After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 58

Chapter 58: Junior Sister, You’re Drunk

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Lan Zi Yu was counting on his fingers, trying to recall instances when Yu Zhao had obeyed Fang Cheng Lang without question. They had grown up together as senior and junior disciples, and every little thing that had happened between them was etched in their memories. As he recounted these past events, he suddenly fell silent. Fang Cheng Lang’s footsteps grew heavier.

“Senior Brother, why does it seem like you have a different attitude towards Little Six?” Lan Zi Yu struggled to continue. In his mind, Fang Cheng Lang had always been the epitome of a gentleman—calm, composed, and kind to everyone. Yet, when it came to Yu Zhao, his demeanor seemed to change. He was strict and unfeeling. What scared Lan Zi Yu even more was that, as someone who had witnessed everything, he hadn’t found Fang Cheng Lang’s behavior out of place. It was just the norm.

It was like a cold bucket of water had been dumped on him, leaving him shivering. Fang Cheng Lang remained silent. He had already realized his mistakes long before Lan Zi Yu did. All he wanted now was to make amends and seek Yu Zhao’s forgiveness.

But Lan Zi Yu found a vent for his frustrations and started complaining incessantly, “Senior Brother, you’ve been too harsh on Little Six. No wonder she returned the purple bamboo flute and stopped talking to us. You upset her! Since you caused this, you have to fix it. If she refuses to come back, you should apologize. If necessary, let her hit you a few times; you deserve it…”

Fang Cheng Lang had been ignoring Lan Zi Yu’s grumbles, but when he heard Lan Zi Yu pin all the blame on him, he couldn’t help but laugh angrily. “Lan Zi Yu, have you forgotten what you said and did to Little Six? Do you need me to remind you?” As the ugly truth of their past was unveiled, the true faces of everyone involved were exposed.

Lan Zi Yu’s face turned pale, his body stiffening as he remembered. He had said many hurtful things to Yu Zhao, belittling her and forcing her to apologize to Junior Sister Cong Xin in front of everyone. It felt like all the strength was drained from him, and his hands began to shake.

“Little Six, Little Six… she won’t forgive me, will she?” Lan Zi Yu asked with a trembling voice.

Fang Cheng Lang stopped walking. After a long silence, he replied, “I don’t know.” He needed to see Yu Zhao himself, to ask her directly.

Seeing no answer forthcoming, Lan Zi Yu looked utterly lost. Fang Cheng Lang frowned at his dejected state. “Come on! If you don’t know the answer, go and find out! Standing here won’t make Little Six feel your apology! Admitting your mistakes and making amends is the best you can do. I believe Little Six will give us a chance.”

Encouraged by Fang Cheng Lang, Lan Zi Yu regained some confidence. Suddenly, a thought struck him, and his expression changed. “Senior Brother, wait for me!”

Without waiting for a response, he turned and ran back up the mountain. If he was going to apologize to Yu Zhao, he needed to retrieve something first. With it, he’d feel more confident.

Ye Cong Xin sat in a pavilion amidst a bamboo grove, drinking alone. Her cheeks were flushed with a slight rosy hue from the alcohol. Yesterday, she’d fainted under Master Qing Yan’s pressure, and when she woke up, her most disliked person, Yu Zhao, had been expelled. From now on, she would be the only junior sister on Lone Moon Peak, and the luck of their master and five senior brothers would be hers for the taking.

Raising her cup, Ye Cong Xin sneered, “Yu Zhao, if you hadn’t insisted on this path, I wouldn’t have won so easily. This cup is for you.” She downed the drink in one gulp. Though she couldn’t handle strong liquor, she’d chosen a mild fruit wine. Still, being unaccustomed to alcohol, she quickly became tipsy.

“Junior Sister! Junior Sister!” Lan Zi Yu’s voice called out several times before Ye Cong Xin finally registered someone calling her. She tilted her head, exhaling a warm breath as she watched Lan Zi Yu approach.

“Junior Sister, I finally found you!” Lan Zi Yu arrived in a rush, grinning with joy.

Ye Cong Xin giggled foolishly, “Second Senior Brother, come drink with me.”

Lan Zi Yu’s eyes sharpened as he realized something was off. The smell of alcohol hit him as he noticed the wine jug in the air and the scent around Ye Cong Xin. Shocked, he exclaimed, “Junior Sister, you’re drunk!”

“No, I’m not!” Ye Cong Xin protested, trying to keep her eyes wide open in defiance, but her body swayed and she nearly toppled over.

“You are,” Lan Zi Yu said, catching her. “You shouldn’t drink so much in the future, understand?”

“Mm, I’ll listen to you, Second Senior Brother!” she nodded obediently.

“By the way, Junior Sister, I need your help with something,” Lan Zi Yu remembered the reason he’d come.

Ye Cong Xin, though tipsy, was still aware enough to remember her tasks. Without thinking, she agreed, “Sure.”

Lan Zi Yu was delighted. “Junior Sister, I need you to return the purple bamboo flute Yu Zhao gave you three years ago. I have an urgent use for it.”

In an instant, Ye Cong Xin sobered up halfway. She even doubted if she was hearing things correctly. “What did you just say, Second Senior Brother?”

Lan Zi Yu explained seriously, “The purple bamboo flute, the one Yu Zhao gave you three years ago. It’s purple; I crafted it myself. You don’t use it, so give it back to me.”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Ye Cong Xin felt the rest of her intoxication vanish. There was no way Lan Zi Yu would suddenly ask for a flute from three years ago, especially one that had been given to Yu Zhao. This had to be related to Yu Zhao. But hadn’t she just been expelled by Master Qing Yan? Even if they wanted her back, they should be asking Master Qing Yan, not Yu Zhao. Something didn’t add up.

Cautiously, she asked, “Second Senior Brother, what do you need the purple bamboo flute for?”

“To apologize to Little Six. It was a gift I made for her, and it means a lot to her. It’s time to return it,” Lan Zi Yu answered casually.

Ye Cong Xin felt like spitting blood. Was everyone on Lone Moon Peak crazy? When Yu Zhao was around, they didn’t treat her well, but now that she was expelled, they suddenly had an epiphany and wanted to apologize? How pathetic. Yu Zhao forgiving them? Fat chance.

Internally, Ye Cong Xin cursed Lan Zi Yu, but outwardly, she had to remain polite and cautious. “Second Senior Brother, the purple bamboo flute is too precious. I’ve stored it somewhere safe, but I can’t remember exactly where right now. Can I give it to you later?”

She planned to delay and hopefully let the matter blow over. She had used this tactic before to evade commitments, and it had worked every time.

“No way!” Lan Zi Yu snapped.


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One thought on “After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 58

  1. It feels stupid that literally the only person with even half a brain was the person who orchestrated a lot of it.

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