Deep Sea Embers chapter 180

Chapter 180 “Historians Talk About History”

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

Duncan cast a discerning glance at the elderly man before him. From the look in Morris’s eyes, it was clear he had misinterpreted the intense flame in Duncan’s eyes. Morris, an old scholar, was unfamiliar with the complexities of the sun fragments and might have confused Nina with some other “otherworldly entity,” similar to Duncan or perhaps another creature from subspace dimension.

In reality, Morris’s assumptions weren’t entirely off base. When he saw the intense flame, he mistakenly believed his “student” was akin to Duncan. The varied appearances of “subspace inhabitants” didn’t perplex him, from giants to flaming entities, as the bizarre and unusual were commonplace in subspace. Additionally, he believed no life existed there, allowing leading entities to take any form they wished.

Yet, seeing Duncan’s intense reaction, a seed of doubt sprouted in Morris’s mind. Perhaps he had misjudged the situation.

“Nina, she…” The elder hesitated, choosing his words carefully. The fear and shock he felt earlier now mingled with genuine concern for his student.

It struck him as odd to worry about her. After all, the flame, whatever its true nature, exuded immense power. Surely, a being of such formidable strength couldn’t be the same as his fragile, ordinary student.

With a somber expression, Duncan interjected, “Nina isn’t like me. She’s always been just a normal person. She’s unaware of any unique abilities within her. And that flame you’re referring to… it’s possibly something entirely different.”

Morris blinked in confusion. “I’m not following.”

Duncan paused, weighing his next words carefully. He decided not to delve deeper into the subject of the sun fragments right away. Instead, he asked, “Are you familiar with the ‘real sun god’ that the Suntists venerate?”

“The real sun god?” Morris knitted his eyebrows, puzzled by the sudden shift in topic. But he responded, “Yes, I’m aware. The Suntists, those heretical believers, have been around for ages, and many of their rituals have become subjects of historical studies. They refer to their deity as the ‘real sun god.’ But devotees of the primary god don’t use that term. We know it as the ‘Black Sun’ or ‘Dark Black Sun.’ Some ancient scriptures also reference it as the ‘Creeping Sun Wheel.’”

“The Creeping Sun Wheel?” Duncan questioned, his eyebrow arching with intrigue. While he was familiar with the term ‘Black Sun,’ the phrase “Creeping Sun Wheel” was entirely new to him. The name evoked memories of the harrowing vision he witnessed through the sun mask: the decaying entity enveloped in a radiant corona reminiscent of a fiery, archaic deity.

“Yes,” Morris began, nodding in affirmation, “This particular term isn’t widely known outside academic circles. It originates from records dating back to the era of the old kingdom. The primary manuscript detailing this was inscribed in the Cretan language, which lends an aura of mystery to the term ‘Creeping Sun Wheel.’ Disseminating such information broadly among the general populace might cause unrest or confusion.”

Morris seemed more at ease discussing scholarly subjects. The looming and sinister reality represented by Duncan momentarily faded, and Morris found himself reminiscing about his recent visit to the antique shop where he’d engaged in an enthusiastic conversation with the proprietor.

Remarkably, the persistent ringing noise that had been plaguing his mind seemed to have vanished unnoticed.

“The ancient Kingdom of Crete,” Duncan mused, taken aback by this revelation. “The Suntist heretics trace their origins back that far?”

“Indeed,” Morris responded with a gravitas that underscored the weight of the information. “It’s astounding, but the followers of the Black Sun can trace their roots back to the zenith of the ancient Crete kingdom. Given that Vision 001-Sun emerged from the sea post the fall of the Crete kingdom…” He hesitated, grappling with the words before resuming, “The mainstream academia and the Church of the Four Gods have always been somewhat reticent to address this topic head-on. By all historical accounts, belief in the Black Sun predates the inception of vision 001…”

Duncan absorbed this revelation in contemplative silence.

To think that the history of the Black Sun predates that of the current sun seemed logical. However, it was a fact the Church of the Four Gods hesitated to embrace.

Because admitting to this would mean confirming an assertion by the sun worshipers: that the “real sun god” was the primary sun in days of yore, and the ensuing vision sun was a “heretical construct” that had usurped the sun’s rightful place.

“…Thus, by the heretics’ claims, before the era known as the Deep Sea Era, their ‘deity’ was the luminary of this realm,” Duncan finally voiced his thoughts after a prolonged pause, “If we base orthodoxy on antiquity, then their beliefs hold the orthodox title.”

