After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 60

Chapter 60: I’m Really Busy

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

The recent upheaval at the Five Elements Sect left many unsettled. Yu Zhao had openly humiliated Xiu Luo during the morning assembly and then brazenly claimed Xiu Luo’s quarters for herself. Such actions were sure to breed resentment.

However, the outcome was surprising. Yu Zhao’s display of power not only earned her respect from the other inner disciples but also forced Xiu Luo to concede her inferiority. Reluctantly, Xiu Luo accepted that Yu Zhao had surpassed her.

Therefore, when Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu made their way for Yu Zhao’s new quarters, Xiu Luo was the first to notice their approach. Without hesitation, the petite girl picked up a small rock and tossed it toward a nearby courtyard, activating the protective array with a soft thud and a flash of light.

Feng Qi Yun, irritated by the disturbance, came out to investigate.

“Feng Qi Yun, could you deliver a message for me?” Xiu Luo seized the opportunity and asked a favor.

Determined to confront Yu Zhao, Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu wandered through the sect’s courtyards, unable to find Yu Zhao’s new residence among the identical pavilions and gardens.

“Maybe we should ask someone,” Lan Zi Yu suggested, scanning the area for help.

Fang Cheng Lang nodded in agreement, his eyes searching until he saw Xiu Luo standing at her courtyard entrance. She greeted them with a calm bow, her heart beating with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

“Junior Sister Xiu Luo, could you direct us to Junior Sister Yu Zhao’s residence?” Fang Cheng Lang asked with a courteous smile, his voice warm and diplomatic, in contrast to Lan Zi Yu’s bluntness.

Xiu Luo admired Fang Cheng Lang’s chivalry and responded seriously, “I can, but may I ask why you wish to see her?”

“Why do we need to tell you?” Lan Zi Yu snapped, irritated by her question.

Xiu Luo, emulating Yu Zhao’s usual indifference, shrugged. “If that’s your attitude, then I can’t help you.”

Lan Zi Yu’s temper flared. He was unused to being refused by an inner disciple.

“Enough,” Fang Cheng Lang intervened, his gaze thoughtful as he looked at Xiu Luo. Despite his frustration, he remained composed. “We have no ill intentions. We just want to clear up some misunderstandings with Junior Sister Yu Zhao.”

Believing that Feng Qi Yun had already delivered her message, Xiu Luo decided to act. Without further comment, she started up the mountain path. “Follow me.”

Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu, surprised by her sudden cooperation, followed closely, curious and cautious about what awaited them.

At the mountain’s peak, Yu Zhao dismissed Feng Qi Yun with a nod, instructing him to take a secluded path down. As he left, her expression hardened, annoyed by the continuous disruptions from Lone Moon Peak’s members.

No matter what she did, Lone Moon Peak remained a persistent obstacle, hindering her cultivation journey.

Sensing Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu’s approach, Yu Zhao chose not to retreat. She stood firmly by the fence, ready to face whatever came next.

Soon, Xiu Luo arrived, leading Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu. The two had prepared their speeches during the climb, but upon seeing Yu Zhao’s composed and imposing figure, they found themselves at a loss for words.

Ignoring the brothers, Yu Zhao smiled at Xiu Luo. “Thank you, Junior Sister.”

“You’re welcome,” Xiu Luo replied, sharing a brief, understanding glance with Yu Zhao before departing down the mountain.

Alone with the brothers, the air grew tense.

“Little Six…” Fang Cheng Lang began, his voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

Yu Zhao cut him off sharply, “Stop. Senior Brother Fang, I am no longer a part of Lone Moon Peak. Address me as Junior Sister Yu Zhao or simply Yu Zhao.”

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression faltered, “You’re distancing yourself from us?” His voice wavered, surprised by the cold formality.

Lan Zi Yu, shocked, exclaimed, “Yu Zhao! It was the master’s decision to expel you. Are you rejecting us too?”

With a scoff, Yu Zhao retorted, “Aren’t you all just his puppets?”

“No, we came to bring you back home!” Lan Zi Yu insisted, his voice rising with emotion.

“Home? Lone Moon Peak was never my home. I have always been alone,” she stated firmly, her voice devoid of the pain these words once carried.

These words, which had once deeply hurt her, now felt like a declaration of her strength. Her solitude was her power, her asset on the ruthless path of cultivation.

“That’s not true, Little Six. We are your family, and Lone Moon Peak is your home!” Fang Cheng Lang pleaded, desperation in his eyes.

The Yu Zhao standing before them seemed indifferent to these emotional ties. Had she changed so much?

Trying a different approach, Lan Zi Yu pulled out a bamboo flute, the Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute, and held it out to her. “This belongs to you. Come back with us, apologize to the master, and everything will be forgiven.”

Yu Zhao remained silent, her gaze unwavering. The flute, once a symbol of her affection for Lan Zi Yu, now held no meaning.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Senior Brother Lan, I’ve told you before: I will not return to Lone Moon Peak, nor do I want to be your junior sister. This flute means nothing to me now. Give it to someone who cares,” she stated firmly.

Frustrated, Lan Zi Yu raised his voice, “Yu Zhao! We came all this way to apologize. Isn’t that enough? I admit it was my fault. What more do you want?”

Both he and Fang Cheng Lang had made great efforts to reconcile, yet Yu Zhao remained resolute, seemingly intent on severing all ties.

Leaning casually against the fence, Yu Zhao’s expression was calm. “Are you done? If so, please leave. I have much to do.”

Her focus was clear: to become stronger, to the point where minor conflicts like this wouldn’t concern her. If she were as powerful as they were, she wouldn’t need to have these conversations. She could simply send them away with a wave of her hand, without a second thought.


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