After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 40

Chapter 40: Sect Meeting

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Yu Zhao was taking a moment to rest when Mu Ye approached her hesitantly.

“Y-Yu… Yu… Can I call you Yu Zhao?” It took Mu Ye a few tries before she could muster up the courage to speak.

Yu Zhao nodded, feeling a natural affinity towards Mu Ye. Despite the girl not being from their sect, she had proven her bravery during a recent crisis, stepping forward when others from the Green Wood Sect hesitated. This act of courage made it impossible for Yu Zhao to be indifferent to her.

With a relieved smile, Mu Ye sat beside Yu Zhao and blurted out, “I’ve lost track of my team, so I was hoping to stick with you guys for a while. Is that okay?”

Mu Ye was disillusioned with her own teammates after seeing their true colors and preferred the company of the Five Elements Sect over the cowards she was aligned with.

“You should ask our captain about that,” Yu Zhao suggested, pointing towards Zhou Jin Yue.

Mu Ye nudged Yu Zhao playfully. “Come on, you and your captain are thick as thieves. If you’re on board, she won’t say no.”

Mu Ye had quickly noticed the dynamics within the Five Elements Sect’s team. While Zhou Jin Yue was clearly the leader, Yu Zhao, despite appearing as an outsider, shared a deep bond with her. Mu Ye knew that Yu Zhao’s endorsement would be pivotal.

After a moment of thought, recognizing the value of having an alchemist like Mu Ye on the team, Yu Zhao agreed to speak to Zhou Jin Yue.

“I’ll talk to Senior Sister Jin Yue first.”

“Awesome, I’ll wait here for the good news!” Mu Ye said, her enthusiasm evident.

Yu Zhao walked over to Zhou Jin Yue and discussed Mu Ye’s proposal. True to Mu Ye’s prediction, Zhou Jin Yue welcomed the idea without hesitation, and just like that, Mu Ye was part of their team.

Half an hour later, Zhou Jin Yue walked up to Lan Zi Yu, who was watching over the still unconscious Fang Cheng Lang. She frowned with concern, “Is there no sign of him waking up yet?”

Lan Zi Yu shook his head, his expression somber.

Sighing, Zhou Jin Yue replied, “Fang Cheng Lang needs someone to watch over him, and you need to care for Junior Sister Cong Xin too. I’ll have Zhang Jun and the others come help. We move together and won’t leave anyone behind.”

“Thank you, Senior Sister Jin Yue,” Lan Zi Yu murmured, his features marked by healing wounds and a profound sadness that was unusual for him.

Zhou Jin Yue motioned for Zhang Jun and others to take turns assisting with Fang Cheng Lang, and the group continued on their journey.

In the grand Five Elements Sect meeting hall, the atmosphere was tense. The sect leader, seated at the head of the table, addressed the gathered elders and peak leaders.

“I’ve called you all here today because an unknown entity was using their soul to spy on our sect. Although I managed to fend them off, it’s crucial that we stay vigilant,” the sect leader announced, his voice carrying a mix of concern and authority.

The news sent a ripple of shock through the room.

“Who would dare to meddle with the Five Elements Sect? Are they seeking death?” one elder exclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls.

“It’s clearly a provocation!” another added angrily. “They’re underestimating us!”

An elder with a calmer demeanor raised his hand to interject, “I see it differently. If the intruder had truly malicious intentions, they wouldn’t have been detected so easily. This could be more complex than a mere provocation.”

The room fell into a thoughtful silence, each member considering the implications of this unusual breach of their security.

As the discussions unfolded, the meeting hall buzzed with the diverse opinions of the sect elders, creating a lively atmosphere. The sect leader observed quietly, letting the chatter subside before he turned his piercing gaze towards Master Qing Yan, who had remained silent throughout.

“Qing Yan, what do you think?” he asked, drawing the room’s attention to the serene figure of Master Qing Yan.

With his usual air of indifference, Master Qing Yan simply stated, “It’s just a small fry, not worth mentioning.”

This casual dismissal elicited a collective twitch from everyone else. Master Qing Yan’s confidence was legendary, but even this seemed too dismissive.

The sect leader’s brow furrowed in concern, about to question further, when suddenly, his left eyelid began twitching uncontrollably—a bad omen. His expression shifted to one of shock as he clutched at his eye, then stood abruptly, drawing immediate concern from the assembly.

“Sect Leader, have you uncovered something critical?” an elder asked, noting the unusual behavior.

Shaking his head, the sect leader found himself unable to speak. A chilling premonition had washed over him, leaving his skin crawling and his voice lost. As panic set in, he realized that the danger might not be internal but connected to the disciples currently on a training mission.

His thoughts raced to Zhou Jin Yue, the senior disciple leading the team, and the realization dawned on him—they could be in grave danger. Fear for his disciples, the sect’s future talents, overwhelmed him.

Without another word, the sect leader dashed out, leaving a trail of confusion behind him.

“Sect Leader! Hey! Sect Leader!” calls echoed in the vacated space.

“Why did the sect leader suddenly leave? Did he find a clue?” another puzzled voice added.

Amidst the growing uncertainty, the sect leader returned, his demeanor shockingly different as he entered laughing heartily.

“Hahaha, it’s nothing, nothing at all. Just a false alarm,” he reassured them, although now his right eyelid was twitching.

“Sect Leader, what happened?” one of the elders asked, concern etching their features.

“If you’re under a lot of stress, you should share it with us. We can help carry the burden. You look exhausted,” another suggested kindly.

“Sect Leader, remember to balance your responsibilities with your health. Don’t overexert yourself,” echoed another voice, filled with genuine concern.

Despite their worries, the sect leader merely nodded, his high spirits puzzling everyone further. He struggled with how to explain the rollercoaster of emotions he had just experienced—from impending doom to unexpected relief—without causing further confusion.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Should he admit that his ominous feeling had vanished as suddenly as it appeared, replaced by an inexplicable joy? That something positively good must have happened to dispel his fears so completely?

Deciding to wait for Zhou Jin Yue and the team’s return to get the full story, he pondered over the bizarre sequence of events. It was all too thrilling.

With the sect leader seeming back to his normal self, the elders resumed their discussion on the mysterious soul, eventually agreeing to adopt a wait-and-see approach. If the intruder meant no harm and heeded their warning, all would be well. But should the provocation continue, they resolved that the Five Elements Sect would not hold back, ready to defend their honor and safety without hesitation.

As the meeting drew to a close, Master Qing Yan’s figure quietly vanished from the hall, eliciting a familiar twitch from the others.

“Ha, classic Qing Yan.”


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