After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 99

Chapter 99: Let Yu Zhao Stay

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

As Master Ziwei grew increasingly uneasy, Elder Qiu Shuang and the other elders led Yu Zhao up the steps to the main hall.

“Beyond these doors lies the main hall of the Breeze Sect. We should pay our respects to the sect master and then sit down for a chat,” Qiu Shuang said with a courteous smile.

Yu Zhao nodded in agreement, following closely behind.

Inside, Master Ziwei strained her ears, listening to the voices coming from outside. The tone didn’t seem hostile; perhaps they weren’t here to cause trouble. She felt a glimmer of hope—maybe she wouldn’t have to make a run for it after all.

Just as she debated her next move, the elders entered, greeting her with respectful bows. Yu Zhao, surrounded by the elders, joined in, bowing gracefully. Master Ziwei didn’t notice Yu Zhao at first, busy with thoughts of who might want to meet her. However, when Yu Zhao lifted her head, their eyes met, and both were visibly shocked.

Yu Zhao’s surprise stemmed from recognizing Master Ziwei from a painting she had once seen. The painting depicted a scene where Shui Qing Yue, the former sect master, was teaching. While most others were drawn with minimal detail, a figure standing close to Shui Qing Yue was rendered with enough clarity for Yu Zhao to identify as Master Ziwei.

For Master Ziwei, the shock was understandable. Anyone familiar with Shui Qing Yue would be stunned upon seeing Yu Zhao—the resemblance was uncanny. Even the elders, who knew Yu Zhao wasn’t Shui Qing Yue, found themselves momentarily confused by her face earlier.

“M-Master!” Master Ziwei stammered, before her expression hardened. “No, you’re not Shui Qing Yue. Who are you?”

“My name is Yu Zhao,” she responded calmly.

But Yu Zhao’s answer didn’t ease Master Ziwei’s tension; instead, her suspicion deepened. “What is your relationship with Shui Qing Yue? What is your purpose here at Breeze Sect?”

Her tone was harsh, causing Elder Qiu Shuang and the others to frown. They hesitated, unsure whether to speak up.

“Master Ziwei, are you afraid of me because I resemble Shui Qing Yue? Could it be that you had a hand in the tragedy that befell Water Cloud Palace?” Yu Zhao’s voice was steady but piercing.

She believed in treating people as they treated her, and Master Ziwei’s hostility didn’t warrant a gentle approach.

“You’re spouting nonsense! You’re clearly here with bad intentions. Leave at once; you’re not welcome at the Breeze Sect!” Master Ziwei’s face turned red with anger, her voice rising.

“Please, Sect Leader, calm down,” Elder Qiu Shuang interjected, trying to mediate. “Yu Zhao meant no offense.”

The other elders chimed in, with some even gesturing subtly at Yu Zhao, urging her to apologize.

Yu Zhao, not wanting to cause further trouble, bowed slightly. “Master Ziwei, I apologize if my words were out of line. I meant no disrespect.”

“Hmph, no need for apologies. Just leave,” Master Ziwei snapped, her tone growing harsher.

Before Yu Zhao could respond, the other elders began speaking up in her defense.

“Sect Leader, Yu Zhao has already apologized. Must we be so unforgiving?”

“Yes, and given her striking resemblance to the former master, Shui Qing Yue, she might be related by blood. That connection should allow her to stay, right?”

“Please, Sect Leader, show some compassion and let her stay.”

“Let Yu Zhao stay!”

The voices of the elders eventually blended into a single, unanimous plea: Let Yu Zhao stay.

Master Ziwei let out a bitter laugh. “Fine! You all play the good guys, leaving me to be the villain! Have you forgotten the disaster twenty years ago? As the sect leader of the Breeze Sect, I am responsible for the safety of all our disciples. This person’s background is unclear, and she can’t explain her relationship with Shui Qing Yue. She cannot stay!”

Her words brought back haunting memories for the elders—a nightmare from two decades ago. It had been an ordinary day until dark clouds loomed overhead, and waves of enemies stormed the Water Cloud Palace from all sides. The sounds of battle and destruction had echoed through the sect. Even now, the Breeze Sect bore the scars of that attack.

The elders, who had initially thought Master Ziwei was being unkind, found themselves at a loss for words. They could only look at Yu Zhao with eyes full of apology.

Yu Zhao understood; she couldn’t stay at the Breeze Sect. Without another word, she glanced around at the gathered elders before turning to leave.

Elder Qiu Shuang instinctively took a few steps after her.

“Don’t stop her,” Master Ziwei’s sharp command to the elder carried on the wind, reaching Yu Zhao’s ears.

Yu Zhao’s lips curved into a cryptic smile as she quickened her pace.

Later that night, Elder Qiu Shuang sat on a swing in her courtyard, sipping wine alone. Her beauty was accentuated by the flush of mild intoxication, adding a delicate charm to her features.

“Mistress… when will you come back to see me?” she murmured, half-closed eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and longing.

A cool breeze swept through, sending a chill down her spine. She shivered and lifted the wine bottle to her lips.

“Huh?” She looked down in surprise; a strong hand had taken hold of the bottle.

Startled, Qiu Shuang saw Yu Zhao standing before her, the same Yu Zhao who had been expelled from the sect earlier.

Surprised, Elder Qiu Shuang’s slight intoxication cleared, and she whispered, “How did you get back in?”

Yu Zhao smiled softly. “Just a simple trick. It’s nothing to boast about.”

Seeing Yu Zhao’s reluctance to elaborate, Elder Qiu Shuang decided not to press further. She waved her hand, motioning for Yu Zhao to follow her into the study.

“I know you have questions, but first, I need to know about you.”

Yu Zhao shared some key details about herself, like being an orphan and surviving only by joining the Five Elements Sect.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Upon hearing this, Elder Qiu Shuang’s face lit up with understanding. “You’re truly fortunate. No wonder you found your way to the Breeze Sect. You might be disappointed, though; I joined the Water Cloud Palace later than any other elder. Still, I’ll tell you what I know, but I might not be much help beyond that.”

Elder Qiu Shuang then recounted her story of meeting Shui Qing Yue. She praised Shui Qing Yue’s beauty and strength, describing how Water Cloud Palace’s mistress had saved her from a life as a cultivation power source—a fate worse than death for a female cultivator.

“The Mistress rarely spoke of her past, but we all knew she had a brother, from whom she had been separated as a child. One of the reasons she founded Water Cloud Palace was to provide a sanctuary for female cultivators who had nowhere else to go. She also hoped to use the palace’s influence to find her lost family.

“Unfortunately, she never got the chance. The upheaval twenty years ago not only destroyed everything she’d built but also led to her disappearance.”

The room fell silent as Elder Qiu Shuang finished her story, the weight of the past hanging heavily in the air.


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