After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 85

Chapter 85: Add More Money

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Wang Qian stood with a cold smirk, his eyes narrowing at Tian Han and Guo Ming En. “Why so quiet now? You both had plenty to say earlier, didn’t you? What happened, Senior Brother Tian? Senior Brother Guo?”

The two senior brothers exchanged uncomfortable glances. The smugness they had earlier was gone, replaced by a nervous tension. They hadn’t expected Yu Zhao to respond so coldly and decisively. Their attempt to humiliate her had backfired, leaving them feeling foolish and defeated.

Breaking the silence, Guo Ming En spoke up, his tone defensive. “Junior Brother Wang, Yu Zhao is petty and vindictive. Even with Master Qing Yan’s support, she’s still insignificant.”

Tian Han nodded quickly, agreeing. “Exactly. She’s not worth the trouble, Wang Qian. Let it go.”

Wang Qian’s eyes flashed with anger. “Maybe you can swallow this insult, but I can’t! She dared to challenge me, and she has to pay!”

The alarm on the faces of the senior brothers was unmistakable.

“Junior Brother Wang, she’s a disciple of the Five Elements Sect, and her master is at the Nascent Soul stage. We can’t afford to be reckless,” Tian Han warned, his voice urgent.

Guo Ming En chimed in, “The Great Competition is in two years. That would be the perfect time to deal with this.”

Wang Qian sneered, “Do you think I’d be stupid enough to act openly?”

He was cunning enough to know better than to provoke the Five Elements Sect directly. He had a plan, but he needed the help of Tian Han and Guo Ming En. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have included them.

Relieved, the senior brothers’ expressions relaxed. They had feared Wang Qian might drag them into a dangerous situation.

Tian Han’s curiosity piqued. “Junior Brother Wang, you seem to have something in mind. How can we assist you? We’re ready to help.”

Guo Ming En nodded eagerly, keen to show his support.

Wang Qian grinned. “Since you’re offering, I won’t refuse. There’s something you can help me with…”

As Wang Qian laid out his plan, the senior brothers’ smiles faded. The scheme required them to risk their own resources and reputations while Wang Qian stayed safely behind the scenes. If anything went wrong, they would face the consequences.

“This…” Tian Han hesitated, weighing the risks.

Wang Qian’s face hardened. “What? Are you backing out? If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be in this mess with Yu Zhao. Don’t think you can just walk away.”

His tone carried a clear threat. Wang Qian had always been the leader among them, and he wasn’t wrong. They had pushed him into a conflict with Yu Zhao, expecting no consequences for themselves. Wang Qian wasn’t going to let them off so easily.

Seeing no way out, Tian Han and Guo Ming En reluctantly agreed, their smiles now strained.

“Good. Here’s what you need to do. The Hundred Treasures Pavilion has an intelligence network known as the Dark Pavilion…”


Dark Pavilion, Blackwater City

The Seeker, a figure shrouded in shadow, stared at the cloaked visitor standing before him. The stranger’s face was concealed, revealing only their eyes, but their purpose was clear. The request they brought was unusual enough to pique the Seeker’s curiosity, and the disguise seemed futile; it was evident who had sent them.

Who else but the Green Wood Sect would dare to place a bounty on Yu Zhao?

It was a bold, almost reckless, move. Targeting a disciple from the prestigious Five Elements Sect was unheard of. For the Seeker, this request required careful thought and discretion.

Tian Han, the cloaked figure, felt the weight of the silence pressing down on him. Just as he was about to turn and leave, a wooden plaque slid through a slot in the door. He picked it up, reading the inscription with mounting disbelief.

Three large words stared back at him: “Additional Payment Required!”

Tian Han’s heart sank. He knew what this meant. Only the truly desperate would attempt to target a disciple from the Five Elements Sect. Wang Qian, their cohort, had already drained his family’s resources on a fourth-grade pill recipe. The initial bounty fee had been cobbled together by Tian Han and their other accomplice, Guo Ming En.

Now, with this demand for more funds, they were left with no choice but to comply. Despite his growing resentment, Tian Han couldn’t afford to ignore Wang Qian’s threats. Reluctantly, he handed over the extra payment and left the building, a storm of anger and frustration brewing inside him.

