Night Without Borders Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Golden Threads and Jade Garb

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

As the darkness of night slowly began to yield to the pale light of dawn, Qin Ming awoke from a restless sleep. The house around him was still, save for the soft glow of a Sunstone flickering in a brass basin nearby. His throat felt parched, like a dry desert, and a raw rasp seemed to scrape up from deep within his chest. He hurried to the water barrel, gulping down several bowls of icy water. Each sip cooled the fire inside him until he could finally let out a relieved sigh.

Something felt off this morning—different somehow. His clothes clung tightly to his skin, squeezing him in a way they hadn’t before. Frowning, he walked over to the doorframe and marked his height. His eyes widened in surprise—overnight, he had grown taller! Though all he had done was sleep, his body seemed to have surged with some powerful new energy, like something deep within him had awakened.

Qin Ming stretched out his arms and legs, feeling an almost endless well of strength coursing through his veins. Stepping outside into the chilly morning air, he effortlessly lifted two heavy stone millstones that had been used to grind grain for generations. Grinning with newfound confidence, he tried lifting them with just one hand. Though the stones were heavy, he managed to hold them up for a short while. Qin Ming stared at his hand in amazement—holding up four hundred pounds with just one hand? That was the sort of thing the legendary youths from the distant Brilliant City were known for.

He tugged off his now tight, ill-fitting clothes and noticed the scabs on his shoulders had fallen away, leaving no scars behind—yet another sign of this mysterious “awakening.” He busied himself preparing his breakfast with a burst of energy. A pot of thick, meaty soup simmered over the fire, the rich aroma of roasted wolf ribs filling the air. Using meat from mutated beasts, Qin Ming knew this would fuel his body for the final stages of his “awakening.”

He devoured his meal with gusto, gulping down bowl after bowl of broth and tearing into the meat. His body felt like it was burning from the inside out, sweat pouring off him as if a fiery current was coursing through his veins, spreading warmth to every limb. Though he sensed his transformation was nearing its end, it wasn’t quite done yet. He knew he had to seize this moment, pushing his body’s limits to fully awaken his potential.

His movements, which once were clumsy and stiff, now flowed with a new grace and ease. Inside him, a fiery light seemed to blaze, ready to burst forth from his very skin.

As his transformation reached its peak, tiny golden dots began to appear on his skin. They sprouted like new shoots from the earth—faint yet unmistakable golden strands. This was unheard of; nothing like this had ever been recorded before.

The golden strands seemed to emerge from his flesh, drawing out a thin trace of blood. At first glance, it looked alarming, but it caused him no pain. Strangely, Qin Ming felt lighter, his body’s energy growing clearer and more vibrant, as though he were undergoing a profound “detoxification.”

Suddenly, he understood. This was the climax of his “awakening,” purging everything harmful and old from his body. His usual pores weren’t enough, so these clusters of “golden strands” were sprouting all over, mixed with thin streaks of blood, flushing out the impurities that had been trapped inside him.

The golden light continued to spread, densely packed like golden needles weaving through the air, crisscrossing his skin in a pattern that was both strange and beautiful. Surrounded by a faint white mist swirling around him, Qin Ming looked almost otherworldly.

Though the energy he was expending was tremendous, he didn’t feel tired. Whenever hunger struck, he’d eat more wolf ribs, rest briefly, and continue to stir up his body’s vitality. Occasionally, he’d pore over Lu Ze’s “Basic Interpretation of Night Meditation Techniques,” seeking guidance and insight.

Through the long hours of the night, Qin Ming’s body continued to sweat profusely. His metabolism raced at a staggering speed, his body tingling as though it were sprouting anew, like the first breath of spring.

A powerful wave of sleepiness suddenly hit him, and he knew he was about to enter the final phase of his “awakening.” He quickly washed up and lay down on the heated bed above the fireplace, his eyelids growing heavy.

Half-dreaming, he caught a glimpse of a faint silver glow spreading across his skin. Then, more golden threads emerged, like needles weaving through fabric in the silvery mist. Though drowsy, Qin Ming was mesmerized—the golden threads interlaced, dividing the silver glow into countless tiny squares.

As his mind drifted, he remembered old stories—tales of emperors entombed in pearl-lined jade coffins, wearing robes of golden thread, hoping to attain immortality even in death. Could this strange “wild method” he’d learned as a child be something truly unique? The natural flow of the pure white mist and the golden threads interweaving during his transformation—it was as if he’d really donned a “Golden Threads and Jade Garb.”

Could it be that the emperors of old had heard of such things, inspiring them to commission garments woven from golden threads? Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought as a fanciful idea. Soon, he could resist no more and slipped into a deep, deep slumber.

