The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Believing in Chao Chao Brings Eternal Life

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

At the New Year’s feast, a distinct air of discomfort permeated the gathering. Madame Xu was notably aloof, her expression unchanging throughout, while the family matriarch was visibly disheartened. In stark contrast, Lu Yuan Xiao and Gu Ling reveled in the festivities, heartily exchanging toasts and fully embracing the celebratory atmosphere.

Amidst this mixed ambiance, Lu Chao Chao grew increasingly restless, her irritation mounting. [Enough with the drinking already! Can’t you see it’s time to move on? I’m eager to witness the lantern festival, to bask in the glow of the lanterns! This old Bipeng, constantly babbling in his drunken stupor, won’t ever stop!] she fumed internally, her patience fraying.

The unexpected mention of “old Bipeng” startled everyone, particularly Lu Zheng Yue, who found the term coarse and inappropriate, which led to a fit of uncontrollable coughing. “Cough, cough, cough… old Bipeng??” He was bewildered, having never encountered the term before.

Observing Chao Chao’s near-breaking point, Madame Xu intervened. [This is unbearable! Am I to be underestimated, seen as weak? Despite my youth and apparent powerlessness, I refuse to be taken lightly!] Chao Chao seethed silently.

With a strategic move, Madame Xu suggested that the younger family members retire early to avoid further disturbances. “Let’s allow the children to rest; we wouldn’t want to dampen the spirits of the evening,” she proposed, masking her concern with a diplomatic smile. Deng Zhi quickly moved to soothe Chao Chao, who was on the verge of making a scene.

Lu Yan Shu sighed in relief at this decision. Knowing Chao Chao’s infamous tantrums—typically marked by a chaotic display of flying food and saliva—he was grateful for the timely intervention.

Chao Chao, catching on to her mother’s cue, lightened up considerably. [Ah, Mama knows me best. Love you…] she thought appreciatively, her eyes shining with gratitude.

“Father, with your permission, I shall take my siblings to rest,” Lu Yan Shu respectfully proposed from his wheelchair, signaling their exit from the evening’s festivities.

Lu Zheng Yue and Lu Yan Shu exchanged a poignant look, a fleeting shadow of sadness crossing Zheng Yue’s face at the gesture.

“I’ll check on Wan Yi,” the elderly matriarch declared, excusing herself from the gathering.

In the ensuing quiet, Gu Ling shared a regretful thought with Lu Yuan Xiao. “Brother, how much better things would have been if Yan Shu could manage your family’s estate. It’s unfortunate that his condition limits him,” he lamented, slightly slurred by his inebriation. “Forgive me if I speak out of turn; the alcohol loosens my tongue.”

Lu Yuan Xiao, sobered by the reality, replied, “Indeed, the responsibilities of my family’s lineage cannot be entrusted to someone with physical limitations.”

Meanwhile, Lu Yan Shu found solace in his studies, engrossed in a book by a window, seemingly oblivious to the festive chaos outside.

As New Year’s Day dawned, the capital city lit up with vibrant decorations. Streets were lined with red lanterns, and windows displayed intricate paper cuts. The bustling market stalls attracted throngs of youthful faces, all alight with excitement. Among them, Lu Chao Chao, her eyes wide with wonder, was particularly enchanted by the festive scene.

“Candy… candy…” she murmured, captivated by the allure of candied hawthorn.

Lu Yuan Xiao indulged her with a candy stick adorned with orange and hawthorn treats, sprinkled with sesame seeds, earning himself an affectionate kiss from Chao Chao.

Her excitement escalated upon spotting shiny rouge in a nearby shop. Lu Zheng Yue initially hesitated, explaining, “You’re still too young for rouge; that’s for grown-ups.” However, he eventually gave in to her pleading eyes and bought her a small bottle of bright red rouge, which she eagerly pocketed, her fascination with vivid colors evident even at her young age.

Continuing their stroll, Chao Chao noticed a familiar figure selecting jewelry and realized they were near Wen Ning, her brother’s fiancée. Lu Zheng Yue, trying to avoid an awkward encounter, hastily led them to another shop, leaving Chao Chao feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal.

[Why avoid my future sister-in-law? Why?] she thought, puzzled and frustrated by his actions.

Burdened with guilt, Lu Zheng Yue eventually confessed to Chao Chao. “I once harbored feelings for Su Zhi Qing, betraying Wen Ning in the process,” he admitted, revealing his past emotional turmoil.

Reflecting on this, Lu Zheng Yue recognized how intensely he had been captivated by Su Zhi Qing, to the point of losing sight of everything else. But Chao Chao’s intervention had helped him regain his clarity, akin to waking from a disorienting dream. Now faced with Wen Ning, his feelings of guilt intensified.

[But, Second Brother, you can’t blame yourself. Your diversion from Sister-in-law to Su Zhi Qing was preordained by fate. At that time, you were merely caught in destiny’s current, powerless to resist.] Chao Chao believed in the powerful sway of fate, which steered lives in unexpected directions.

Encouraged by her understanding, Lu Zheng Yue felt a spark of hope. [If you continue to overlook Sister Wen Ning, she will suffer again. Don’t you wish to be her protector?] Chao Chao playfully admonished, her frustration evident.

“But… I… I’m afraid,” he confessed, reflecting on his past defiance of his mother for Su Zhi Qing, his judgment clouded at the time. Now, with a clear mind, he recognized his true affection for Wen Ning, yet he remained paralyzed by fear.

Seeing his hesitation, Chao Chao reassured him, “Chao Chao help!” She envisioned a plan to transform her brother into a figure that would leave Wen Ning spellbound, hopelessly in love.

Lu Yuan Xiao, overhearing their conversation, was skeptical yet intrigued by his sister’s ambitious plan.

Lu Zheng Yue, though doubtful, considered that his sister’s youthful perspective might offer insights beyond his own, instilling an unexpected trust in her ability to manage the delicate situation.

As they prepared, Lu Zheng Yue observed his younger brother selecting various items aimed at enhancing his appeal. The first step was to emphasize his scholarly nature, highly regarded in their culture.

[Scholars often carry a fan,] Lu Chao Chao suggested, handing him a fan to complement his scholarly appearance.

Holding the fan, Lu Zheng Yue struck a thoughtful pose, although he felt slightly out of place amidst the snowy landscape.

[Next, we need to make sure she notices you,] Lu Chao Chao declared determinedly.

She then presented him with an exquisite gold-trimmed robe, urging him to try it on. Despite his initial hesitation, Lu Zheng Yue complied. Upon reappearing, he was met with astonished stares, the robe clearly making an impressive impact.

[See? Did it work?] Lu Chao Chao gleefully exclaimed, her pride evident as she patted her chest.

Lu Zheng Yue, realizing the attention he was drawing, felt a surge of confidence, acknowledging the robe’s success in capturing everyone’s notice.

The final touch was to showcase the wealth and status of the Marquis’s house. With solemnity, Lu Chao Chao produced a hefty gold chain and a large ring, adorning her brother with these symbols of affluence. She carefully arranged the items on him, ensuring he embodied the essence of their family’s wealth.

Now fully adorned, Lu Zheng Yue stood ready to dazzle his prospect. Lu Chao Chao was confident that her efforts would impress Wen Ning, anticipating tears of joy at the sight of him. The transformation was complete, and they were all eager to witness the outcome of their meticulous preparation.


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2 thoughts on “The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 72

  1. I don’t think this will have the estimated effect… it sounds hella stupid. Like when you let your baby sister do your hair and make-up and wind up looking like a clown.

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