After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 5

Chapter 5: Secrets from the Past

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Ye Cong Xin was filled with regret. Just yesterday, she thought it was a good idea for Yu Zhao to make a public apology, but today, that decision was causing nothing but chaos.

She looked desperately at Fang Cheng Lang for help, only to be met with a serious face that showed no sign of intervening. This caused a spark of resentment to flicker in her heart toward him.

“Hmm?” Yu Zhao’s soft hum echoed with an odd tension.

The crowd around them began to murmur, all eyes on Ye Cong Xin, waiting for her response.

With no other option, she reluctantly took the Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute from Yu Zhao’s hands. “Thank you, Senior Sister.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as a wave of anger burst forth.

“Yu! Zhao!” Lan Zi Yu’s eyes were fill with shock and rage.

The surrounding disciples recoiled in fear.

Ye Cong Xin also stepped back, chilled by the fury in Lan Zi Yu’s expression.

“Zi Yu! Calm down!” Fang Cheng Lang stepped forward, trying to soothe him with a gentle pat on the arm.

But then he froze, noticing Lan Zi Yu’s trembling arms. For the first time, Fang Cheng Lang realized that Lan Zi Yu’s disdain for Yu Zhao wasn’t as genuine as he had pretended.

Yu Zhao, maintaining her composure, said, “The apology has been made, and the gift has been given. I won’t disturb you any longer.” She casually gestured a farewell with her hands and walked away, leaving the crowd stunned.

“She… she just left?” someone whispered in disbelief.

In the past, Yu Zhao would have been visibly worried if Lan Zi Yu so much as frowned. Now, she walked away without a backward glance, as if she was a completely different person. Had she lost her mind?

Lan Zi Yu stood in stunned silence.


Yu Zhao just left?

Without an apology?

Without any explanation?

Just like that?

His initial shock quickly turned into fury. “Fine! Very fine!” He was almost grinding his teeth.

“Zi Yu, you need to calm down. You’re not yourself,” Fang Cheng Lang said, clearly exasperated.

He had hoped that resolving the conflict would restore peace, but now his second junior brother was even more upset.

With his eyes still red, Lan Zi Yu snapped, “I am calm!”

Fang Cheng Lang sighed, managed a forced smile, and turned to Ye Cong Xin. “Junior Sister, go rest. I’ll talk to your second brother.”

Ye Cong Xin nodded quickly without mentioning the flute and hurried away.

The other disciples, though eager for more drama, sensed the tension and scattered.

With a stern voice, Fang Cheng Lang led Lan Zi Yu to a secluded spot on Lone Moon Peak. “Zi Yu, you were too impulsive today.” If not for him, their sect could have become a mockery.

“Senior Brother, Yu Zhao insulted me first. From now on, I cut all ties with her,” Lan Zi Yu declared, his face clouded with anger.

“Nonsense!” Fang Cheng Lang rebuked. “How did Junior Sister insult you?”

“She gave my belonging to someone else!” Lan Zi Yu’s anger flared just thinking about it.

“That ‘someone else’ is your junior sister, Ye Cong Xin. Aren’t you closest to her? Why can’t you accept it?”

Lan Zi Yu hesitated, confusion in his eyes. “That’s… different.”

“What’s different? Both Junior Sisters are your juniors. How are they different?” Fang Cheng Lang pressed.

“I… It’s just different!”

The Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute was his first creation and held immense sentimental value for him. It was irreplaceable, just like the unique Purple Cloud Bamboo from which it was crafted.

Seeing his distress, Fang Cheng Lang softened his tone. “Zi Yu, deep down, you still care about Little Six. You just haven’t realized it.”

Lan Zi Yu reacted vehemently. “Impossible! How could I care for her? Since she hurt Junior Sister, I’ve known she’s devious and cruel! How could I care for someone like that?”

Surprised and puzzled, Fang Cheng Lang recalled how close Lan Zi Yu and Yu Zhao used to be. How could she have left such a negative impression?

Was there something he was missing?

Before he could probe further, Lan Zi Yu, agitated like a startled cat, declared, “Senior Brother, stop it. Even if Yu Zhao kneels and apologizes, I will never forgive her! I won’t rest until one of us is dead!” He stormed off before Fang Cheng Lang could say another word.

Rubbing his temples, Fang Cheng Lang realized that reasoning with his second junior brother was futile.

Perhaps it was best to have Little Six apologize first. After all, she had ignited this conflict.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Meanwhile, Yu Zhao sat cross-legged on a stone bed in a cave on Lone Moon Peak, a knowing smile on her face. Today, she had given the Purple Cloud Bamboo Flute to Ye Cong Xin both to sever ties with Lan Zi Yu and to help mend the relationship between Lan Zi Yu and Ye Cong Xin.

In her previous life, every young talent who befriended her soared at first but eventually faltered. All except for Ye Cong Xin. While others stalled, she advanced rapidly, becoming the fastest cultivator of her generation.

Yu Zhao hadn’t been suspicious initially because Ye Cong Xin was favored by their master and senior brothers, lavished with countless rare treasures. Even a mediocre talent could advance under such conditions.

But doubt crept in when Lan Zi Yu failed his breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage despite a decade of preparation and their master’s assurance of success. He suffered a severe backlash, leaving him frail and weak.

While Yu Zhao considered how to comfort him, she learned of Ye Cong Xin’s successful breakthrough. It was then that Yu Zhao’s suspicions deepened.

She realized there was more to Ye Cong Xin than met the eye. If she wanted to uncover the truth, she needed to play her cards right. And today’s events were just the beginning.


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