The Seeker watched the exchange with a knowing smile. The Dark Pavilion’s network was extensive; they had already gathered comprehensive intelligence on Yu Zhao. Her status as a direct disciple had weakened; without her master’s protection, she was just another inner disciple at the Five Elements Sect.

With this knowledge, the Dark Pavilion accepted the job. They were not foolish enough to jeopardize their operations for a few spirit stones. As for any potential repercussions from the Five Elements Sect…

A sly smile crossed the Seeker’s face. The Dark Pavilion was merely an intermediary; should there be any backlash, it would fall squarely on the Green Wood Sect. The Seeker’s eyes glinted with a cold cunning, satisfied with the arrangement. They had done their part, and the rest was no longer their concern.


Inn Courtyard

Fang Cheng Lang woke up suddenly, gasping for air. His forehead was drenched in sweat, and he ran a shaky hand through his messy hair. He had another nightmare, just like the others that haunted him.

He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to calm his racing heart. After a moment, he stepped outside into the inn’s courtyard, hoping the cool night air would soothe him. The chill of the night was a sharp contrast to the storm inside him. He looked up at the moon, his face a mask of unreadable emotions.

The stillness was interrupted by the sound of soft footsteps approaching. Fang Cheng Lang didn’t turn; he was too lost in his thoughts.

“Senior Brother,” Cui Yu’s tone was laced with concern.

Since they had left the Five Elements Sect, Fang Cheng Lang’s condition had worsened, and Cui Yu could no longer bear to watch his senior brother suffer. He had followed Fang Cheng Lang outside, hoping to offer some comfort.

Fang Cheng Lang acknowledged his presence with a brief nod but remained silent, staring into the distance.

“Senior Brother, what’s going on? Do you even know what you’re doing?” Cui Yu’s voice was soft, but his worry was clear. He usually kept to himself, but the disciples from Lone Moon Peak were like family to him. He couldn’t just stand by and watch Fang Cheng Lang suffer alone.

Fang Cheng Lang continued to stare into the distance, his eyes dark and troubled. The silence stretched on, growing more uncomfortable by the second.

“Senior Brother,” Cui Yu tried again, his calm facade cracking under the weight of his concern.

Finally, Fang Cheng Lang turned to face him, and the look in his eyes made Cui Yu shiver. There was something unsettling, almost frightening, in the depths of his gaze.


This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

Dark Pavilion, Inner Chamber

The Seeker reclined in his chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table. The request was unusual, but dealing with delicate matters was the Dark Pavilion’s specialty. The Green Wood Sect had been discreet, but their intent was clear: they wanted Yu Zhao gone.

“Send a message to our contacts in the Five Elements Sect,” the Seeker ordered, his voice calm and steady. “Tell them we’ve received a high-value request. They should be prepared for the consequences.”

A subordinate nodded and exited the room. The Seeker leaned back, deep in thought. This wasn’t just a matter of money; it was a strategic play. The Green Wood Sect’s willingness to go to such lengths was a bold statement.

As he pondered the situation, a shadow flickered at the edge of his vision. The Seeker sat up straight, instantly alert. The shadow coalesced into a figure, and the Seeker’s eyes widened in recognition.

“You,” he said, a mix of surprise and caution in his voice.

The figure stepped forward, still cloaked in shadows. “I hear you have a job for me,” the figure said, their voice low and menacing.

The Seeker hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Yes, but it’s risky. The target is a disciple of the Five Elements Sect.”

The figure chuckled, a sound that sent chills down the Seeker’s spine. “Is that all? I’ve faced worse.”

The Seeker smiled, a touch of admiration in his expression. “Very well. The payment will be substantial, but there can be no loose ends. The success must be guaranteed.”

The figure nodded. “Understood. I’ll handle it.”

As the shadowy figure melted back into the darkness, a shiver ran down the Seeker’s spine. He knew he had just unleashed a dangerous force. The Dark Pavilion thrived on taking risks, but even he felt a flicker of unease. This mission had the potential to change everything.


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