After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 93

Chapter 93: The Siren Pavilion

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

The Siren Pavilion was a five-story building, each floor offering different types of goods. On the first floor, they displayed exquisite jewelry, such as hairpins made from fish bones, smooth and jade-like in texture. Each hairpin even had a small protective formation engraved on it, combining beauty with practicality.

Yu Zhao rarely wore accessories. In her earlier years, she had been too poor to afford them. Moreover, Lone Moon Peak, where she resided, was predominantly male, and their aesthetic preferences had not yet influenced her. However, the array of beautiful and useful accessories in the Siren Pavilion piqued her interest. She picked out several pieces, intending to gift them to Senior Sister Jin Yue and Mu Ye.

Yu Zhao wasn’t lacking in spiritual stones, especially after having taken all the savings of the Bamboo, Plum, Orchid, and Chrysanthemum quartet. She was quite wealthy. She called over a female cultivator from the Siren Pavilion to hold a tray for her and began selecting items she fancied.

As the number of selected items grew, the tray quickly filled up. More attendants came over with additional trays to assist her. Yu Zhao’s generous spending soon drew the attention of other guests on the first floor. Many discreetly glanced in her direction.

Little Red, her young companion, noticed the attention and became anxious. She kept trying to catch Yu Zhao’s eye, worried that they were attracting too much attention. When that failed, she nervously tugged on Yu Zhao’s sleeve, whispering, “Senior, senior, you shouldn’t show off your wealth!”

Yu Zhao raised her head and looked around. A slight pressure emanated from her, a natural consequence of her being a Golden Core cultivator. The atmosphere in the first-floor hall of the Siren Pavilion suddenly grew tense. People quickly averted their gazes.

In the world of cultivation, Nascent Soul cultivators were already rare and respected. With few of them roaming the world, Golden Core cultivators were often the most powerful beings encountered in daily life, not to be provoked lightly. This was evident from the fact that the highest-ranking assassins from the shadowy organization, the Orchid, Plum, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum quartet, were Golden Core cultivators.

After Yu Zhao subtly asserted her dominance, no one dared to look her way again. In fact, they respectfully stepped aside whenever she approached.

Little Red’s eyes sparkled with admiration. Growing up in the Southern Sea City, she had always looked up to strong and confident female cultivators like Yu Zhao. She felt incredibly lucky to have taken the initiative to follow the senior when she entered the city. Today’s experiences would be something she would cherish forever.

After thoroughly exploring the first floor, Yu Zhao turned her attention to the second floor. A perceptive attendant from the Siren Pavilion eagerly introduced it, “Lady, the second floor offers specialty foods from the Southern Sea. You can dine here or take them away. They make excellent gifts or a delightful treat for yourself.”

“Specialty foods?” Yu Zhao recalled a particularly ugly but delicious fish she had once encountered. She asked tentatively, “I’ve heard there’s a sea beast called the Meatball Sea Monster, known for its delicious meat. Do you have it here?”

The attendant’s smile brightened even more. “Of course! The Meatball Sea Monster is one of our specialties. We’ve developed various ways to prepare it to suit all tastes.”

Yu Zhao hesitated for a moment but decided to head up to the second floor. She was not curious about whether the Meatball Sea Monster’s meat had beautifying properties; she simply wanted to broaden her horizons!

No one was happier than Little Red. The second floor was a world she had never set foot in, filled with an air of mystery. Even if she couldn’t taste the food, just smelling it would be enough to satisfy her.

A barrier set up between the first and second floors kept food smells contained. As soon as Yu Zhao stepped onto the second floor, the fresh scent she had been enjoying disappeared, replaced by an indescribable aroma of cooked meat. Both she and Little Red couldn’t help but take a deep breath, their mouths watering.

The layout of the second floor differed significantly from the first. Perhaps to showcase the variety of cooking methods, the floor was divided into square stalls, each featuring a different sea beast. The attendant, assuming that Yu Zhao had come for the Meatball Sea Monster, led them directly to its stall.

“Lady, these are various dishes made from the Meatball Sea Monster. We also have toothpicks for sampling.”

In front of them was a long table lined with wooden boxes, each containing a different dish made from the sea beast. The meat had been expertly prepared, bearing no resemblance to its original form, which eased Yu Zhao’s initial apprehension.

She picked up a toothpick and speared a meatball. Its golden-brown crust was crispy and fragrant. As she bit into it, a burst of flavorful juice filled her mouth, accompanied by the delicate sweetness of the meat. Yu Zhao’s eyes lit up with delight.

The fish meat had been thoroughly mixed and kneaded, giving it a firm, springy texture with no hint of fishiness. Instead, it had a refreshing sweetness, a flavor Yu Zhao had never experienced before.

She picked up another toothpick, initially intending to give it to the eager young girl behind her. However, she reconsidered and used a new toothpick to hand a meatball to Little Red.

“Try it and give me your opinion.”

Little Red, who had been about to decline, quickly swallowed her words. She wasn’t indulging herself; she was helping the senior make an informed decision. With this thought in mind, she cautiously took a bite. The deliciousness exploded on her taste buds, making her eyes widen in disbelief.

Yu Zhao found her reaction adorable and asked with a smile, “How is it?”

Little Red nodded vigorously. She had never tasted anything so delicious! She felt an urge to cry, but she held back her tears, remembering her purpose. Her gaze lingered on the meatball, filled with regret. She wished she could share this taste with her younger brothers, who had never had anything so good.

But she knew she couldn’t embarrass the senior by asking for more.

“You might also want to try the braised fish. It has a different flavor compared to the meatballs,” the attendant suggested.

Surrounded by delicious food, Yu Zhao soon forgot about the Meatball Sea Monster’s original appearance. She sampled various dishes made from different sea beasts, always sharing them with Little Red. Half an hour later, Yu Zhao was fully satisfied and ready to move on to the third floor. Her storage space was now packed with hundreds of food boxes containing sea beast delicacies, ready to be enjoyed during her travels.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Although the Siren Pavilion saw many out-of-town cultivators shopping daily, few were as generous as Yu Zhao. Most bought a few items and left, satisfied with a taste. The attendant was thrilled to have such a lavish customer, especially one who was straightforward and pleasant. She treated Yu Zhao with the utmost respect, as if she were a treasured guest.

“Senior, the third floor offers raw materials from sea beasts, mainly used for crafting tools and refining pills.”

As they spoke, the three of them stepped onto the third floor. Unlike the bustling first and second floors, the third floor was much quieter, with far fewer customers. There were no display tables here. Instead, samples of various sea beast materials were categorized and displayed on the walls, making it easy to browse.

The third floor’s calm atmosphere stood in stark contrast to the lively activity below, offering a serene space for serious shoppers to peruse the unique and rare materials at their leisure.


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