The whole family is insanely eavesdropping on my thoughts Chapter 240

Chapter 240: The Fiery Pepper

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Zhou Shu Yao had never met Lu Yan Shu in person, but she knew plenty about him thanks to Jiang Yun Jin. From a young age, Zhou Shu Yao found herself clashing with Jiang Yun Jin. Despite Jiang’s modest background, she walked around with an air of superiority, fueled by her engagement to the young prodigy, Lu Yan Shu. This made her insufferable.

In contrast, Zhou Shu Yao, who hailed from a noble lineage, preferred simplicity and directness over any pretense. Her family, however, did not approve of such traits in a lady destined to become a virtuous wife. Consequently, at seventeen, she remained single, much to her dismay. To add insult to injury, two years prior, Jiang Yun Jin had scornfully branded her an old maid.

“Chao Chao, your brother is already very smart, so don’t expect him to be a heartthrob too…” Zhou Shu Yao murmured gently to the young girl beside her.

Chao Chao, her lips forming a cute pout, protested, “No! My brother is pwetty!”

As they spoke, a carriage halted before them, and a slender hand gracefully moved the curtain aside. A young man emerged, his features strikingly handsome, reminiscent of stars against the night sky—luminous and flawless. His sharp, clear-cut features complemented his elegant demeanor. Dressed in a simple blue robe, he stood tall and regal.

Zhou Shu Yao’s heart skipped a beat as she stepped back, clutching her chest.

[Oh my gosh! Lu Yan Shu is drop-dead gorgeous! How could Jiang Yun Jin ever mock him?]

[He’s so breathtaking that even if he were unable to move, a lifetime by his side would be a dream.]

What’s more, he had once saved her life!

“I must apologize; your brother’s beauty could easily sustain ten Suyun Restaurants!” Zhou Shu Yao exclaimed earnestly to Chao Chao.

Lu Yan Shu nearly stumbled out of the carriage at her words.

[Is that supposed to be a compliment?]

“Big brother, hug hug… big brother, the all-duck feast at Suyun Restaurant is super yummy. You gotta try it next time,” Chao Chao said in her childish voice, throwing herself into her brother’s arms.

Zhou Shu Yao’s heart ached with envy. [I want to hug him too!]

“Why wait for next time?” Lu Yan Shu inquired with a smile.

“‘Cause I’m all full now!”

[Next time means another yummy meal with big brother…]

Lu Yan Shu let out a heavy sigh, his eyes reflecting a mixture of affection and frustration. “My sister’s cleverness,” he muttered, “seems to be entirely devoted to her next meal.”

Just then, he noticed Zhou Shu Yao approaching and gave her a respectful nod. “Miss Zhou…”

Zhou Shu Yao stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening with surprise. She had never spoken directly to Lu Yan Shu before, and his acknowledgment caught her off guard.

“I saw what happened back then,” Lu Yan Shu continued, his voice earnest. “You stood up for me against Miss Jiang. Thank you for defending me.”

Zhou Shu Yao’s cheeks tinged with a light blush. “Oh… it was nothing. Jiang Yun Jin was completely out of line.”

“You rescued her from drowning once, and because she was scared of being scolded, she hid. After what you did for her, she has no right to treat you with disdain. She deserved a lesson!”

“Nobody should mistreat you, but least of all her!”

Years ago, Zhou Shu Yao had a terrifying fall into the water, and Lu Yan Shu had risked his life to pull her out. Fearing punishment, she had hidden herself away, leaving Lu Yan Shu in the cold water too long, which led to dire consequences.

When he awoke, paralysis had taken hold. People who once praised his genius now pitied him, and Jiang Yun Jin, the cause of his condition, was blamed. As a child, she carried a burden of guilt; as she grew, this guilt turned into resentment. She believed it would have been better if Lu Yan Shu had died rather than live as a burden, a thought that only deepened her infamy and her own self-loathing.

On his twelfth birthday, Lu Yan Shu ventured out of his secluded courtyard in a wheelchair, his first appearance in public in four years. The once vibrant prodigy was now a frail shadow of his former self, his brilliance obscured as if by a layer of dust.

His arrival at the celebration caused Jiang Yun Jin’s smile to disappear, her face twisting uncomfortably.

Throughout the event, she avoided him, her disdain barely concealed beneath her polite facade.

Feeling the weight of pitying stares, Lu Yan Shu escaped to the solitude of the woods. There, he stumbled upon Jiang Yun Jin arguing bitterly with her mother.

“Don’t scorn the cripple; it’ll only fuel gossip,” her mother warned in a hushed tone.

Jiang Yun Jin snapped back, “Why should I be bound to him forever? I’ve thanked him as tradition demands. Isn’t that enough?”

“I can’t stand the sight of him, Mother. Please, let’s break off this engagement. I can’t imagine a life tied to him—it would ruin me!”

“Even if I wanted to help, your father would never consent,” her mother replied softly.

“The old Marquis of Zhongyong and our grandfather had a strong bond. It was on the strength of that friendship that this marriage was arranged.”

“And remember, he saved you at great cost to himself. Breaking this engagement would disgrace our family.”

“Think of your future prospects.”

But Jiang Yun Jin, tears streaming down her face, protested, “Must my entire life be sacrificed for the sake of honor?”

“Have you seen him, Mother? He’s a shell of the man he once was. People mock me because of his condition!”

Hearing this, Lu Yan Shu felt as though his heart had turned to ice, his body shaking, pain overwhelming his senses.

Before he could fully absorb the shock, a fiery figure in red burst onto the scene, her voice sharp as she confronted Jiang Yun Jin.

“I’ll teach you, you heartless creature!”

“You repulse me!”

With a swift motion, she slapped Jiang Yun Jin, then turned her fury on her mother, shoving her into the bushes and stuffing dirt into her mouth.

“A bad foundation leads to a crooked house. You’re vile, all of you! I thought you were just vain and foolish, but you’re cruel and heartless!”

“Who could be more despicable than you?”

“Give him back his life if you’re so full of guilt. You talk of sacrifice, but when have you ever acted on it?”

“If Lu Yan Shu had any sense, he would have let you drown. It would have been a mercy to the world!”

Another slap reddened Jiang Yun Jin’s cheek.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Her mother screamed, “Help! Someone separate them!”

Jiang Yun Jin fought back fiercely, but Zhou Shu Yao ripped a chunk of her hair out, causing her to scream in pain.

“How dare you insult a man who has suffered so much? You’re lower than the beggars in the street!” Zhou Shu Yao shouted.

“Take him then, if you’re so concerned! It’s easy to judge when you’re not the one in pain!” Jiang Yun Jin retorted, her voice breaking.

As the crowd finally pulled them apart, Jiang Yun Jin was left bruised and battered.

This altercation cemented the hostility between the Zhou and Jiang families, setting the stage for ongoing conflicts.

Feeling the weight of her new nickname, Fiery Pepper, Zhou Shu Yao knew her reputation would make marriage difficult. Who would want a daughter-in-law known for her brawling?

As she stood at the pharmacy entrance, Jiang Yun Jin alighted from her carriage, her gaze venomous upon seeing Lu Yan Shu and Zhou Shu Yao together.


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