After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Incomplete Illusory Tide Technique

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

As the first light of dawn bathed the Treasure Library in a golden glow, Yu Zhao ascended the stairs with a serene smile on her face. It was early, and the surrounding area was still empty, adding to the peaceful atmosphere. At the entrance, Elder Gu, who was usually engrossed in his books, sat upright with a serious expression, as if he had been expecting her.

“Good morning, Elder Gu,” she greeted, bowing gracefully.

Elder Gu’s stern look softened slightly as he formed a magical barrier around them. “Are you certain you wish to learn a new cultivation technique?” he asked, his voice sincere.

“Yes,” Yu Zhao replied with conviction.

“The Sea Moon Technique is a unique creation by Master Qing Yan, one of the finest water-based techniques. Are you sure you want to abandon it?” Elder Gu inquired, his tone reflecting the gravity of her decision.

Yu Zhao nodded resolutely, her eyes filled with determination. Elder Gu, a man of few words, pressed further, knowing the enormity of her choice. To relearn a technique meant discarding all her progress—a monumental decision.

Internally, Elder Gu sighed. It was clear that Master Qing Yan had wounded her deeply.

During his time at the Treasure Library, Elder Gu had heard various rumors about Yu Zhao. They labeled her as arrogant, a bully to her juniors, disrespectful to her seniors, and notoriously lazy. These stories cast her in a dark light. However, Elder Gu was not one to judge based on rumors. With a history of going against the grain himself, he relied on his own observations and instincts. Yu Zhao was far from the villain she was made out to be; the rumors were grossly exaggerated. Rumors always stemmed from somewhere. Who had started these, and what did they stand to gain?

“Elder Gu?” Yu Zhao’s voice snapped him back to the present.

He cleared his thoughts and looked at her with a hint of sympathy. “I generally stay out of Lone Moon Peak’s affairs, but you’ve caught my attention. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, Elder Gu!” Yu Zhao’s face brightened with genuine gratitude.

“Don’t thank me just yet,” Elder Gu replied, stroking his beard. “You must promise not to speak of today’s events to anyone. This stays between us.”

Understanding the delicacy of the situation, especially not wanting to upset Master Qing Yan, Yu Zhao gave her solemn vow, “I, Yu Zhao, swear this matter will never be disclosed to a third party.”

Pleased with her promise, Elder Gu reached into his sleeve, pulling out a thin, unmarked book. He placed it on the table before them and gestured for her to take it.

Yu Zhao hesitated for a moment, but seeing Elder Gu’s encouraging nod, she reached out and took the book. Its blank cover suggested it was no ordinary book. With a mixture of curiosity and nervousness, Yu Zhao opened the book. To her surprise, it wasn’t a cultivation technique but a memoir of a past cultivator.

She glanced at Elder Gu, puzzled.

He simply nodded, urging her to continue reading.

As Yu Zhao delved back into the pages, she became engrossed in the memoir of the Bright Moon Hermit, a cultivator who once possessed a single water spirit root, much like herself. The hermit had left her sect due to its restrictive nature and traveled the world alone. During her journeys, she saved a male cultivator of equal prowess, and they fell in love, deciding to become Dao partners.

However, the narrative took a dark turn when her partner, cultivating the Path of Heartlessness, betrayed her. His path required him to sever his emotional ties brutally—to kill his partner to achieve enlightenment. Bright Moon Hermit fought back when he attacked, leading to a deadly confrontation where she ultimately killed him. Through this traumatic ordeal, she reached her own form of enlightenment.

“The Path of Heartlessness demands one sever all emotions and desires. One must remain unaffected by joy or sorrow from external influences. True cultivation lies in mastering one’s heart. Using such cultivation to harm others, especially one’s partner, inevitably brings severe karmic repercussions. Without a deadened heart, the Path cannot begin; without extinguished desires, it cannot be sustained.”

Through her harrowing experiences, Bright Moon Hermit had developed the Illusory Tide Technique over a century. The memoir concluded with a detailed description of this technique, which fascinated Yu Zhao. In her previous life, her deep affections had led her to a tragic end. Now, determined to avoid repeating her past mistakes, she found the notion of severing emotional ties particularly apt for someone following the Path of Heartlessness.

Resolved, Yu Zhao decided to practice the Illusory Tide Technique. However, her expression soon grew somber; the memoir contained only the first three levels of the technique, which were sufficient only until the Nascent Soul stage. The remaining parts were missing.

Observing her change in demeanor, Elder Gu explained, “The memoir was incomplete when discovered by an elder of Bright Moon Hermit’s sect. If it had been complete, it would be secured on the third floor, beyond your current reach. Consider carefully whether to begin an incomplete technique.”

Yu Zhao gripped the book tighter. She inferred from the memoir that Bright Moon Hermit had reached at least the late Nascent Soul stage, possibly even the Transformation stage, akin to her master, Master Qing Yan.

Had the complete technique been accessible, she would have embraced it without reservation. Yet, adopting an incomplete technique could hinder her progress once she reached the Golden Core stage. Her eyes flickered with uncertainty.

After a moment of contemplation, her decision was made with firm resolve. “I’ve decided. I’ll cultivate it!”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

The Illusory Tide Technique was the only method she knew that might rival the revered Sea Moon Technique. She had already relinquished one elite technique; she was not prepared to let go of another. Furthermore, she had ample time before needing to form her Golden Core, providing her a chance to possibly uncover the missing segments of the memoir.

Elder Gu nodded, accepting her decision. “Since you’ve made your choice, go and prepare.”

“Thank you, Elder Gu. I will not forget this kindness, and I will repay it if the opportunity arises,” Yu Zhao said, bowing deeply.

“If you truly wish to repay me,” Elder Gu replied, his voice imbued with wisdom, “then advance steadily, step by step, and show me the extent of your progress.”

“I will do my best!” Yu Zhao declared, her voice echoing her newfound determination and clarity of purpose.


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