“In academia, opinions and interpretations abound, each competing for validity and acceptance. But the belief surrounding the ‘Creeping Sun Wheel’ is considered among the most radical, teetering on the brink of pure heresy,” Morris commented, sounding somewhat fatigued by the weight of the topic. “Yet, with a trove of manuscripts originating from the ancient Kingdom of Crete, it’s a topic that can’t simply be brushed aside or ignored.”

Duncan, looking contemplative, replied, “Even if we were to give those heretics the benefit of the doubt, it’s undeniable that their current faith poses a substantial threat to our world. Regardless of how their deity might have been perceived prior to the Deep Sea Era, its present condition…”

Morris’s eyes widened in realization as he interrupted Duncan, “Hold on… are you implying that you’ve…”

“Seen it firsthand,” Duncan interjected gently, sensing that the old scholar deserved to be privy to this knowledge, especially given how much he had enlightened Duncan in the past. “The sight was so heart-wrenching and beyond redemption. The worshipers’ practices don’t seem to be aiding their deity. Instead, they appear to be driving it further into a state of derangement and distortion.”

Pausing for a moment, he added, “Would you like me to describe its current state? Perhaps your perspective could provide some clarity.”

But even before Duncan could fully articulate his offer, Morris, visibly shaken, interjected vehemently, “No, please!”

Wanting to alleviate the abruptness of his reaction, Morris cleared his throat and added, “Such knowledge is beyond what I should be privy to.”

Knowing he may have overstepped, Duncan quickly reassured Morris, “I understand. Let’s change the subject. Regarding the Black Sun’s worship in the present world – the heretics’ continual attempts to revive their deity through brutal human sacrifices seem to be in vain. Have they ever made any discernible headway in the annals of history?”

Drawing from his vast reservoir of knowledge, Morris replied, “Their actions have undoubtedly wreaked havoc, but as for genuinely ‘resurrecting the sun’, that’s a feat seemingly beyond human capability. From what I’ve gathered, only a handful of historical records even hint at a significant manifestation of the Black Sun’s power.”

“The earliest documented event traces back to the concluding days of what was termed the chaotic era. This period witnessed the aftermath of the downfall of the mighty Kingdom of Crete. With the decline of the kingdom, numerous unresolved issues from history plagued the succeeding city-states. These states, left in the shadow of their predecessor, were perpetually tangled in battles and faced severe famines. In these tumultuous times, a cult known as the sun heretics saw an opportunity. They orchestrated a massive, barbaric sacrificial ritual in a city-state known as ‘Charon’. Their sinister act resulted in the conjuring of an enormous fireball, a living entity of flames. This fireball hovered ominously over Charon for a total of five days. And then, as mysteriously as it appeared, it vanished. But its devastating effects were visible – the entire city-state of Charon had been reduced to a vast expanse of gleaming glass.

“Another peculiar occurrence was witnessed during the time of the ancient city-states. The triggering factors for this incident remain shrouded in mystery. But the aftermath was clear and terrifying – multiple smaller city-states located on the periphery of the known world disappeared without a trace in a single night. Those who were fortunate enough to witness this event described seeing an enormous, radiant rift in the night sky. Inside this rift, a sun seemed to rise. And then, an overwhelming gravitational force emerged from this rift, lifting these city-states from their foundation in the sea. These lands, once prosperous, were pulled apart and shredded into thin fragments before they were dragged into the mysterious rift.”

“The most contemporary of these events happened at the dawn of the new city-state era. This occurrence was arguably the most mysterious. Strangely enough, there were no survivors to recount the tale, no documents detailing the damages, and no evidence left behind. It was as if the incident never took place. What added to the mystery was that no one could pinpoint when or where this event transpired.”

As he listened, Duncan, his face a mask of confusion, couldn’t help but voice his skepticism. “If no one was aware of its occurrence, how could this be categorized as a major demonstration of the Black Sun’s might? No one even had the slightest clue about which city-state bore the brunt of the attack.”

Morris nodded in agreement, replying with gravity, “Indeed, it’s an enigma that defies conventional understanding. But my privileged position within the Academy of Truth granted me access to certain documents.” He paused for effect before continuing, “This incident unquestionably took place. How can I be so sure? Because on a fateful morning, a new inscription mysteriously appeared on the revered ‘Chronology Pillar’ of the Flame Bearers. This inscription mentioned a city-state – one that nobody had ever heard of or documented. The only clue was a haunting sentence:

“‘Wilhelm’s last message, the Black Sun descends from history, we have failed.’”


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