After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 77

Chapter 77: Laying in Wait

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

The appearance of Young Master Fan successfully calmed everyone down at the Blackwater City auction, easing their frustrations.

After Young Master Fan’s dramatic exit, the crowd that had failed to buy tickets gradually dispersed. Yu Zheng Mao, who had been standing on a table, hopped down, ready to leave. As he was about to depart, a well-dressed young woman approached him. She had a confident air about her, and Yu Zheng Mao greeted her with a polite smile.

“Manager Yu, I need a ticket for a premium seat,” the woman stated, placing ten mid-grade spirit stones on the table.

Yu Zheng Mao was momentarily surprised, then chuckled warmly. He called over an assistant, instructing them to fetch a premium seat ticket. He handed the ticket to the woman, along with the ten spirit stones.

The woman, Yu Zhao, raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the gesture.

Yu Zheng Mao smiled, explaining, “Miss, you helped me close a big deal. This is just a small token of my appreciation. Please, don’t take offense.”

Recognizing Yu Zhao as the one who had stirred up the crowd, prompting Young Master Fan to buy three VIP tickets, Yu Zheng Mao saw the opportunity to build a good relationship. The commission from the VIP ticket sales far exceeded the cost of a premium seat. He was more than willing to extend this courtesy to someone as talented as Yu Zhao.

Understanding his gesture, Yu Zhao smiled and accepted the ticket and spirit stones. She thanked him, and after exchanging names briefly, Yu Zheng Mao took his leave.

With her ticket secured, Yu Zhao didn’t linger in the bustling streets of the city. She returned directly to the inn, patiently awaiting the auction.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Fang Cheng Lang and his group were tracking Yu Zhao’s movements through their informants.

Inside the inn, the four brothers gathered in a room. Su Ming, clearly impatient, was the first to speak. “I’ll go inform Junior Sister. We should head to Blackwater City tomorrow!” He stood up, ready to knock on the door of the adjacent room.

“Wait,” Lan Zi Yu interjected, looking displeased. “Let’s hear what Senior Brother has to say first.”

Su Ming frowned, leaning against the table. “What’s there to discuss? Yu Zhao is already on her way to Blackwater City, if she’s not there already. If we don’t leave now, it’ll be too late!”

Fang Cheng Lang spoke calmly, “It’s already too late.”

Su Ming was taken aback.

Cui Jue elaborated, “Third Brother, it would take us at least a month and a half to reach Blackwater City from here. By then, the auction will be over, and Yu Zhao will likely have moved on. We wouldn’t catch her in time.”

“We could travel faster…” Su Ming began, then hesitated, remembering they had Ye Cong Xin with them, which complicated matters.

“So, what do we do? We can’t predict where Yu Zhao will go next. Are we just supposed to sit here and wait?” Su Ming asked, clearly frustrated.

Fang Cheng Lang smiled knowingly. “Who says we can’t predict?”

Lan Zi Yu and Su Ming exchanged curious glances, while Cui Jue seemed to be contemplating something.

“Senior Brother, do you know where Yu Zhao is headed next?” Cui Jue inquired.

Fang Cheng Lang nodded confidently. “Yes.”

He and Cui Jue shared a look of understanding.

“What’s going on?” Su Ming demanded, feeling out of the loop.

“Marshland,” Fang Cheng Lang and Cui Jue said in unison.


“Yes, the Marshland,” Fang Cheng Lang confirmed.

Fang Cheng Lang had invested a significant amount in gathering information from the dark network. Not only had they tracked Yu Zhao’s recent movements, but they also discovered that she was seeking specific materials for crafting. One material was available in Blackwater City, and the other could be found in the Marshland. Knowing this, they planned to head to the Marshland to intercept her.

After explaining the plan, the four brothers agreed to head to the Marshland and wait for Yu Zhao’s arrival.

The next day, Ye Cong Xin was visibly distressed upon hearing the plan. The Marshland, located in the southern region, was notorious for its dark, swampy environment teeming with poisonous creatures. For Ye Cong Xin, who had lived a protected life, the thought of going there was terrifying. However, realizing she couldn’t sway the others, she reluctantly agreed, hiding her true feelings.

Unaware of the brothers’ plans, Yu Zhao focused on her training, emerging from her room only on the day of the auction.

As she stepped out, Chen Tiandong hurriedly emerged from his room, greeting her. “Senior Yu, are you heading to the auction? May I accompany you?”

Chen Tiandong was representing the Chen family at the auction, carrying the precious Breakthrough Pill as one of the items up for bid. Yu Zhao, not minding the company, nodded, and they set off together.

The Blackwater City Auction, held every five years, was renowned for its scale and the quality of items available, attracting cultivators from far and wide. The streets were alive with chatter about the upcoming auction.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

“The Blackwater City Auction’s reputation far surpasses that of other auctions,” Chen Tiandong remarked as they walked. “That’s why the old family head chose it.”

Though he didn’t say it outright, Yu Zhao picked up on the underlying concern in Chen Tiandong’s tone. The Chen family, facing financial difficulties, had decided to auction the Breakthrough Pill—a rare item that could elevate a Foundation Establishment cultivator to the Golden Core stage. Such a powerful item could fetch a high price, but selling it indicated the Chen family’s desperate need for funds. It was a temporary solution to a deeper problem, and Yu Zhao sensed the family’s struggle.

Sensitive to the situation, Yu Zhao refrained from commenting on the Chen family’s troubles. Instead, she engaged in light conversation with Chen Tiandong as they approached the auction house.

Upon arrival, they found a long line of people waiting to enter, with auction staff managing the crowd. The air was thick with anticipation, and the city’s buzz was palpable as cultivators from all around gathered for this significant event.


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