After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 49

Chapter 49: Seeking Outside Help

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Su Ming struggled to remember the last time Yu Zhao had been kind to him. Once, she was warm and gentle, but lately, she had become erratic and combative. Their conversations often ended in heated arguments, leaving him feeling dispirited. As a privileged young master, he started avoiding her, interacting only when he needed spirit stones.

But today was different. Yu Zhao’s unexpected vulnerability rekindled a flicker of her former charm, softening Su Ming’s heart and stirring a pang of sympathy.

“You need my help now, huh?” Su Ming’s voice dripped with smugness. “Lucky for you, I’m willing to forget your past behavior. When we meet Master Qing Yan, don’t argue. Just let him decide. If you’re cooperative, he might go easy on you. Understand?”

He expected gratitude, maybe even tears. Instead, Yu Zhao stared at him blankly.

“Hey! Yu Zhao! Say something!” Su Ming’s frustration grew, his brow furrowing.

She remained silent, her expression unreadable. Annoyed, he tightened his grip on her wrist.


Su Ming gasped, eyes widening in horror as Yu Zhao’s wrist shattered in his grasp. Or so he thought. The “wrist” broke into pieces, revealing itself to be nothing more than a chunk of wood. Stumbling backward, he fell to the ground, realization dawning. He had been holding a decoy. Yu Zhao had tricked him! Anger and embarrassment washed over him as he realized how foolish he looked.

“All those sweet words… just a trick,” he muttered, feeling utterly duped.

Fortunately, they were alone on Lone Moon Peak, sparing him the embarrassment of an audience.

“Yu Zhao! You dare trick me? You’re dead!” he shouted, fury driving him toward the peak’s summit.

In her cave dwelling, Yu Zhao felt an unusual calm. She knew why Su Ming had approached her. Since her return to the sect, she hadn’t sought out Master Qing Yan or caused any trouble. The only recent issue involved Ye Cong Xin.

It seemed Ye Cong Xin, still bitter from their last encounter in the secret realm, was now using Master Qing Yan’s authority against her. Yu Zhao found the situation ironic. The idea that a small cultivator like Ye Cong Xin would manipulate someone as respected as Master Qing Yan to target a disciple like herself was almost laughable.

Yu Zhao chuckled, her laughter echoing in the cave, laced with bitterness and resignation. She knew the truth about her situation and Ye Cong Xin’s true intentions, while others, including Master Qing Yan, remained unaware, ensnared by Ye Cong Xin’s schemes.

As her laughter subsided, Yu Zhao wiped away mocking tears and pondered her next move. Facing Master Qing Yan’s wrath, fueled by Ye Cong Xin and Su Ming, would be tough. Escaping without repercussions seemed unlikely.

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. Maybe it was time to seek help from an outside source.

In the main hall, Su Ming exaggerated his encounter, painting Yu Zhao as defiant and rebellious.

“Master, Yu Zhao ignored me completely! When I told her you wanted to see her, she just walked away, no respect at all!” he exclaimed.

Beside him, Ye Cong Xin looked teary and remorseful. “Master, please don’t be angry with Sixth Senior Sister. She’s just upset with me; it’s my fault.”

Su Ming, full of righteous indignation, shot back, “Junior Sister, this isn’t your fault! Yu Zhao should’ve given you the starstone. Her behavior is disgraceful!”

“No, I overstepped,” Ye Cong Xin insisted, eyes wide and seemingly innocent. “Master, Senior Brother, please don’t blame Sixth Senior Sister because of me. I’m worried she’ll misunderstand.”

“Misunderstand?!” Su Ming roared. “If she dares harm you, she’ll have me to deal with!”

“Senior Brother…” Ye Cong Xin’s eyes welled with tears, though internally she scoffed at his incompetence. Even Su Ming couldn’t control Yu Zhao; he was useless.

Master Qing Yan raised a hand, silencing them both. His calm demeanor contrasted sharply with their agitation.

“Is it true Yu Zhao refused to see me?” he asked, his gaze fixed on Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded emphatically. “Yes, Master! She even tricked me with illusions!”

Master Qing Yan frowned, deeply concerned. Yu Zhao’s troublesome behavior had escalated. Once a promising disciple, she had become a source of chaos on Lone Moon Peak. Her lack of respect for her seniors and unpredictable actions were becoming intolerable.

He reflected regretfully. He had once seen potential in Yu Zhao but now questioned his decision to mentor her. Perhaps it was time to reconsider her place at the peak.

As he deliberated, Ye Cong Xin and Su Ming watched, hoping for decisive action.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Master Qing Yan flicked his sleeve, summoning a water-formed origami crane. It hovered before him, awaiting orders.

“Go, bring that troublesome disciple to me,” he commanded.

The crane nodded and flew from the hall. Su Ming and Ye Cong Xin exchanged eager glances, anticipating Yu Zhao’s reprimand. They expected the crane to return swiftly with her.

However, as time dragged on, their anticipation turned to confusion. The crane took longer than expected, and when it finally returned, it fluttered weakly into the hall before dissolving into a mist, failing to reach Master Qing Yan.

Before they could comprehend this odd occurrence, a hearty laugh echoed through the hall.

“Hahaha, Master Qing Yan, I hope I’m not intruding!” The voice was cheerful yet carried a hint of tension.

The atmosphere in the hall shifted instantly. Su Ming and Ye Cong Xin’s confident expressions faltered, replaced with uncertainty as they turned to see who had arrived.


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