After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 73

Chapter 73: The Breakthrough Pill

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

As the wind howled around them, the leader of the caravan, Chen Tiandong, raised his voice to cut through the noise, “Everyone, stay alert! We’re about to enter Bottomless Gorge!”

The group moved cautiously into the narrow passage, flanked by sheer cliffs that towered above them. The oppressive rock walls seemed to close in, casting a dark shadow over the path. The atmosphere was tense; it felt like the perfect place for an ambush.

Inside one of the carriages, Yu Zhao sat quietly, her sharp eyes taking in the surroundings. No wonder Chen Tiandong is so cautious, she thought. This place is a perfect spot for an attack.

As if on cue, the clear sky dimmed ominously. A thick, black fog rolled in, swallowing the caravan in its murky depths.

“Enemy attack!” Chen Tiandong’s urgent warning rang out.

The atmosphere shifted instantly. Two men guarding Yu Zhao sprang into action. The one with a distinctive garlic-shaped nose smashed through the carriage roof and leaped out. The other, with narrow, triangular eyes, brandished a dagger and pointed it at Yu Zhao. “Don’t move if you want to live,” he snarled.

Yu Zhao met his gaze with calm eyes and gave a slight nod, her face betraying no fear.

The dark fog thickened, plunging the gorge into an eerie gloom. The temperature seemed to drop, and a chilling wind howled through the narrow passage, adding to the foreboding atmosphere.

From within the fog, a raspy, aged voice echoed, “Chen family’s boy, hand over the Breakthrough Pill, and you can leave alive.”

Chen Tiandong’s heart sank. Despite their efforts to keep it a secret, the news had leaked.

Yu Zhao’s expression didn’t change, but her thoughts raced. The Breakthrough Pill was a rare and valuable treasure, capable of helping cultivators advance from the Foundation Establishment stage to the Golden Core stage. However, it had a thirty percent chance of failure, making it both precious and dangerous. Such pills were highly coveted and could fetch at least five hundred medium-grade spirit stones—if they could be found at all.

“Senior, you must be mistaken,” Chen Tiandong called out, trying to maintain his composure. “The Chen family has no Breakthrough Pills.”

The voice from the fog responded with a sneer, “Don’t lie to me, boy. Hand over the pill, or none of you will leave this gorge alive.”

Chen Tiandong’s face hardened. It was clear they wouldn’t escape with just words.

“Grandpa, let’s just kill them all and take what we want!” the garlic-nosed man shouted from the carriage roof, his voice filled with vicious glee.

The triangular-eyed man grinned, his eyes gleaming with malice. “Big brother, we can kill the others, but let’s keep this woman alive. She might be useful.”

Yu Zhao’s lips curled slightly in a faint, bemused smile. The brothers’ crudeness was almost comical, their casual disregard for her as a person evident in their careless words.

Chen Tiandong, his face grim, called out, “We’d rather fight than be slaughtered like sheep! Brothers, attack!”

The Chen family guards roared in unison, charging at the attackers. But as they moved, a powerful force emanated from the black fog, shattering their weapons and flinging them back with ease. The guards hit the ground with painful thuds, groaning in pain and confusion.

From the fog emerged a figure clad in flowing black robes, his presence immediately dominating the scene. The two brothers quickly moved to his side, their earlier bravado replaced with a servile demeanor.

“Black-Robed Elder,” Chen Tiandong whispered, his voice tinged with dread.

The elder smiled coldly, his eyes glinting with malice. “Indeed, it is I.”

A wave of despair washed over Chen Tiandong. The Black-Robed Elder was notorious, a mid-Golden Core stage cultivator known for his deadly black fog technique. They stood no chance against him.

Reluctantly, Chen Tiandong pulled a small, square wooden box from his sleeve. “Senior, here’s the Breakthrough Pill. Please spare us. The Chen family will repay your kindness.”

The brothers’ eyes gleamed with greed as they eyed the box, clearly coveting the treasure inside.

The Black-Robed Elder chuckled darkly. “Hand it over.”

As Chen Tiandong hesitated, a chill ran down his spine. The elder’s voice carried no promise of mercy, only a threat.

Before Chen Tiandong could comply, the box vanished from his hand. Startled, he looked to his side and saw Yu Zhao holding it with a calm, almost playful expression.

He stared at her, confused. “Are you after the Breakthrough Pill too?”

Yu Zhao shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. “Not exactly, but I might be interested.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

Chen Tiandong was at a loss. Yu Zhao was only at the late Foundation Establishment stage. What could she possibly do against the Black-Robed Elder?

The elder’s eyes narrowed in anger, his black robe swirling ominously as he prepared to strike.

“Wait,” Yu Zhao’s voice cut through the tension, surprisingly calm and authoritative.

The elder paused, intrigued by her audacity. “Any last words?” he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.

“No,” Yu Zhao replied evenly, “but I am curious. Since you have two grandsons, which one should I give the pill to?”

Her question hung in the air, catching everyone off guard. Even the Black-Robed Elder seemed momentarily taken aback by her unexpected composure and boldness. The tension in the gorge thickened, everyone waiting with bated breath for the elder’s response.


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