After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 52

Chapter 52: The Sect Master’s Gift

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Master Qing Yan eyed the storage pouch, his face expressionless. In a heartbeat, the atmosphere thickened, and a sharp, grating sound filled the room. The pouch exploded, disintegrating into ashes, leaving no trace of the items inside.

Yu Zhao stood, unaffected by the display. “Since I’m no longer a member of Lone Moon Peak, I don’t want to impose on Master Qing Yan any longer. I’ll be on my way,” she stated calmly.

Ji Yuan, having been lost in thought about Yu Zhao’s true motives, snapped back at her words. He chuckled lightly, “Then I’ll take her with me. Apologies for the inconvenience, Master Qing Yan. We’ll be leaving now.”

The two exited the main hall in perfect sync, their movements reflecting an unspoken understanding.

Master Qing Yan remained seated, staring at the spot where Yu Zhao and Ji Yuan had just stood. A vein pulsed at his temple. He had never been fond of Yu Zhao and had indeed considered expelling her from the Lone Moon Peak. Yet now that she had left on her own accord, he felt no joy—only an inexplicable emptiness.

Closing his eyes, he couldn’t help but recall their first encounter. It was in a small, war-torn border town, a place ravaged by conflict and filled with refugees. As he walked through the ruins, he felt an inexplicable pull leading him to a frail six-year-old girl, Yu Zhao, among the starving masses. Despite her small, gaunt frame and eyes that seemed too large for her face, she stood out.

Master Qing Yan was not known for his sentimentality. However, seeing Yu Zhao sparked an unexpected compassion in him. He had initially intended to find a good home for her in a prosperous town, but upon discovering her exceptional bone structure—a sign of rare talent for cultivation—he changed his mind and brought her back to the Five Elements Sect, taking her as his disciple. People assumed it was her talent that caught his eye, but it was her as a person that had first drawn his attention; her potential was merely a bonus.

Before Yu Zhao, Master Qing Yan had never taken a female disciple. She was his sole exception. He had even vowed she would be his last, a promise he had broken when he later accepted Ye Cong Xin as a disciple.

His brows furrowed as he opened his eyes, a sharp glint reflecting his resolve. He was a man of his word, never one to forget a promise. For someone of his cultivation level, forgetting was impossible. He could recall the life of a fallen leaf or a withered flower and restore them to their original state; how could he forget a promise to Yu Zhao?

Someone had tampered with his memory!

The realization sent a chill down Master Qing Yan’s spine. He was nearly at the peak of the cultivation world—who could approach him without a sound and alter his thoughts? The idea was terrifying. He wondered if he was overthinking, but his instincts as a cultivator assured him he was correct. It was the only explanation for why he would take on another disciple, especially one with such average talent and poor health.

His gaze shifted to the unconscious Ye Cong Xin in the distance, his expression dark and unreadable.

As they descended Lone Moon Peak, Ji Yuan finally broke the silence. “Given your situation, you should stay with me at the main peak,” he suggested softly.

Yu Zhao hesitated before shaking her head. Although the Five Elements Sect wasn’t overly strict about hierarchy, there were distinctions in treatment. Personal disciples lived with their masters, while inner disciples without a direct master stayed in the inner court. The inner court provided decent accommodations, with each disciple having a private courtyard, though not as luxurious as the mountain residences.

Yu Zhao could have moved to the main peak if she had ignored others’ opinions or the impact on the sect master’s reputation. However, she wasn’t ungrateful; Ji Yuan had already helped her leave Lone Moon Peak, and she didn’t want to cause him further trouble.

Besides, she had her own plans. Her recent breakthrough in Dragon Roar Valley had brought her to the late Foundation Establishment stage. She intended to go into seclusion to stabilize her cultivation and then venture out to gain experience. She also needed to gather materials for her artifact and planned to visit the Green Wood Sect to use their alchemy room.

She wouldn’t be staying in the sect long enough for others to influence her state of mind.

Seeing her determination, Ji Yuan didn’t press further. “If you have time, visit your senior sister at the main peak. She likes you,” he said.

“I will,” Yu Zhao replied.

Ji Yuan rummaged through his belongings, finally pulling out an ancient-looking storage pouch. “I know what happened in Dragon Roar Valley. You did well. Thank you for saving Xiao Yue. This is a token of my gratitude as your master. The sect’s official rewards will be given out later,” he explained.

Yu Zhao and her team had handed over a chest of ores and a young Crimson Flame Lion cub to the sect. The sect would distribute rewards based on the value of the items and each member’s contribution. Ji Yuan worried she might misunderstand the situation.

After a brief hesitation, Yu Zhao accepted the pouch. “Thank you, Sect Master,” she said. She had little choice; her resources were limited.

“This is what you deserve. Come, I’ll take you to the Inner Affairs Hall.”

Though Ji Yuan didn’t openly show it, he was deeply grateful to Yu Zhao. Aside from the danger sensed in the sect’s council hall, he could imagine the perilous situation from Zhou Jin Yue’s and Zhang Jun’s accounts. Zhou Jin Yue was Ji Yuan’s first disciple, practically a part of him. Saving Zhou Jin Yue meant saving Ji Yuan himself.

Ji Yuan’s willingness to risk offending Master Qing Yan by visiting Lone Moon Peak wasn’t just for Zhou Jin Yue’s request; it was also to repay Yu Zhao. Her awkward position within the sect required careful handling, and Ji Yuan’s personal involvement would prevent unnecessary difficulties for her.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Thus, a fortunate few disciples of the Five Elements Sect witnessed the sect master personally escorting Yu Zhao to the Inner Affairs Hall.

Elder Hou, the amiable-looking elder in charge, greeted them with a broad smile. He was known for his gentle temperament and slow, deliberate way of speaking.

With a warm grin, Ji Yuan introduced Yu Zhao. “Elder Hou, from today, Yu Zhao is an inner disciple. Please update the records and assign her a courtyard in the inner court.”

Elder Hou’s smile faltered ever so slightly, but he quickly recovered, nodding in acknowledgment.


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