After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 7

Chapter 7: Yu Zhao is Still Yu Zhao

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation


Yu Zhao rubbed her tired eyes and set down the book with a heavy sigh. For the past three days, she had been arriving early and leaving late from the library, poring over every book on the first floor in search of something useful. However, her efforts had yielded nothing but disappointment.

Gradually, her gaze drifted to the staircase at the center of the room. The second floor beckoned as her last hope. If she didn’t find the technique she needed there, her plans to restart her cultivation would face yet another setback—a prospect Yu Zhao dreaded. The delay was aggravating her internal injuries, and time was running out to heal and strengthen herself.

With a deep breath to quell her rising anxiety, Yu Zhao made her way to the library’s exit. The sky had darkened, signaling the impending closure. The library was nearly empty now, and it was time for her to leave as well.

As she passed by Elder Gu, she offered a respectful bow to the caretaker. She was about to walk past him when he spoke up, his voice ancient and curious.

“Little girl, what have you been searching for these past few days? There’s nothing here that you should be looking for.”

She turned her head to see Elder Gu smiling at her, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. Yu Zhao was surprised. She had been coming in and out of the library for three days, and this was the first time Elder Gu had spoken to her. Why was he suddenly interested in her today?

“I’m searching for a technique that suits me,” she replied after a brief pause.

“Oh?” Elder Gu raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you studying the Sea Moon Technique under Master Qing Yan?”

Yu Zhao blinked, taken aback. “You know me, Elder Gu?”

“Hahaha.” Elder Gu laughed heartily. “Of course, I know you. You’re Master Qing Yan’s little disciple, Yu Zhao. Did you think I was just an old man out of touch with the goings-on around here?”

Embarrassed, Yu Zhao smiled sheepishly and reminded him, “Actually, Master has recently taken a new disciple. I’m no longer the youngest.”

Her tone was calm, but her words were deliberate, hinting at changes within her sect. Elder Gu observed her thoughtfully for a moment before nodding slowly.

“I know what you’re looking for,” he finally said, setting down the book he was reading. “Come find me tomorrow; I might be able to help you.”

Relief washed over Yu Zhao, and she quickly expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Elder Gu! I’ll definitely come see you.”

With a reassuring smile, Elder Gu dismissed her. “Go home now, and remember to come see me tomorrow.”

“I will, Elder Gu!”

Yu Zhao left the library with a lighter heart, her spirits lifted by the prospect of receiving Elder Gu’s help. However, her good mood quickly faded as she approached her cave dwelling at Lone Moon Peak and spotted a familiar figure waiting outside—Fang Cheng Lang.

“Senior Brother,” she greeted, her voice tinged with impatience.

Fang Cheng Lang turned, his expression tight with concern. “Where have you been? Why are you back so late?”

“Something came up,” Yu Zhao replied dismissively, brushing past him.

Her curt response did not sit well with Fang Cheng Lang. His frustration was evident. “Yu Zhao, I thought your time in the Black Prison would change you, make you more like Junior Sister Cong Xin. But you seem as unmotivated as ever. It’s disappointing.”

Yu Zhao’s patience wore thin. Once, such remarks would have hurt, but she had grown accustomed to his disapproval. There had been a time when Fang Cheng Lang’s praise was frequent and his smiles easy. Now, all that seemed left were his criticisms.

Yu Zhao gave a nod, masking her true feelings with agreement. “Senior Brother, you’re right. Junior Sister Cong Xin is both smart and talented, unlike someone as unremarkable as me.”

Fang Cheng Lang paused, baffled by her words. He questioned if he had misunderstood. What was Six Junior Sister implying? She… she…

His sharp gaze darted over to Yu Zhao, examining her closely. Yu Zhao faced his scrutiny with a serene expression, undisturbed by his inspection. Fang Cheng Lang was taken aback by her calm demeanor. Recalling the changes in her since her return from the Black Prison, he realized she seemed entirely transformed. The Yu Zhao he knew would affectionately call him “Senior Brother,” beam at him with a cheerful smile, and shadow his steps, even showing signs of jealousy when he complimented Junior Sister Cong Xin.

Her past emotions were vibrant and animated. Now, she stood before him, returning his gaze as if he were a stranger. This isn’t my Six Junior Sister! Could it be…? Possession?!

The notion shocked Fang Cheng Lang, causing his eyes to widen with dread. He unsheathed his sword, pointing the blade at Yu Zhao’s throat. “What demon are you? Leave my junior sister’s body at once!”

Yu Zhao was taken aback. Fang Cheng Lang, a formidable mid-stage Golden Core sword cultivator, posed a serious threat. Against his power, she felt the looming shadow of death as his sword pressed against her throat. Yu Zhao’s body stiffened, and her reaction seemed sluggish. To Fang Cheng Lang, her hesitation seemed to confirm his suspicions. His anger boiled over. He couldn’t fathom the audacity of someone possessing his sister right under Master Qing Yan’s nose at Lone Moon Peak. Energizing his sword with his spiritual power, the blade shimmered with a menacing light.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao felt a sharp sting at her neck, followed by the warm trickle of blood. “If you don’t leave her, I will obliterate your soul, ensuring you never reincarnate!” His threats intensified the chill piercing through Yu Zhao’s heart. She knew she had to clear the misunderstanding quickly, or Fang Cheng Lang would escalate his aggressive actions.

“Senior Brother, I’m not possessed. Who would dare to possess a disciple of Master Qing Yan within the bounds of the Five Elements Sect? They couldn’t even breach the protective barrier,” Yu Zhao asserted calmly.

Fang Cheng Lang paused, his sword still at her throat as he mulled over her words. Yet, her altered demeanor kept him wary. The blood from her neck stained her collar, but ignoring the discomfort, Yu Zhao pressed on, “Moreover, if I were truly possessed, why would I expose myself so recklessly? That would be akin to digging my own grave.”

Her logic struck Fang Cheng Lang forcefully, shaking his certainty. Indeed, if Yu Zhao were under demonic influence, why would she behave in such a perilous manner? Slowly, realization dawned on him. So, Yu Zhao is still Yu Zhao. Six Junior Sister is still Six Junior Sister.


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