After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 54

Chapter 54: The Top Inner Disciple of the Sect

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In the inner sect, the small courtyards were veiled in secrecy, each door warded with enchantments. Yu Zhao, freshly demoted to an inner disciple, wasn’t fazed by this atmosphere. Elder Hou had escorted her to this place with an agenda she wasn’t eager to fulfill. However, her attention was caught by a particular courtyard. As a new inner disciple, it was expected for her to showcase her strength by challenging an existing disciple to a duel.

Elder Hou noticed her interest and, with a sly grin, remarked, “I’ve mentioned before that those who live closer to the peak tend to be weaker. But, of course, there are exceptions. The resident here is one of them.”

With a casual gesture, Elder Hou flicked a beam of white light toward the courtyard. The air crackled as a protective barrier activated, signaling to the occupant that visitors had arrived.


The courtyard’s wooden doors burst open, and out stormed a petite girl, her expression fierce like a wildcat defending its territory. “Who dares interrupt my cultivation? Do you want trouble?!” she shouted, glaring at them with fiery eyes.

Yu Zhao observed the girl, who, despite her small stature, exuded an imposing presence. She raised an eyebrow, surprised by the girl’s feistiness.

“Elder Hou?” the girl, Xiu Luo, greeted, her demeanor softening instantly. Her eyes sparkled as she pouted and skipped toward him, her previous fury melting away.

“Hello, Elder Hou~” Xiu Luo’s voice was sweet, reminiscent of a melody.

Elder Hou chuckled and made introductions. “This is Xiu Luo, the top-ranked inner disciple. And this is Yu Zhao, our newest member.”

At the mention of Yu Zhao’s name, Xiu Luo’s eyes widened in shock. “Yu Zhao? From Lone Moon Peak?” she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief.

Yu Zhao nodded, sensing Xiu Luo’s astonishment. “Yes, that’s me. But I no longer belong to Lone Moon Peak.”

Xiu Luo gasped, her expression a mix of admiration and confusion. To her, Master Qing Yan was a revered figure, a dream mentor. She had always aspired to be his disciple, but knowing she fell short of his standards had been a bitter pill to swallow. Her reverence for him made her question Yu Zhao’s decision.

“Why would you give up being Master Qing Yan’s disciple? Do you realize how prestigious that position is?” Xiu Luo questioned, her voice shaking with emotion.

Elder Hou observed the scene, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. He knew this encounter would stir deep emotions in Xiu Luo, who secretly longed for the status Yu Zhao had renounced. Though Elder Hou didn’t know the exact reasons for Yu Zhao’s departure, he suspected it involved serious misconduct. His disdain for rebellious disciples was no secret, and he hoped this confrontation would make Yu Zhao regret her choices.

Yu Zhao watched as Xiu Luo’s fierce exterior crumbled, revealing a vulnerable side. When Xiu Luo confirmed her desire to become Master Qing Yan’s disciple, she tried to hide her embarrassment, retorting, “Yes, so what?”

With a casual shrug, Yu Zhao offered her advice. “Just a thought: maybe aim for the main peak or find another elder to study under. There are better mentors than Master Qing Yan.”

To Yu Zhao, Master Qing Yan had proven unreliable. Given Ye Cong Xin’s ambiguous intentions, aligning with Lone Moon Peak seemed risky. Her suggestion, though sincere, came off as audacious and disrespectful, both to Elder Hou and Xiu Luo.

In the cultivation world, the reputation of one’s master was critical. Master Qing Yan’s disciples were highly regarded, almost as prestigious as the sect master’s. Yu Zhao’s words sounded like bitter complaints from someone ousted from a position of privilege.

Elder Hou’s expression darkened, and Xiu Luo’s face hardened into a mask of determination. Her eyes glinted with a cold, focused light, her aura sharpening as she prepared for a confrontation.

“Yu Zhao! Get ready!” Xiu Luo snapped, her voice sharp.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

In the sect, inner disciples could challenge each other on the spot, without ceremony. The duel could commence immediately. Elder Hou stepped back, giving them space, understanding the intensity of the duel about to unfold. Both were in the late Foundation Establishment stage, well-matched in cultivation, but with different experiences and strengths.

Yu Zhao had the advantage of her previous status as a personal disciple, with access to superior resources and training. In contrast, Xiu Luo, despite her youthful appearance, had nearly thirty years of experience in the sect. Her battle-hardened spirit and extensive experience made her a formidable opponent.

Elder Hou, an experienced overseer of such duels, watched keenly. Xiu Luo wasn’t particularly fast, but her attacks packed a punch. She launched herself at Yu Zhao with a burst of power, the ground beneath her cracking under the force of her departure. Her body glowed with a faint earthen light as she charged.

“Take this!” Xiu Luo shouted as she leaped into the air, her fist clenched tightly. As she descended, her fist aimed at Yu Zhao with a sharp whistle, the air around her distorting with the sheer power of her strike.


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