After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 95

Chapter 95: The Scandalous Illusion

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

The grand door slowly closed behind Yu Zhao, but she didn’t stop. She continued walking down the broad corridor. The material used to construct this passage in the Siren Pavilion was unknown to her, but it limited her spiritual awareness to a mere three feet around her. Her expression remained calm, yet a quiet vigilance settled in her heart.

Why would a shop selling items like the Siren Pavilion employ such mysterious tricks? Was there some hidden secret behind it?

As she pondered, Yu Zhao reached the end of the corridor, where another closed stone door awaited her. This time, she didn’t push it open immediately. Instead, she stood still, rubbing her chin, deep in thought.

Suddenly, her ears perked up, and she leaned closer to the door. She thought she heard a woman’s singing. Holding her breath, she listened carefully. After a long wait, the song didn’t come again, making her wonder if she had imagined it.

Yu Zhao’s eyes narrowed as she placed her hand on the stone door. An unsettling creak echoed from within as the door slowly opened, casting a bluish light on her face, giving her an eerie, shadowed expression.

When the scene beyond the door fully revealed itself, her pupils contracted in shock.

“Welcome, guest. Do you like singing? Let me sing you a song.”

The soft, alluring voice of a woman made Yu Zhao shudder, a chill racing from her feet to the top of her head. The source of this voice was shocking—a blue heart floating in a pool of water was speaking, no, singing.

Yu Zhao couldn’t help but be startled. Anyone would be shocked to see a heart, submerged in water, suddenly begin to speak. The blue light she noticed earlier was emanating from this heart. She was grateful she hadn’t brought Little Red along; it would have terrified the child.


The blue heart started to sing before Yu Zhao could respond. The veins on the heart pulsed with each beat, creating an unsettling sight. What was even more disturbing was that it sang in a language she couldn’t understand, yet she could sense the hypnotic intent behind it. Yes, this heart was trying to bewitch her with its song.

Yu Zhao, having lived through two lifetimes, had a resolute will. Moreover, her cultivation of the Illusory Tide Technique involved using spells or other mediums to tempt others into illusions. She instantly realized the heart’s malicious intent upon hearing its seductive melody. She didn’t expose her awareness but instead feigned being entranced, narrowing her eyes and appearing mesmerized.

The heart’s song was indeed enchanting, so much so that even with her guard up, she nearly fell under its spell. This only confirmed her suspicion.

Legend had it that in the depths of the South Sea lived a unique race known as the Siren. These beings had fish tails and human bodies, standing about five to six feet tall, with fair skin and beautiful features. Their songs were unmatched in the world, said to lure listeners to willingly stay with the Siren. Aside from their captivating voices, the Siren were known for their tears, which turned into white pearls known as “Medicinal Pearls.” These pearls, when ground into powder and applied to wounds, could heal them without medicine. To obtain these precious pearls, countless cultivators ventured into the deep sea, capturing and killing the Siren, forcing them to cry. It wasn’t long before the Siren vanished from the South Sea.

Yu Zhao once thought these stories, which Little Red had told her, were mere myths. But now, faced with this unusual blue heart and its mesmerizing song, she began to believe in the existence of the Siren.

As this realization dawned on her, a heavy feeling settled in her chest. If the legends were true, then the Siren truly faced a catastrophic fate. Could this still-beating heart be a remnant from that calamity?

Lost in these thoughts, Yu Zhao suddenly found herself pulled into an illusion. Unlike the carefully crafted illusions she made based on people’s thoughts, the heart’s illusion was crude. She was sure of this because she suddenly saw Fang Cheng Lang, Lan Zi Yu, and others dressed in garish clothes, performing a lewd dance.

That’s right, they were dancing, and not just any dance, but an indecent, vulgar one. It was scandalous!

Yu Zhao couldn’t help but laugh, clapping along while inwardly condemning the indecency. Watching the usually composed Fang Cheng Lang and others behave so lasciviously brought her a strange satisfaction. Even if it was fake, it was at least entertaining. The ten top-grade spirit stones for the ticket were well worth it.

At that moment, “Fang Cheng Lang” picked up a cup of wine and gracefully walked toward Yu Zhao. She instinctively leaned back, finding his outfit too outrageous to bear. But she restrained herself, determined to figure out the blue heart’s intentions. She forced a smile, pretending to be pleased.

“Fang Cheng Lang” reached Yu Zhao, giggling softly without a word, and raised the cup to her lips. Yu Zhao drank it down, knowing it was just an illusion. In another situation, she would never drink it, wary of what it might contain.

“Zhao Zhao~”

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

“Fang Cheng Lang” suddenly called her name, reaching out to stroke her hair. Yu Zhao clenched her teeth, barely restraining herself from kicking this imposter away. Originally, she thought the real Fang Cheng Lang was annoying, but compared to this crude copy, he seemed almost tolerable.

Seeing Yu Zhao not resisting, a flash of coldness crossed “Fang Cheng Lang’s” seductive eyes, a faint glow appearing on his fingertips. As his hand neared the back of Yu Zhao’s head, she suddenly grabbed his wrist.

“Fang Cheng Lang” was startled and looked down to meet Yu Zhao’s clear eyes. She wasn’t enchanted by the song!

Realizing this, “Fang Cheng Lang” tried to escape, but Yu Zhao held him firmly, immobilizing him.

“Let me see what trick you’re playing,” she muttered, pulling his hand closer for inspection. Comparing the symbols on his fingertips with memories from Bright Moon Hermit’s teachings, she quickly recognized the meaning.

“A Demon Heart Seed? You planned to plant a Demon Heart Seed in my mind.”

“Fang Cheng Lang” paled. Not only had he been caught, but his plan was also exposed!


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