The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Beating the Old Lady

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation.

As the staff of the household assembled outside the magnificent Deshan Hall, the elderly family matriarch was halfway through her meal. Disturbed by the clamor outside, she voiced her annoyance, “What is the cause of this commotion? How is Shi Yun, who manages our household affairs, allowing such disorder? It’s disheartening to see the estate’s standards decline like this.”

Reflecting on past disappointments, she lamented, “Given her background as a distinguished lady from the capital, it’s truly disheartening to witness what she has become.”

With a hint of bitterness, the matriarch recalled the strenuous efforts her family had made to secure an alliance with Madam Xu’s family, “My son spent three days and nights at their doorstep pleading, only to see the Xu family fall into disgrace and imprisonment.” A look of disdain momentarily crossed her face.

The recent scandal involving a family member struck by lightning had become the talk of the town, irritating her immensely. However, she found a bitter satisfaction in the Xu family’s misfortune.

Nanny Lin, a senior servant, came to update her, “Old Madam, it seems the book boys assigned to the third young master have caused some trouble. All servants have been summoned to witness their punishment.” She paused, trying to remember correctly, “I’m quite sure those boys were from our own Deshan Hall.”

Upon hearing this, the old madam’s face hardened as she grasped the severity of the situation. Recognizing that the boys were from her own household implied a direct affront to her authority. With Nanny Lin’s help, she stood and moved outside, where she found the staff encircling two bound book boys at the center.

“What does this mean? What have these boys done to deserve such harsh treatment? Is this how we value life in a noble family?” she demanded, leaning on her cane, outraged that such a punishment was happening without her oversight.

Madam Xu responded quickly, bowing deeply, “Mother-in-law, these miscreants have misled everyone, introducing Yuan Xiao to gambling and corrupting him.”

She continued, a mix of anger and concern in her voice, “These boys were selected by you, Mother-in-law. It’s evident they’ve deceived you from the start with malicious intent. We must punish them severely to prevent others from thinking they can deceive you, or worse, that you were involved in corrupting your own grandson.”

The old madam’s expression grew even graver at these words.

“Old Madam, please, save us. It was Pei…” Before the boys could complete their sentence, two nannies swiftly intervened, silencing them.

Even without the full accusation, the old madam pieced together the situation. She understood that these misdeeds were likely orchestrated under the direction of Pei Jiao Jiao, the mistress of Lu Yuan Ze.

Madam Xu, noting the shift in her mother-in-law’s demeanor, took the opportunity to assert her dominance, her voice strong, “Let today be a lesson. Open your eyes and see the fate of those who betray their masters!” With a swift gesture, she ordered the punishment to commence, and the sound of sticks striking flesh filled the courtyard.

The book boys, tied to benches and gagged, looked desperately at the old madam, their muffled cries echoing unheard. As the punishment intensified, their beatings became more brutal, culminating in a harrowing scene marked by splashes of blood, turning the ground a dark crimson.

Their faces swelled to an unnatural purple, blood streaming from their mouths, as they slumped over, beaten and broken. The assembled servants stood in shocked silence, some maids weeping openly at the barbarity of the scene.

Nanny Lin, sensing the old madam’s emotional turmoil, gently suggested, “Perhaps it’s time we returned inside.”

The punishment not only served as a grim reprisal for the boys but also as a stark challenge to the old madam’s authority by Madam Xu.

In a stark declaration, Madam Xu proclaimed, “You thrive on my generosity yet choose betrayal. Choose death if you must, but crossing me will have dire consequences!” This unexpected severity from a woman celebrated for her virtue sent shockwaves throughout the household.

After asserting her authority, Madam Xu took steps to restore balance by rewarding those servants who remained loyal and denounced the gambling, thus mitigating any lingering resentment and restoring some order among the staff.

“Mother is mighty, Mother is impressive…” Chao Chao thought to herself in awe.

With a heavy heart, Madam Xu left without a glance at her third son.

Realizing the gravity of his actions, Lu Yuan Xiao approached his mother, tears streaming down his face, “Mother, I see now the error of my ways. These past days, I’ve lost myself to gambling. Without your intervention, I know I would’ve crossed the line of no return. Please, don’t turn away from me. I acknowledge my mistakes and the pain I’ve caused you.”

