After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 91

Chapter 91: Isn’t It You, Lan Zi Yu, Who Shows Favoritism?

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

This wasn’t Yu Zhao’s first time killing.

In her past life, she had been expelled from the Five Elements Sect, becoming a pariah and the enemy of the entire cultivation world. Many sought her life to curry favor with Ye Cong Xin. Not wanting to die, Yu Zhao had stained her hands with the blood of those who wished her harm. Despite never having met these people, their only outcome was a life-or-death battle.

This life was no different.

She didn’t want to kill, but others sought her life. In the choice between killing and being killed, she had no other options. Watching four lives fade before her eyes stirred her emotions, but it also strengthened her resolve to become stronger. To avoid being a victim, she had to be the sharpest blade.

Yu Zhao exhaled deeply, calming her turbulent emotions, and began cleaning up the scene. The “Four Gentlemen” of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum were notorious assassins in the cultivation world, known for killing and looting. Now, all their accumulated wealth belonged to Yu Zhao.

After looting their storage spaces, she used her spiritual power to dig a pit in the barren mountain and buried the four bodies. Then, she walked away, leaving behind a chaotic scene.

The mission posted by the Dark Pavilion would remain on the task board until completed or canceled by the client. This meant that even after the failure of the Four Gentlemen, others could still accept the mission. Yu Zhao left traces of the battle as a message to the Dark Pavilion: “I’m not afraid of you. Bring it on!”

Her arrogance was evident.

The Dark Pavilion’s administrator, recognizing Yu Zhao’s message, felt a mix of emotions. Yu Zhao’s behavior matched the information they had on her. Only an arrogant person would dare defy their master and be expelled from the sect. Even at the auction, she caused a scene, embarrassing the disciples of the Green Wood Sect.

What surprised them most was Yu Zhao’s formidable combat skills. She single-handedly eliminated the Dark Pavilion’s best assassins. The most puzzling part was that it had been less than half a year since she advanced to the Golden Core stage. How did she manage it? Were all disciples of the Five Elements Sect such prodigies?

The Dark Pavilion’s leader regretted accepting the troublesome mission for a few high-grade spirit stones.

“Master, the Four Gentlemen are dead. Should we continue to post the bounty on Yu Zhao?” asked a subordinate dressed in black.

The leader pondered for a moment and then coldly replied, “Inform the Green Wood Sect. If they want to continue, they’ll have to pay more.” The mission had already been posted, and the information was out. It was too late to back down now. He decided to let the Green Wood Sect handle it.

“Also, inform them that due to the heavy losses the Dark Pavilion incurred, the deposit will not be refunded, even if they cancel the mission,” he added.

The black-clad man frowned. “Master, that’s against our rules…”

“We can’t offend the disciples of the Five Elements Sect, nor can we provoke the Green Wood Sect,” the leader asserted. “But the Green Wood Sect has already given us leverage. If others find out that they hired assassins to kill a Five Elements Sect disciple, their reputation will be ruined. Do you think they would dare make a fuss?”

The subordinate, realizing the leader’s point, nodded and left to carry out the orders.


Su Ming slapped his palm down, crushing a large mosquito beast. His face darkened as he looked at the creature, almost as big as his hand. He stood up, furious. “Senior Brother! How much longer are we going to stay in this wretched place?”

Three months! They had been in this swamp, filled with snakes, insects, and rats, for three whole months! They hadn’t even encountered Yu Zhao or any other cultivators. Every day, they had to deal with these endless pests. Su Ming had had enough, and the mosquito beast was the last straw, unleashing all his pent-up frustration.

Fang Cheng Lang didn’t even look at him, sitting cross-legged on a thick tree branch. His voice was indifferent, “I told you not to come. You chose to follow. If you don’t want to stay, you can leave.”

“Senior Brother!”

Su Ming knew he couldn’t blame Fang Cheng Lang for his suffering; it was his choice to stay. But Fang Cheng Lang had always been the most kind-hearted and reliable among the senior brothers. Su Ming’s complaint was, in reality, a plea for comfort. He had expected some sympathy, not such a harsh dismissal. Shocked and worried, Su Ming feared that Fang Cheng Lang might distance himself from them, just as Yu Zhao had.

Lan Zi Yu and Cui Jue exchanged worried glances. They, too, noticed that Fang Cheng Lang had been acting differently. He was not only disturbed by nightmares but also becoming increasingly cold towards them. It felt like an invisible barrier had grown between them.

“Senior Brother, Third Brother didn’t mean to blame you. Please don’t be angry with him,” Ye Cong Xin timidly spoke up. Protected by Lan Zi Yu and the others, she was unscathed, even in the filthy swamp. Her delicate appearance made her seem even more out of place in this harsh environment.

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression only grew colder at her words. Ye Cong Xin bit her lip, looking incredibly wronged, but in her heart, anger festered. Despite her efforts to please everyone, only Cui Jue had shown significant improvement in his feelings towards her, now at 85 points. She only needed five more points to siphon off his fortune. Yet, Fang Cheng Lang’s favorability had plummeted to 20 points.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Twenty points?!

Ye Cong Xin was furious. She wasn’t stepping in to ease the tension between Fang Cheng Lang and Su Ming but to gain favor with Cui Jue and the others. As expected, seeing Fang Cheng Lang’s indifference towards Ye Cong Xin, Cui Jue and Lan Zi Yu felt a bit unhappy. Junior Sister Cong Xin was gentle and kind, insisting on staying with them in the dangerous swamp to wait for Yu Zhao. Fang Cheng Lang’s cold attitude was uncalled for.

“Senior Brother, Yu Zhao is our junior sister, and so is Junior Sister Cong Xin. Why are you treating them so differently?” Lan Zi Yu asked, his face serious.

“Differently?” Fang Cheng Lang let out a low laugh. “Isn’t it you, Lan Zi Yu, who shows favoritism? If Yu Zhao and Ye Cong Xin are both our junior sisters, why do you call Yu Zhao by her name and refer to Ye Cong Xin as Junior Sister?”


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