After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 96

Chapter 96: The Demon Heart Seed

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

In the world of cultivation, there exists a formidable technique called the Demon Heart Seed. This dark art involves planting a seed of negative thoughts into a person’s mind, making their deepest fears and desires manifest. Initially devised as an offensive spell, it has evolved over centuries into a powerful tool for manipulation. Cultivators ensnared by this technique can be controlled by the intense emotions it evokes.

“Who are you, and why did you plant the Demon Heart Seed in me?” Yu Zhao’s voice was sharp and commanding as she confronted the figure before her.

The person, disguised as Fang Cheng Lang, a fellow cultivator, turned away, refusing to answer.

Yu Zhao’s eyes narrowed. Without warning, she lunged forward, her hand closing around “Fang Cheng Lang’s” throat. The fear in his eyes was unmistakable as she tightened her grip.

With a sudden twist, the illusion shattered like glass. Yu Zhao found herself back at the pool behind the stone gate. The eerie blue light vanished, and the haunting song ceased. The floating blue heart, which had been pulsating ominously, sank to the bottom as if trying to hide.

A smirk played on Yu Zhao’s lips.

Did it think it could escape her grasp by hiding underwater? How naive.

Drawing upon her spiritual energy, Yu Zhao used her consciousness like a brush to swiftly draw a rune. As she completed the final stroke, an invisible wave of power radiated outward, bringing the rune to life.

“Go!” she commanded, pointing at the blue heart submerged in the pool.

The rune flashed brightly and shot through the water, imprinting itself onto the heart. Instantly, a torrent of emotions—fear, panic, and anger—rushed into Yu Zhao’s mind.

The blue heart emitted a sharp cry as it burst from the water, hurtling toward Yu Zhao as if intent on dragging her down with it.

But Yu Zhao stood her ground, her expression unflinching. With a mere thought, the once-menacing heart deflated, stopping a mere meter away from her.

Raising an eyebrow, Yu Zhao marveled at the power of the Demon Heart Seed. She could feel every emotion emanating from the blue heart and control its actions. In essence, its life and death were now in her hands.

“Now, tell me what you are,” she demanded, her voice cold and authoritative.

The heart’s emotions flared wildly in response, a chaotic mix of rage and despair threatening to overwhelm her. Yu Zhao quickly steadied herself, using the Illusory Tide Technique to stabilize her thoughts, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

She had underestimated the dangers of the Demon Heart Seed. While it allowed her to control another’s emotions, it also made her vulnerable to being consumed by them. Unless she had complete mastery over the situation, she should never use this technique lightly.

The blue heart seemed lost in its memories, silent for a long time.

“Are you a siren?” Yu Zhao finally asked, her tone softer.

A dry, bitter laugh emanated from the heart, lacking the allure it once had. It spoke, its voice filled with ancient sorrow and weariness.

“Yes, it’s rare for someone to recognize a siren.”

Yu Zhao was momentarily at a loss for words. For simplicity, she decided to refer to it as the “Siren Heart.”

The siren had attempted to plant the Demon Heart Seed in her, which would normally evoke no sympathy. Yet, seeing it reduced to a mere heart, clinging to life, stirred something within her.

“Can you tell me your story?” she inquired gently.

The Siren Heart seemed taken aback by her kind tone. After a moment of silence, it chuckled bitterly and replied, “What is there to say? Your kind—greedy human cultivators—invaded our seas, hunting us for our tears, which turn into priceless pearls. In just six months, we were wiped out from the Southern Seas. All because of you.”

Yu Zhao didn’t react to the accusation. Instead, she frowned, probing further, “Then why are you here in this form?”

She wasn’t trying to be cruel; she genuinely needed to understand the situation.

The siren’s tone grew darker. “Unlike the others, my tears don’t turn into pearls. I was deemed worthless. They dismembered me, thinking I had no value. But my heart remained conscious, even after being separated from my body. I was left here, told that if I planted the Demon Heart Seed in a thousand people, I’d be freed.”

The idea of a heart retaining consciousness and the ability to speak after being removed from its body made Yu Zhao shudder. She could only imagine the frenzy this secret would cause among cultivators.

The Siren Heart’s reluctance to share more hinted at a painful history. Yu Zhao latched onto a crucial detail: “Who is ‘he’?” she pressed.

“The one who controls the Siren Pavilion,” the heart replied, quivering with fear.

“And why does he want you to plant the Demon Heart Seed?”

The siren hesitated, clearly torn. Yu Zhao waited patiently, knowing it couldn’t resist her command.

After a long silence, the siren finally spoke, “He’s nearing the end of his lifespan. He hopes to find a way to extend it through soul-capturing techniques.”

Yu Zhao took a moment to digest this. To gain access to the fifth floor of the Siren Pavilion, a cultivator had to be both wealthy and free-spirited, often from a powerful family or sect. These individuals had access to secrets beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

The controller of the Siren Pavilion was using this method to gather invaluable information, stealing memories from these cultivators.

A realization struck Yu Zhao, sending chills down her spine. “Is he a Nascent Soul stage cultivator?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“Yes,” the heart confirmed.

Yu Zhao’s stomach churned with fear. The moment she set foot on the fifth floor, she had been targeted by this formidable being. Even without the Demon Heart Seed, she might still fall victim to his soul-searching techniques.

Curiosity had indeed led her into danger.

Looking intently at the Siren Heart, she declared, “Once I leave here, I’ll remove the Demon Heart Seed. As for you…”

She trailed off, unable to voice the harsh words she had intended. The sight of the lonely heart made any threats feel meaningless.

With a resigned sigh, she turned and walked away.

The Siren Pavilion offered no resistance as Yu Zhao descended the stairs. Little Red and a female cultivator, who had been waiting on the fourth floor, looked up in surprise as she appeared. Yu Zhao’s face was flushed, and she stumbled slightly.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Little Red hurried to support her. “Senior? Are you alright?”

There was no smell of alcohol, yet Yu Zhao appeared as if she had been drinking.

The female cultivator, accustomed to such scenes, led Yu Zhao and Little Red to a VIP lounge to rest.

After a short rest, the color returned to Yu Zhao’s face, and her eyes regained their clarity.

Without delay, she completed her business with the Siren Pavilion and left with Little Red.

It wasn’t until they had walked a few streets away that Yu Zhao’s heart finally began to settle.


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