After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 57

Chapter 57: Layers of Confrontation

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

At the base of the mountain, in a small courtyard prized for its serenity, lived Feng Qi Yun. He was known for his exceptional abilities and had earned the title of second-ranked newcomer among the inner sect disciples.

So, it was no surprise when Xiu Luo chose him as her challenge. Even Feng Qi Yun had seen it coming.

“I accept your challenge,” Feng Qi Yun announced, his voice steady and clear. His gaze swept over the gathered crowd, who were as eager as he was to know more. “But first, tell us, who was that person just now?” His question echoed the curiosity of everyone present.

To them, Yu Zhao was a complete mystery. She didn’t fit the profile of an outer sect disciple, yet here she was, suddenly revealed as an inner sect disciple. The intrigue was palpable.

Xiu Luo paused for a moment, considering whether to share the truth. But since Elder Hou and Yu Zhao hadn’t kept her identity hidden, and Yu Zhao herself seemed indifferent, Xiu Luo decided to answer. “Her name is Yu Zhao.”

“Yu Zhao?” Feng Qi Yun’s eyebrows knit together, the name stirring a faint memory.

The disciples murmured amongst themselves, trying to recall where they had heard the name before.

One of them suddenly spoke up, realization striking him. “Wait! Yu Zhao… isn’t she the one everyone’s been talking about in the Five Elements Sect?” He stopped short, his eyes widening. They had all heard of Yu Zhao, but the calm, unassuming girl they saw didn’t match the fearsome reputation she carried. Could it really be her?

Xiu Luo nodded, confirming their suspicions. “Yes, it’s her.”

A heavy silence settled over the group as they absorbed this revelation. The criteria to become a personal disciple were notoriously rigorous. If someone like Yu Zhao had struggled to meet them, it raised doubts about their own prospects.

Xiu Luo smirked, pleased to have rattled them with Yu Zhao’s reputation. Without further ado, she charged at Feng Qi Yun, her fist flying like an arrow straight at his face.

Feng Qi Yun reacted swiftly, years of training kicking in. He leapt back, his arms forming a green Bagua diagram to intercept her attack.


The impact of Xiu Luo’s punch against the eight-diagram barrier sent shockwaves through the air, forcing both fighters to step back.

Unfazed, Xiu Luo shook off the numbness in her arm and attacked again. Their movements were a blur, the sounds of their fierce battle echoing across the mountainside.

The inner disciples watched in awe. Xiu Luo’s recovery and stamina were remarkable, especially after her recent grueling test. She was renowned for her resilience, often outpacing her peers. Only a few, like Feng Qi Yun, could hope to rival her.

But now, a new figure had entered the stage: Yu Zhao.

As the dust settled, and the time it took for half an incense stick to burn passed, the outcome was clear.

Victorious, Xiu Luo walked into her new residence with a confident stride. Feng Qi Yun, nursing a swollen face, turned to Wang Chen, the third-ranked disciple, with a mischievous grin.

Wang Chen stiffened, then quickly threw up his hands in mock surrender. “No need for a fight! I’m moving out right now!”

He cast a knowing look at the fourth-ranked disciple, a playful glint in his eye.

Thus, on Yu Zhao’s first day as an inner sect disciple, the housing hierarchy underwent a dramatic reshuffle.

Unaware of the chaos she had triggered, Yu Zhao secluded herself for cultivation. Rumors began to spread about her expulsion from Master Qing Yan’s tutelage, adding another layer to her already enigmatic story.


On the quiet, windswept slopes of Lone Moon Peak, Fang Cheng Lang and Lan Zi Yu sat in a tense silence, each unwilling to break the stillness with words.

The silence stretched painfully until Lan Zi Yu, unable to contain his frustration, slammed his hand on the table. The sharp sound echoed through the room. “Senior Brother, say something!”

It was unbelievable. Lan Zi Yu had only returned to his cave for a night’s rest, and by morning, Yu Zhao was no longer their junior sister.

When he first heard the news, Lan Zi Yu dismissed it as a cruel joke. He had reacted with denial, anger surging through him. But when their junior sister herself confirmed it, the reality hit him like a blow. He felt a mix of shock, anger, and helplessness. He wanted to rally their fellow brothers to find a solution, but they were all unavailable. Su Ming was missing, Cui Jue was deep in seclusion refining pills, and Quan Ye was serving punishment at Reflection Cliff. Only he and Fang Cheng Lang were left to face the situation.

Lan Zi Yu looked at Fang Cheng Lang, hoping he could find a way to make things right.

Fang Cheng Lang sat unmoving, his hands clenched tightly on his knees. Lan Zi Yu didn’t know that Fang Cheng Lang’s initial reaction was not concern or anger, but fear. He feared that Yu Zhao hadn’t been expelled, but had left by choice. She had been distancing herself, cutting ties with them.

A haunting memory nagged at Fang Cheng Lang. He remembered overhearing chilling words in a dream, followed by the desperate cries of “Little Six.” Though he tried to dismiss it as a mere nightmare, the fear lingered.

What if keeping Yu Zhao at Lone Moon Peak was the catalyst for his nightmare becoming reality?

This fear held him back, making him question whether it was right to try and hold onto Yu Zhao at all.

“Senior Brother! What are you hesitating for? Are you really okay with letting Yu Zhao go? She’s like a little sister to you, one you’ve personally mentored all these years!” Lan Zi Yu’s voice broke through Fang Cheng Lang’s paralyzing doubt.

The urgency in Lan Zi Yu’s voice snapped Fang Cheng Lang out of his trance. He realized that the future wasn’t set in stone; even if his nightmare was a premonition, they could still change their fate. After all, their journey towards immortality was a defiance of destiny itself.

Fang Cheng Lang stood abruptly, determination replacing the uncertainty on his face.

Lan Zi Yu, catching the change, jumped to his feet, ready for action. “Senior Brother, what should we say to Master when we see him?”

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“We’re not going to see the master first. We need to find Little Six,” Fang Cheng Lang declared, heading toward the mountain path.

Lan Zi Yu followed, confused. “What good will that do? She can’t change anything on her own. Shouldn’t we ask Master to reconsider his decision and give Little Six another chance?”

Fang Cheng Lang’s expression was stern as he replied, “Little Six might not even want to come back.”

“That’s impossible!” Lan Zi Yu exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief. “She has to come back. Remember how much she looks up to you? Like that time when you told her she was too distracted during training, and she pushed herself so hard to improve, even taking on extra duties in the medicinal garden for the fourth junior brother. And when you said she was too noisy, she carried a stone in her mouth every day just to speak less…”

Fang Cheng Lang’s resolve hardened as he quickened his pace, determined to face whatever lay ahead.


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