’s civil department detailing the aftermath of the recent catastrophe that befell our city.” He hesitated for a moment, then handed the report to Vanna, “Perhaps you should see for yourself.”

As she scanned the title and the initial details, Vanna’s eyes widened, and she shot Valentine a look that mirrored his earlier surprise. The report detailed a peculiar anomaly: despite the city having been reset to the state before the disaster, a few merchants near the docks seemed to have faced a bizarre situation.

“There are claims,” Vanna read aloud, her tone a mix of amusement and disbelief, “from the dockside traders that a significant amount of potatoes and fries have inexplicably vanished from their stock. And there are also mentions of… missing ketchup?” She met Valentine’s eyes, both of them now wearing identical expressions of bemusement. “Is this some kind of joke?”

Valentine, suppressing a smirk, responded, “Perhaps you’d like to lead a delegation and verify these claims yourself? On paper, no one would have the audacity to fabricate such details.”

Vanna stared at the document, mulling over its implications. She finally exhaled a deep sigh, “Why would such ludicrous details be included in an otherwise solemn report?”

Maintaining a straight face, Valentine responded, “Interestingly, a full detachment of our guardians was tasked with overseeing the fry supplies at the pier. What have they deduced?”

Vanna just stared, lost for words.

“In essence,” Valentine continued, slightly bemused, “according to this report, these mysterious vanishing fries are the sole reported anomaly in our entire city-state.” He paused, an almost teasing glint in his eye, “Next time, maybe you can inquire directly from him?”

Vanna blinked, confusion evident, “Inquire? From whom?”

Valentine leaned in, a sly smile forming, “Who do you think?”

Vanna took a moment, then sighed deeply, massaging her temples as if fending off a headache, “Discussing such ludicrous matters in a place of reverence feels absurd. Are we sure this is the best place for this conversation?”

Valentine’s expression was one of perplexity as he spoke, “To be honest, I’m at a loss. The only association I can make regarding this situation points to him.”

But before their discussion could progress, the grand doors of the cathedral swung open, revealing another priest who seemed out of breath. His face was a mix of urgency and concern as he dashed towards them.

“Head Bishop! Inquisitor! Urgent news from the port area…”

Anticipating another mention of the missing fries saga, Vanna hastily interjected, “Yes, we’ve been informed about the fries. No need to mention it again!”

The priest looked taken aback, his eyebrows knitting in confusion, “French fries? What are you referring to?”

Vanna’s face flushed with slight embarrassment. “Oh, I assumed you were here about the… never mind. What brings you here? What happened at the port?”

Collecting himself, the priest resumed his serious demeanor, “There’s a ship known as the Sea Mist requesting permission to dock at the harbor. Tyrian Abnomar, its commander, is seeking an immediate audience with the church. He claims to have crucial information about the Vanished.”

Upon hearing this, Vanna choked and began coughing violently, taking the poor priest by surprise as he stepped back in alarm.

“Inquisitor, are you alright?”

Regaining her composure, Vanna cleared her throat, trying to mask her earlier shock, “Yes, I’m fine.” She straightened up, puffing out her chest in an attempt to regain some semblance of authority. “I recall sending a letter to the Sea Mist but never received a response. What’s the nature of their visit?”

The priest relayed the message he’d received, “The Sea Mist had already reached our vicinity before the recent disaster. They report a harrowing encounter with the Vanished in the eastern waters, resulting in a brutal confrontation. Their ship sustained significant damages, and they’re seeking our permission to dock for necessary repairs.”

Vanna’s earlier composure disappeared as her eyes widened in astonishment, “An actual encounter with the Vanished?!” She swung her gaze to Valentine, determination evident in her eyes, “I must go to the harbor myself to meet them.”

Valentine nodded in agreement, “Indeed. The Sea Mist isn’t just any ship. While it’s affiliated with us, its crew has its own reputation that can potentially cause unrest at the docks. Your presence there will ensure order and respect.”

Vanna nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Without another word, she hastened out of the cathedral to meet the fabled ship and its crew.

The Sea Mist made its entrance without any complications, albeit later than originally anticipated. This colossal warship, draped in tales of legend and accompanied by eerie whispers of curses, finally made its way into the city-state of Pland just as promised. Currently, the impressive steel behemoth began its slow approach to the specialized dock designed for ships of its grandeur, guided by the port’s designated dockmasters.

Curious spectators, having caught wind of the ship’s arrival, had congregated near the pier, hoping to catch a glimpse of this legendary vessel. However, the vast majority couldn’t help but cast anxious glances, perhaps intimidated by the sheer size and the rumored history of the ship.

Yet, upon closer inspection, it became evident that the Sea Mist wasn’t approaching with the intention of aggression. Clear signs of a recent, fierce battle were etched across its body. It bore deep scars of warfare: three out of its six main artillery guns lay in ruin, its sides were marred with gaping holes, and its command bridge displayed significant damage that spanned up to two-thirds of its entire structure. Given such extensive damage, any typical ship would have been consumed by the depths of the sea, overwhelmed by the relentless influx of water.

But the Sea Mist was no ordinary vessel. Despite its grievous injuries, it navigated the waters with a stubborn persistence. It was evident that its internal mechanisms were tirelessly at work, as one could observe seawater being expelled from various parts of the ship, suggesting an innate capability to keep itself afloat without relying on external pumping.

The buzzing chatter and murmurs of the gathering crowd were quickly hushed with the arrival of Vanna and her accompanying entourage, which included the distinctive spiderwalkers. Their presence commanded immediate respect and attention, reinforcing the importance and gravity of the Sea Mist’s arrival.


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5 thoughts on “Deep Sea Embers chapter 227

  1. Ahahha the potatoes, XD Duncan was serious about securing his fries stash.

    Now he can have fish and potatoes xD.

  2. where a vicious batter broke out.
    vicious battle. Though I now have the mental image of each of them furiously making pancakes on their main decks, occasionally shooting glares at one another.

    Alice stands by with syrup, unwavering as always.

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