When the night’s shadows finally lifted, Qin Ming awoke to find his body encased in a tight shell. He quickly realized he had sweated heavily during the night, and as the golden needles had emerged, they had drawn out traces of blood, leaving a thin layer of dried husk upon his skin.

He broke off a large chunk of ice from the water barrel and melted it into a pot of water. After washing up, he put on fresh, loose clothing, feeling invigorated. His body temperature had clearly dropped—a sign that his “awakening” was almost complete.

Out in the courtyard, Qin Ming lifted the two stone millstones again. This time, it felt easier; he could hold them with one hand for much longer. Then, with a grin, he added a hundred-pound stone lock on top.

“Whoa, heavy!” he muttered, feeling the strain in his arm. The two rough millstones, combined with the stone lock used for arm training, weighed over five hundred pounds, yet he still managed to hold it with one hand.

Lu Ze had once told him that in the distant city that glimmered even from afar, there were youths who could lift six hundred pounds. Qin Ming’s eyes shone with a bright light, a wide smile spreading across his face. His arms now bore the strength of a thousand pounds.

As for the mysterious cities at the world’s end, he had no idea how powerful the “awakened” ones there could be.

With a firm grip, Qin Ming hoisted half a butchered deer over one shoulder, a hind leg of a wolf over the other, and carried some rib cuts in his arms. Laden with his bounty, he strode toward the neighboring courtyard, his steps heavy yet swift.

“Little Qin, this… this is too much!” exclaimed Lu Ze, his eyes widening in surprise at the generous offering.

“Brother Lu, Sister-in-law, I can’t finish all this by myself,” Qin Ming said with a grin. “Besides, I’m heading back to the mountains soon, and it’s good to have a change in flavor before I go.” Not long ago, he himself might have gone hungry if not for Lu Ze’s kindness.

“Uncle Qin, you’re the best! If it weren’t for you, we’d be starving in a few days,” chirped Wen Rui, a young boy with a bright face who had overheard his parents discussing their dwindling food supplies.

Qin Ming chuckled and ruffled the boy’s hair. “With your Uncle Qin around, how could I let you go hungry?” he said warmly.

Nearby, a small, mutated squirrel darted frantically up and down its cage, clearly displeased with Qin Ming. It squeaked angrily at him—a spirited little creature that bore grudges like a mountain lord.

“Little Qin…” came a deep voice. The village chief, Xu Yue Ping, appeared, his frame wrapped in a thick fur coat. He was a man in his forties, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and eyes that gleamed like an eagle’s. His build was sturdy, and his presence commanding.

“Uncle Xu,” Qin Ming greeted, turning to face the elder.

Xu Yue Ping’s laughter rang out, deep and hearty. “I knew you’d do us proud, stepping forward like this! You’ve left a golden footprint for others to follow.”

The chief’s eyes narrowed, his curiosity evident. He was eager to see just how strong Qin Ming had become after his “awakening” in his prime.

“Little Qin, you’ve grown taller. Is your awakening complete?” Lu Ze asked, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and concern.

Qin Ming opened his mouth to reply, but a sudden shift in the air caused him to pause. A malicious wind, unseen but felt, swept through the courtyard. Xu Yue Ping’s right hand came down in a swift chop, aimed directly at Qin Ming’s neck like a descending blade.

The attack came without warning, and from such a close distance, it caught everyone by surprise. But Qin Ming, quick as a mountain cat, dodged the blow and countered with equal swiftness, his hand moving like a striking serpent to grasp Xu Yue Ping’s wrist with a solid thud.

“Your reaction speed is far beyond that of any other awakened one,” Xu Yue Ping said, his tone a mix of surprise and admiration. “From such a close range, even the most vigilant mountain beasts would find it hard to evade my strike.”

Liang Wan Qing, Lu Ze’s wife, gasped aloud. Then she realized what was happening—the village chief was testing Qin Ming’s newfound strength after his transformation.

Qin Ming’s grip was unyielding, and Xu Yue Ping found his wrist held fast, unable to budge.

“Your strength after the awakening…” The chief’s face was painted with astonishment.

Lu Ze and Liang Wan Qing looked on, their faces filled with hope. If Qin Ming’s physical abilities had indeed reached new heights, it could mean a change in his destiny, one that would benefit them all.

After a moment, Qin Ming released his grip. Xu Yue Ping’s eyelid twitched slightly, betraying his thoughts. He was the strongest of the awakened in Twin Trees Village, yet he sensed that the young man before him had not yet revealed his full potential.

“I’d wager you’re approaching six hundred pounds of strength,” Xu Yue Ping stated gravely.

Liang Wan Qing’s eyes widened in disbelief. Among the awakened in these parts, five hundred pounds was already considered the limit of human capability.

Lu Ze, brimming with excitement, exclaimed, “This… even in the bright city, you’d stand among the best of them!”

