After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 64

Chapter 64: The Key to Winning Favor

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

“Fourth Brother, I trust you more than anyone else. Can you find a way to bring Yu Zhao back? I… I really don’t want her to leave,” Su Ming pleaded, his voice cracking as tears welled up in his swollen eyes. He hadn’t intended to push her away; he just wanted her to face some consequences. Despite her mistakes, she was still his junior sister, still a part of their circle.

The Seven of Lone Moon Peak wouldn’t be complete without her.

Cui Jue pondered for a moment. “To resolve this, the one who caused the problem must address it. I’ll talk to our junior sister. Maybe if she speaks to our master, he might show some leniency.”

“That sounds perfect! Let’s do that!” Su Ming’s face lit up with hope at the suggestion.

As Cui Jue stood to leave, he glanced back. “Aren’t you coming?”

Su Ming, his head buried deep in a wine jar, mumbled back, “You go. I’ll stay here.” He wasn’t ready to face Ye Cong Xin. The thought of their recent conflict involving Yu Zhao and their master was too painful to revisit.


Ye Cong Xin was visibly surprised to see Cui Jue. “Fourth Brother, you’ve finally left your seclusion.”

With a soft smile, Cui Jue handed her a bottle of pills, which she accepted with a grin, quickly inviting him inside to make tea.

As she busied herself, Cui Jue observed her with a thoughtful gaze. She seemed unconcerned about Yu Zhao’s expulsion, treating the whole ordeal as a minor inconvenience. This detachment unsettled Cui Jue, but he kept his thoughts to himself, sipping the tea she offered and politely complimenting her.

“You flatter me, Fourth Brother. It’s just a basic skill,” Ye Cong Xin responded modestly, a hint of color rising to her cheeks.

Placing his cup down, Cui Jue got to the point. “Junior Sister, there’s another reason I came today.”

Her smile wavered slightly, but she quickly recovered. “Is this about Sixth Sister?”

“Yes,” Cui Jue affirmed directly.

Her expression turned serious. “Do you also believe I’m to blame for her expulsion?”

Cui Jue shook his head. From his perspective, Yu Zhao had simply acted too impulsively. A small mishap had spiraled out of control, catching everyone off guard.

Relieved, Ye Cong Xin exhaled deeply. She had been worried that Cui Jue would accuse her. With tensions already high, she couldn’t afford any more conflict. Her eyes shimmered with tears as she spoke, her voice shaking, “I’m relieved to hear you don’t blame me. Third Brother and the others think it’s my fault, but they don’t realize how deeply this affects me too.”

Cui Jue hesitated but then gently patted her head. “The brothers aren’t really blaming you. They’re dealing with their own guilt.”

“I feel guilty too,” Ye Cong Xin admitted, wiping her tears away and showing resolve. “Just tell me what I need to do, Fourth Brother.”

Cui Jue’s last doubts vanished. He spoke earnestly, “Junior Sister, I hope you can plead for Yu Zhao with our master. He’s always had a soft spot for you. Your words might sway him.”

“I will,” Ye Cong Xin agreed without hesitation. After a pause, she added, “But, Brother, the master might still be upset. Can I wait a few days before I talk to him?”

“Of course,” Cui Jue replied, feeling hopeful. Convincing her was a crucial step toward success.

“Don’t worry, Fourth Brother, I’ll bring good news soon.”

With a sweet smile, Ye Cong Xin bid him farewell. Once he was gone, her expression turned cold. The members of Lone Moon Peak were fools, swallowing every word she said. Did they really think she would advocate for Yu Zhao? She would consider it a defeat if Yu Zhao returned. Her plans did not include disruptions.

“System, show me Cui Jue’s favorability score.”

[Ding, Cui Jue’s favorability is currently at 75 points.]

The score had increased by five points. Ye Cong Xin’s eyes gleamed with cunning delight. Winning them over was easier than she thought. Just a few clever words, and it was done. So simple.

She smirked, her disdain evident.


A month had passed quickly. Zhou Jin Yue had just completed a task for the Sect Master of Ji Yuan and was on her way back when she encountered an unexpected figure on the road. The woman approaching her was nondescript, with features so ordinary they were easily forgotten.

“You are…?” Zhou Jin Yue asked, feeling slightly embarrassed. It was rare for her not to recognize a fellow disciple from the Five Elements Sect.

“It’s me, Senior Sister Jin Yue,” the woman replied, her voice striking a familiar chord.

Zhou Jin Yue’s eyes widened in recognition. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao?”

Yu Zhao nodded, her smile gentle. Although the figure before her was recognizable, the face was different. Curious, Zhou Jin Yue extended her spiritual senses, detecting a thin veil of spiritual energy masking Yu Zhao’s true appearance.

“Your illusion skills have improved significantly, Junior Sister Yu Zhao,” she commented, genuinely impressed. She had almost been deceived herself.

Yu Zhao gave a wry smile. “I had to adapt.”

She explained that after leaving the mountain, she was quickly recognized by other disciples. The attention was more than she had bargained for, forcing her to alter her appearance to avoid complications.

Zhou Jin Yue understood the necessity and didn’t probe further. Instead, she invited Yu Zhao to visit the main peak, but Yu Zhao politely declined.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, I actually came to say goodbye. I’m planning to travel for a while. I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I’ll return before the Great Competition of the Cultivation World,” Yu Zhao informed her.

The Great Competition was a significant event, held once every hundred years just before the opening of the Floating Island. Situated in the Endless Sea, the island was a mystical place where the spiritual energy was so concentrated it almost solidified. It was a treasure trove of rare artifacts and ancient legacies.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation.

Originally, the opening of the Floating Island spurred vicious conflicts among cultivators. To mitigate the bloodshed, the major sects established the competition as a way to fairly determine who could access the island. Initially, only young disciples from prominent sects could compete, but due to numerous appeals, an individual competition was later introduced for any cultivator who met the age criteria.

In her previous life, Yu Zhao had never dared to dream of entering due to her low cultivation level. Now, with a second chance, she was eager to seize the opportunity.

“You’re leaving?” Zhou Jin Yue expressed surprise but then showed understanding. “It’s wise to explore the world. Staying here might only bring you more difficulties.”

She thought about Fang Cheng Lang, who had also left recently, not quite at peace. Zhou Jin Yue feared that if Yu Zhao remained, she might become entangled again with the troubles at Lone Moon Peak. Venturing out could provide her the experiences and growth she needed away from the complications of their sect.

“Take care, Junior Sister,” Zhou Jin Yue said warmly, offering both a smile and her best wishes for the journey ahead.


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