After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 81

Chapter 81: Malicious Bidding

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

“Even if she is a disciple of Master Qing Yan, so what? Just watch,” Wang Qian muttered, forcing a confident front. His bravado earned him the flattery of Tian Han and Guo Min En, who eagerly complimented him.

As their praise continued, Wang Qian’s tense demeanor slowly eased, and the arrogance hidden beneath his expression began to resurface.

After the appearance of the small purple pot, several other rare items were put up for auction, sparking fierce bidding wars. Each item was eventually claimed by someone in the VIP section.

An hour later, Yu Zhao finally saw the item she had been waiting for: the True Water.

“True Water is sourced from extremely cold regions. It’s colorless and tasteless, possessing the purest yin and softness, making it the best material for water-root cultivators to use in refining artifacts. There are fifty drops of True Water in this jade bottle, with a starting bid of thirty top-grade spirit stones. Each bid increment must be at least one top-grade spirit stone,” explained Furong, standing on the auction stage.

As the second-to-last item in the auction, the True Water was considered a highlight, showcasing its rarity. Before Furong finished speaking, someone in the audience impatiently called out a bid.

“Thirty-five top-grade spirit stones!”

“I bid thirty-eight!”


The bidding quickly intensified, primarily among those in the VIP section. Almost as soon as one person bid, another would immediately raise the price, swiftly pushing it past fifty top-grade spirit stones.

Wang Qian, possessing the dual fire-wood spiritual roots best suited for alchemy, had no interest in the True Water. His objective was the fourth-grade pill recipe, so he watched the bidding with half-closed eyes, unconcerned. That is, until Yu Zhao’s cold voice rang out, causing him to sit up straight.

“Eighty top-grade spirit stones,” Wang Qian calmly raised his paddle.

Furong’s smile widened, and she announced, “Guest number one has bid eighty top-grade spirit stones.”

Most of the VIPs present were from wealthy families in Blackwater City or nearby cities and had been informed of the auction’s details, including Wang Qian’s presence. As soon as Wang Qian bid, those who had initially intended to compete immediately reconsidered.

Not only were they wary of offending Wang Qian, but eighty top-grade spirit stones was already nearing their mental limit. Moreover, there was still a grand finale item yet to be revealed. Wasting their resources on the True Water would mean missing out on the fourth-grade pill recipe.

Backing off now would also show respect to the people of Green Wood Sect, making future bidding less fraught with tension. After weighing their options, the remaining bidders reluctantly shook their heads and withdrew from the competition for the True Water.

Just as everyone assumed the True Water was about to go to Wang Qian, Yu Zhao raised her paddle again. “Eighty-eight top-grade spirit stones.”

A collective gasp echoed through the crowd. Many were taken aback by Yu Zhao’s audacity. It was clear that the VIPs had stepped back for Wang Qian, yet someone still dared to go against him. It was uncertain whether to praise her bravery or question her judgment.

“Sister Yu Zhao,” Meng Yue called out, concerned.

Yu Zhao shook her head, signaling her not to worry.

“One hundred top-grade spirit stones!” Wang Qian declared with a smile, not angry but rather pleased. He had been concerned that Yu Zhao might not raise the price. He had no use for the True Water himself; his goal was simply to frustrate Yu Zhao.

Only Tian Han and Guo Min En understood Wang Qian’s true intentions. While they were happy, they also felt a bit disdainful. Wang Qian acted unafraid, yet he didn’t dare truly oppose the Five Elements Sect, resorting to such indirect methods to express his displeasure.

What a coward!

Yu Zhao initially didn’t realize Wang Qian was deliberately driving up the price against her until the bidding surpassed the True Water’s actual value and Wang Qian still hadn’t backed down. She then understood that he was intentionally bidding against her for some unclear purpose.

Yu Zhao’s gaze grew cold. “One hundred sixty-six top-grade spirit stones. If Guest Number One continues to bid, I’ll withdraw.”

Wang Qian’s face stiffened. Yu Zhao’s sudden declaration of her limit caught him off guard, leaving him uncertain whether she was goading him or being sincere. Tian Han and Guo Min En were tempted to urge Wang Qian to continue bidding, but they worried Yu Zhao might pull out, leaving the True Water in Wang Qian’s hands and earning them his wrath. So, they kept silent, letting Wang Qian decide for himself.

After a brief silence, Wang Qian exhaled and shook his head at Furong, signaling his withdrawal from the auction. He told himself it was wise to stop now; he had already forced Yu Zhao to spend nearly double the original amount. Any further escalation might truly turn her into an enemy.

Furong, slightly surprised, smiled and congratulated Yu Zhao on her successful bid for the True Water. Yu Zhao remained calm, but others were not so at ease, especially Young Master Fan and Chen Tiandong, who had interacted with Yu Zhao before and now eyed her with complex emotions.

Meng Yue, with her simple mind, was just genuinely happy for Yu Zhao, smiling brightly with dimples peeking at the corners of her mouth.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to the final item of our auction. Many of you may have come here specifically for this. I, too, was stunned when I first heard about it,” Furong announced, her voice full of excitement.

“Now, let’s unveil the last item in our Blackwater City auction: the formula for the fourth-grade Purifying Spirit Pill.”

The room erupted like boiling oil in a hot pan. Some impatient guests even stood up, their eyes fixed on the tray being carried in by a female cultivator.

Furong continued, “The Purifying Spirit Pill clears the mind and calms the heart, reducing the disturbance of inner demons and increasing the chances of a breakthrough. Rest assured, the auction house has consulted with alchemy masters to verify the authenticity of this formula.”

Wang Qian’s eyes burned with intense desire. Blackwater City’s auction house had consulted with an elder from the Green Wood Sect, from whom Wang Qian had spent a fortune to obtain this information. The Green Wood Sect, with its long-standing heritage, had other similar pill formulas that required fewer spiritual herbs, so they didn’t value this particular formula.

But for Wang Qian, a disciple of the Alchemy Hall and a highly ambitious one at that, a fourth-grade formula was of immense importance. That was why he had traveled so far to Blackwater City, determined to acquire this Purifying Spirit Pill formula.

This novel is translated and hosted only on bcatranslation.

“The starting bid for the fourth-grade Purifying Spirit Pill formula is one thousand top-grade spirit stones, with each increment not less than ten top-grade spirit stones,” Furong announced.

“One thousand top-grade spirit stones! This already breaks the highest record in Blackwater City, which was only eight hundred and eighty-eight top-grade spirit stones!”

“Did you hear that? A fourth-grade formula! In the hands of a master alchemist, it can easily make a fortune!”

“Where did Blackwater City’s auction house get a fourth-grade formula, and how are they willing to auction it off?”

Most cultivators present knew their limits and realized this level of auction was beyond their reach. They couldn’t even muster the thought of coveting it; they were simply curious about the formula’s origins and who would ultimately win it.


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