“Uncle is the best!” Wen Rui clapped his hands and cheered, his youthful voice cutting through the cold mountain air.

Just then, Yang Yong Qing hurried into the courtyard, his breath coming in puffs of steam. “Old Xu, the mountain patrol team is here,” he said, his voice tinged with urgency. He had overheard the conversation and realized Qin Ming had surpassed the local awakened’ strength threshold.

With the arrival of the patrol, it was clear something unusual was afoot. Xu Yue Ping and Yang Yong Qing exchanged a quick glance before heading off together.

A short while later, a messenger came to Qin Ming, asking him to go to the village chief’s house.

“Why are they looking for me?” Qin Ming wondered, his brow furrowing slightly.

“All awakened must attend and listen to the patrol’s report about the mountain’s situation,” the messenger explained.

Xu Yue Ping’s house was bustling with activity. Including Qin Ming, there were seven awakened from the village present, even the elderly Liu Lao, who was over seventy, had not missed it.

The Sunstone, a radiant gem, lit up the room like a tiny sun, casting a warm, welcoming glow over the gathered crowd. The atmosphere was lively, but a tension lingered beneath the surface. The patrol leader, Feng Yian, a burly man with a thick beard, was detailing the current state of the mountains.

“Recently, the atmosphere in the mountains have been in chaos,” Feng Yian began, his deep voice commanding attention. “If you venture too deep, it’s easy to lose your way. Strange things have been happening—where once there were Flame Springs, now they’re nearly gone. And in places shrouded in deep fog, new high-level Flame Springs are appearing.” He took a long gulp of tea, his brow furrowing as he spoke.

At last, Qin Ming understood why the mountains had been so chaotic of late. Great creatures had been spotted near the forest’s edge because the disturbances in the mountains had driven them out, forcing many rare beasts and birds to flee.

“Will it get worse? What if those high-level creatures break out?” someone asked, their voice laced with fear.

“Don’t worry,” Feng Yian replied, his tone steady. “Esteemed figures will enter the mountains to negotiate with those mysterious beings and try to restore peace. If talks break down, those great figures will hold back the top-tier creatures.”

“And meanwhile,” he continued, “the patrol is on high alert. All awakened ones from the surrounding villages and towns must be ready. The higher-ups are prepared to guard against the top creatures, though some smaller ‘fish’ might slip through.”

Everyone’s faces grew solemn. If it came to it, the awakened ones might have to take up arms and fight!

Feng Yian, sensing the tension, chuckled. “But don’t fret too much. It’s not as dire as it sounds. If there is a battle, the noble youths from the city will come for training. They’re elites—they’ll help us clear the mountains.”

Relief swept through the room like a cool breeze.

“Brother Feng,” Xu Yue Ping said, “patrolling the mountains at night and coming early to bring us news—it’s no small feat.”

Feng Yian waved his hand dismissively. “It’s all in a day’s work, Brother Xu. If any beasts or mountain monsters break through, they’ll have to step over our patrol’s bodies first. No harm will come to those outside the mountains.”

Xu Yue Ping brought out a large iron tray holding a whole roasted rock goat, the savory scent filling the room. “Don’t go just yet,” he called to those about to leave. “Stay and share a drink with Brother Feng.”

The room filled with the lively buzz of conversation and laughter once more.

“Let me tell you, there’s no need to worry too much,” Feng Yian continued after a few cups of strong liquor. “The lord overseeing this region will be here soon, and they’ve invited experts from far and wide. The Moonbug or the unpredictable Mountain Lord won’t stand a chance.”

Qin Ming, his interest piqued, listened closely. As a youngster, he was keen to learn all he could.

He reached for a cup of tea, his throat parched. But as he lifted it, he noticed the brew was filled not just with bitter tea leaves but also sun-dried, thumb-sized ants. He set the cup down, bewildered.

Xu Yue Ping laughed heartily. “Little Qin, a man needs to learn to drink! Those black ants are a true tonic—a real treasure!”

Feng Yian, turning to Qin Ming, said, “This young lad seems new here.”

Qin Ming nodded. “Uncle Feng, just call me Little Qin.”

Xu Yue Ping introduced him properly. “This is Qin Ming, just over sixteen. He’s recently undergone his awakening. He’s one of our area’s most promising young men. I hope he can go to Scarlet Dawn City for further training.”

“A fine talent,” Feng Yian agreed, nodding appreciatively. “Awakening during the golden years—such a foundation is rare and valuable.”

The crowd raised their cups and clinked them together, their spirits lifting. Feng Yian then regaled them with tales of the strange happenings deep within the mountains.

“Have you ever seen those mysterious fields, deep in the mountains?” he began, his voice low and filled with wonder. “Where every crop is golden, and even the thickest mist can’t hide the light breaking through the night sky… But whose crops are those, really? Ever wonder that?”


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