Genius Club Wiki

Noteworthy Characters:

Lin Xian – Central character, involved in cracking into the bank vault and the development of the (Rhine Cat) brand.

Big Cat Face – originally the cat mask bank robber that pulled MC to the bank.

CC – A skilled password cracker who aids Lin Xian in their missions.

Gao Yang – Lin Xian’s friend who is involved in his dream discussions.

Professor Xu Yun – A professor whose research and subsequent death play a significant role in the story.

Xu Yi Yi – the daughter of the professor. She’s in a coma.

Dr. Liu – the doctor MC went to for his dreams

Zhao Ying Jun – The female president of the company for Rhine Cat

Chu Shan He – The rich figure that supported Xu Yun with his research

Su Xiu Ying – the wife of Chu Shan He

Jasker – A mysterious character connected to the time-space assassins.

Yellow Finch – A character from the USA who provides support to Lin Xian.

Dr. Michaelson – the original researcher for the hibernation oxygen fluid

Ah Zhuang/Old One – Big Cat Face’s underling

Er Zhuzi/Old Two – Big Cat Face’s underling

San Pang/Old Three – Big Cat Face’s underling

Sloth (Ji Lin) – the mystery novel writer

Pride (Ji Xin Shui) – the codename for the gramps that killed the professor 

Wrath (Zheng Cheng He) –  the scarred man that has a sister in the hospital

Gluttony (Sergeant Sam) – the taxi driver that kills for the group

Envy (Zhou Duan Yun) – the business looking classmate that showed up at the reunion

Lust (Angelica) – a famous Hollywood actress, no criminal records.

Greed (Academician Leon) – the fraud scientist for the nuclear fusion research. hes bald and fat 

Li Cheng – the rich coward that was used as a piggybank by MC. then he turned into the boss after the big change into a cyberpunk theme

Miaoke – the singer they wanted to pick for the Rhine cat theme song

Liu Feng – the author of the Universal Constant book

Tang Xin – the female classmate that was only briefly with the class before she moved abroad. she was murdered by the seven sins with the car 

Zhou Le – the classmate from the village and brought MC to Envy’s mom

Dr. Ponsmike – the reasearcher for nuclear fusion in germany

Su Su – the blond hot chick that went on blind date with MC

Zheng Xiang Yue – the long term hospitalized little girl that’s next room to the vegetative girl

President Gao Yan – the person that MC went to get hold of the satellite dish for the research

Director Liu An – the one in charge of the hacking team

Wei Cheng – the coach and shuttle pilot for the team

Zhang Yu Qian – the one that looks like An Qing

Yu Xi – the one Yellow Finch said not to leave

Jiang Yuan – the woman that likes Rong Che

Yan Mei – the mother of Zhao Ying Jun

Zhao Rui Hai – the father of Zhao Ying Jun

Chen Heping – Bit Cat Face’s father

Nangong Meng Jie – the female in charge of lab for nuclear battery

Gao Wen – the scientist that originally created the cry fluid and such

Ms. Du Yao – the scientist that died in Africa during a peacekeeping mission

Noteworthy Items:

Coco Cat / Rhine Cat Mascot – A significant creation by Lin Xian that becomes a major brand symbol.

C4 Explosives – Used by Lin Xian to open the bank vault.

Password Cracking Computer – Utilized by CC in their heist operations.

Hafnium  Alloy – New Type of Aluminium Compound, A special material with high hardness and corrosion resistance, contributing to the storyline involving scientific research.

Exclusive Authorization Letter – Document signed by Professor Xu Yun giving rights to Lin Xian.

Time-Space Particles – A mysterious element involved in the story’s sci-fi aspects.

Cerebral Electric Shock Helmet – the helmet to help regain memories after going into cryo

Noteworthy Locations:

Bank Vault – Central location for Lin Xian’s heist operations.

MX Company – The company founded by Zhao Yingjun, where significant plot developments occur.

Lin Xian’s Dream World – A recurring and significant dreamscape experienced by Lin Xian.

Donghai University – An important setting where several characters have connections and pivotal events unfold.

Golden Hall – An upscale venue mentioned in relation to Professor Xu Yun’s achievements and significant events.

New Donghai City – A location that Lin Xian plans to explore for uncovering historical records and understanding the future world after time-space changes.

Donghai City – The primary setting for many events and characters, including the influential figure Chu Shanhe and his daughter.

Time Bank – A key location in the storyline involving financial heists

Law of Time Space:

Temporal Butterfly Effect: Any action in the present can ripple through history, causing changes—minor or major—in the future. Small alterations might go unnoticed, while significant ones could transform the world.

Temporal Disturbance: Human interventions in history can disrupt the original timeline, leading to changes in the future. This disruption is known as a temporal disturbance. It’s important to recognize that these disturbances are unpredictable.

Disturbance Anchor Point: Certain times and events that have reached a critical threshold can trigger visible temporal disturbances. These are known as disturbance anchor points.

Temporal Elasticity: Time and space possess an inherent elasticity, meaning not every butterfly effect will trigger a disturbance. Only changes that accumulate sufficiently or are of significant magnitude can overcome this temporal elasticity, causing disturbances that influence the future.

Temporal Rejection: The intrinsic characteristic of time-space to repel foreign objects, instinctively rejecting, resisting, attacking, or even annihilating anything that doesn’t belong to the current timeline. This phenomenon is called Temporal Rejection.

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