In the background, Deng Zhi quietly wiped away her tears, her mind heavy with thoughts about the complex dynamics within the household. The existence of a mistress and her children, concealed from Madam Xu, added layers of challenge and sorrow to her life, a burden unknown to many.

With tears in her eyes, Madam Xu helped her son to his feet, her voice tinged with regret, “The fault is mine for not guiding you more closely, allowing others to lead you astray.”

Reflecting on her third son’s recent behavior, Madam Xu felt overwhelmed. Once a sensible and well-behaved child, his transformation into a source of worry and disappointment filled her heart with a heavy sense of suffocation and grievance. She found herself isolated, with no one she could truly confide in or rely upon.

After scrutinizing the servants attending to her son, she realized that few, if any, around him were trustworthy or had any constructive influence.

[Ah, with Father maintaining a mistress, and her children emerging as both clever and vibrant, while Mother’s children seem to falter, burdened by disabilities or indulging in wasteful pursuits, failing to seek self-improvement, even facing broken engagements, how do we stand? We’ve become a cautionary tale. Third Brother’s actions are truly disheartening…] This deep sigh reflected a mixture of disappointment and concern in Chao Chao’s mind.

Upon overhearing his sister’s thoughts, Lu Yuan Xiao was momentarily paralyzed by the realization.

A mistress? His father?

This revelation shook him to his core, disbelief and shock written all over his face.

He quickly gathered his composure, resolving to face his own shortcomings. “It’s not Mother’s fault. I’m the one to blame for lacking the resolve to be better. I swear I’ll change and never let you down again!” He made this promise while stealing glances at his mother, who seemed to have aged prematurely, her once frequent smiles now a rarity.

“Son, remember, your father and I won’t be around forever. You must learn to stand on your own, to improve and strengthen yourself. Otherwise, you’ll find no one can assist you, and eventually, your brothers and I will need to depend on you…” Madam Xu’s advice was tinged with a melancholy wisdom, her gaze lost in the distance.

“But Mother, aren’t you and Father considered the epitome of a loving couple in the capital? Everyone looks up to you. You can lean on Father, right?” Lu Yuan Xiao attempted to reassure both his mother and himself.

Madam Xu caressed his face, her stance faltering slightly. “Your father…”

The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken truths, prompting Lu Yuan Xiao to hold back further questions, a sense of unease growing within him. Despite his initial ignorance, the discomforting silence from his mother hinted at deeper issues. After dining with her, he sought out the truth, only to confirm his fears.

Contrary to the outward image of a loving and united family, his father had not been home for the past two months since Chao Chao’s birth, shattering the facade of domestic bliss.

Lu Yuan Xiao’s fond childhood memories, filled with scenes of a loving and respectful family dynamic, now seemed distant. He reminisced about his father’s stern yet caring nature, their family’s apparent monogamy, and the swift action taken against any threat to their marital fidelity. This ideal image was now tainted, leaving him to reconcile these cherished memories with the newfound reality of his family’s complexities.

For years, his father maintained a reputation throughout the capital as a man of devotion and integrity, both as a husband and as a father. His mother, in turn, dedicated herself to managing their household with grace and efficiency, further solidifying the image of an ideal family. This was the environment Lu Yuan Xiao grew up in, surrounded by admiration and respect for his father’s dedication.

However, the sudden revelation that his father had a mistress, and not just that, but children with her, sent a cold shock through Lu Yuan Xiao. This truth contradicted everything he thought he knew about his family, about his father, shaking the very foundation of his beliefs.

Reflecting on his own behavior, he remembered the times he had been led astray by the book boys—skipping school, disrespecting his teacher, and even gambling. These memories, once perhaps brushed off as youthful indiscretions, now filled him with a deep sense of fear and regret. He realized the gravity of his actions, not just in terms of his personal growth but in how they affected his mother, his steadfast supporter. The thought of being unable to support her, especially now amidst the family turmoil, weighed heavily on him.

Determined to make amends and support his mother in any way he could, Lu Yuan Xiao made a pivotal decision that night. He retrieved his long-neglected study books, now covered in a layer of dust, a testament to his previous disregard for his studies. With a newfound resolve, he began to study earnestly, turning a new leaf in his life. This act was not just about academic pursuit; it was a silent promise to himself and his mother, a vow to rise above the challenges and become a pillar of support for his family.


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