After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 67

Chapter 67: Pleading for Help from a Cultivator

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

Wang Youtai’s face was as pale as a ghost, trembling under the weight of Third Master Feng’s boot pressing down on him. The pain was unbearable, and he felt as if his insides were about to be crushed. With desperation seeping into his voice, he cried out, “Third Master! Please, don’t kill me! Spare my life!”

The restaurant was filled with locals, many of whom had known each other for generations. The townspeople, recognizing the familiar face of Wang Youtai, felt a mix of pity and apprehension. One of the patrons, unable to bear the sight any longer, shouted, “Master Feng, please, show mercy! Give Wang Youtai more time!”

Wang Youtai’s father, Wang Yuanwai, had been a generous landlord, known for his contributions to the town. He had funded road and bridge repairs, making life better for everyone. This history made some feel they owed the family a debt of gratitude.

Encouraged by the first speaker, others joined in:

“Master Feng, Wang Yuanwai did a lot for this town. Remember, the road in front of your house was built with his money. Can’t you give Wang Youtai a break, for his father’s sake?”

“Exactly! Even though the Wang family has fallen, who knows, they might still have some valuables left. Give him a chance to gather the money.”

“Master Feng, Wang Youtai doesn’t have the money now. Killing him won’t help you get it. Let’s sit down and talk. Maybe we can find a solution.”

A glimmer of hope appeared in Wang Youtai’s eyes as the crowd pleaded on his behalf. However, it was quickly extinguished by Third Master Feng’s cold response.

“Shut up! It’s easy for you to speak on his behalf when you’re not the one owed money! If you’re so concerned, why don’t you all gather the 500 spirit pearls he owes? There’s enough of you here; surely you can come up with it!”

The crowd fell silent, realizing they didn’t want to risk their own money. Wang Youtai was notorious for his gambling habits; he had even gambled away the money meant for his mother’s medicine. They didn’t trust him to repay them if they lent him the spirit pearls.

Third Master Feng smirked, knowing these people were all talk. Even when Wang Yuanwai had funded the town’s projects, these same people had barely contributed, often offering the bare minimum. Now, with Wang Yuanwai gone, no one cared about his wayward son. Wang Youtai’s misfortune was seen as his own doing.

“Wang Youtai, this is your last chance. Are you going to pay up or not?” Third Master Feng demanded.

“I will! I will!” Wang Youtai cried, desperation clear in his voice.

“Where’s the money, then?”

Silence. Wang Youtai had nothing left; his family’s estate was sold off, and he was penniless, unsure where his next meal would come from.

“No money? Then you’ll pay with your life. Take him away,” Third Master Feng ordered. Two burly men stepped forward, grabbing Wang Youtai by the arms. His legs turned to jelly, and he looked around the room desperately, hoping for a miracle. But the townspeople avoided his gaze, offering nothing but helpless looks.

Just as he was being dragged away, Wang Youtai’s eyes landed on a young woman sitting by the window. His breath hitched, and he stared at her, trembling lips forming a silent plea.

Third Master Feng assumed Wang Youtai was merely terrified and started to leave. But Wang Youtai suddenly shouted, “Wait! Please, wait!”

Frowning, Third Master Feng turned back, “What now?”

“Master Feng, I thought of a way to repay you!” Wang Youtai’s voice was filled with a newfound urgency.

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Let me go see someone. She will help me repay the debt,” Wang Youtai explained, clinging to a sliver of hope.

Intrigued, Third Master Feng gestured for the men to release him but warned, “If you try to run, you won’t live to see tomorrow.”

“I won’t run, I swear,” Wang Youtai assured him, quickly straightening his disheveled robes. He took a deep breath and marched toward the restaurant.

The thugs started to follow, but Third Master Feng held them back. “Let’s see what he’s planning,” he said, curious.

Inside the restaurant, Yu Zhao had just finished the last sip of her rice wine. She watched with calm eyes as Wang Youtai fell to his knees outside the window.

“Please, Cultivator, save me,” he pleaded, his voice loud and desperate.

The restaurant fell silent. Gasps filled the room as everyone turned to look at Yu Zhao. The word “Cultivator” sent a ripple of awe through the crowd. Though none of them had ever seen a cultivator, they had heard tales of their extraordinary powers, capable of controlling the elements and performing miracles. The kingdom’s State Teacher, a cultivator, was believed to protect the entire country. But could this young woman, sitting casually in a restaurant, really be one?

Doubt crept into their minds. Cultivators were supposed to be ethereal beings, far removed from mortal concerns, not sipping wine in a common restaurant.

Yu Zhao regarded Wang Youtai with a calm gaze. She could see he had no spiritual energy, no spiritual roots—just an ordinary mortal. How did he know she was a cultivator?

“Cultivator, my family has a connection with your ancestors. Please, help me, and I will tell you everything,” Wang Youtai said, kowtowing deeply.

Yu Zhao’s eyes narrowed slightly. His words piqued her interest. He didn’t recognize her on his own; he must have known something about her lineage. But Yu Zhao was an orphan with no knowledge of her origins. How could Wang Youtai know about her ancestors?

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

Could this small town hold clues to her past?

“Raise your head,” she commanded.

Wang Youtai looked up cautiously. Yu Zhao tossed a small money pouch towards him. He caught it and quickly opened it, revealing a handful of spirit pearls. His eyes widened in disbelief and gratitude.

“Thank you, Cultivator!” he exclaimed, scrambling to his feet. He rushed to Third Master Feng and handed over the pouch, then hurried back to Yu Zhao’s side.

Still skeptical, Third Master Feng opened the pouch and was stunned by the sight of the shimmering spirit pearls. He stared at Yu Zhao, a mix of confusion and awe on his face.

Could she really be a cultivator?


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