After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 43

Chapter 43: Desperate Dream

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Fang Cheng Lang was trapped in a dream that felt eerily real. He lay in a place caught between sleep and wakefulness, listening to a voice that sounded venomously angry. The voice wasn’t loud but filled with a seething rage that seemed familiar. It echoed through the haze, becoming clearer with each word.

“Yu Zhao, I regret everything. From this day forward, never call me your senior brother again. And if you dare, don’t blame me for showing no mercy with my sword!”

The words sent a shock through Fang Cheng Lang. He couldn’t believe it—those harsh, cold words couldn’t have come from him, especially not towards Little Six. She was his junior sister, a bond he treasured more than anything, despite the rift that had grown between them.

“Silence! Our junior sister is pure-hearted; how dare you tarnish her name with your spiteful lies! This strike from my sword will be your final lesson as your senior brother!”

No! What are you doing? Stop! Please, stop this now!

Fang Cheng Lang’s mind screamed, trying desperately to halt the oncoming disaster. But he felt trapped, like an insect caught in a glass jar, unable to escape the darkness that surrounded him. He struggled frantically, searching for a way out, but found none. The feeling of helplessness intensified, and then he heard it—a sword cutting through flesh, followed by Yu Zhao’s anguished cry.


Lan Zi Yu watched over Fang Cheng Lang during break time, leaning against a tree with a serene expression. He had placed his unconscious senior brother on the grass to keep an eye on him. Sipping water, Lan Zi Yu tried to relax, but his peace was short-lived. He noticed that Fang Cheng Lang, still unconscious, was drenched in sweat, his face contorted in pain.

“Senior Brother, Senior Brother!”

“Wake up, Senior Brother!”

Alarmed by Fang Cheng Lang’s distress, Lan Zi Yu shook him gently but urgently, sending another disciple to fetch Senior Sister Jin Yue.

Zhou Jin Yue arrived swiftly with Zhang Jun by her side. Fang Cheng Lang’s face was pale, his lips bloodied from being bitten too hard. The sight worried Zhou Jin Yue. “What happened?” she asked, frowning.

“I don’t know,” Lan Zi Yu replied, shaking his head. “He just started acting like this out of nowhere.”

Zhang Jun examined Fang Cheng Lang’s condition thoughtfully. “It looks like he’s caught in a nightmare.”

Cultivators usually have strong minds, resistant to such things, but recent events had clearly taken their toll. Zhou Jin Yue agreed with the assessment. “Let’s wake him up.”

“Right!” Lan Zi Yu moved quickly, trying to rouse Fang Cheng Lang, but to no avail. His frustration grew as his senior brother remained trapped in the dream.

“Move aside!” Zhou Jin Yue commanded, stepping forward. With a firm resolve, she slapped Fang Cheng Lang’s face, the sharp sound echoing around them. She rubbed her stinging hand, wishing Yu Zhao were there to witness the scene. Lan Zi Yu and Zhang Jun stood by, stunned by her decisive action.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue is terrifying,” Zhang Jun muttered under his breath.


Fang Cheng Lang stirred, his eyes slowly opening. Lan Zi Yu, relieved yet anxious, knelt beside him. “Senior Brother, are you okay? You really scared me.”

“Zi… Yu…” Fang Cheng Lang mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. He blinked, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream.

“It’s me, Senior Brother. You were caught in a nightmare,” Lan Zi Yu explained gently.

“A dream…” Fang Cheng Lang whispered, the events of the dream replaying vividly in his mind. It had felt so real, as if he had lived it.

Suddenly, he shot up, panic flashing across his face. “Where’s Little Six? Little Six! I need to see Little Six!”

Lan Zi Yu tried to calm him. “Senior Brother, please, calm down.”

“I need to see Little Six! Let me see her! Little Six!” Fang Cheng Lang’s voice rose, filled with urgency. The commotion drew the attention of other disciples, who watched in astonishment. The usually composed “Sword Gentleman” of the Five Elements Sect was unrecognizable in his distress.

“Yu Zhao, Yu Zhao is…” Lan Zi Yu hesitated, unsure. He hadn’t sensed Yu Zhao nearby when he checked earlier.

“Yu Zhao is our junior sister; you should be referring her as so,” Fang Cheng Lang corrected, his voice stern.

Zhou Jin Yue found the situation bitterly ironic. They had taken Yu Zhao’s care for granted, and now, only after she had distanced herself, did they realize her worth. It was a classic case of not valuing what one has until it’s gone.

“Junior Brother Fang, Junior Sister Yu Zhao isn’t here right now. I’ll let her know you want to see her when she returns. Whether she comes or not is her choice. For now, you should focus on your recovery. Don’t make us worry about you,” Zhou Jin Yue advised, her tone firm.

With Fang Cheng Lang awake, Zhou Jin Yue saw no need to stay longer. She walked away with Zhang Jun following her, leaving Lan Zi Yu to deal with Fang Cheng Lang. As Fang Cheng Lang lay back, closing his eyes, Lan Zi Yu sighed with relief. He was never good with emotional situations, and without Yu Zhao, he felt at a loss.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

He glanced at Fang Cheng Lang, who seemed deep in thought. What had his senior brother seen in his dream to cause such anguish? Could it really involve Yu Zhao?

“Where did Little Six go?” Fang Cheng Lang asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“She mentioned wanting to take a walk nearby. She’s been feeling a bit unwell,” Lan Zi Yu replied. Ye Cong Xin, or Little Six, had always been delicate, sensitive to the elements and prone to illness. Given the recent calm in Dragon Roar Valley, Lan Zi Yu hadn’t been overly worried when she went for a walk.

“Hmm,” Fang Cheng Lang murmured, falling silent again. The two brothers sat quietly, each lost in their own thoughts, as the day slowly passed around them.


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