After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 39

Chapter 39: I Have a Proposal

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“What? Junior Sister Yu Zhao saved Senior Sister? How is that even possible?”

“Yeah, isn’t Yu Zhao just at the mid-stage of foundation building? Wait, when did she even break through?”

“That’s absolutely impossible!”

Around Zhou Jin Yue, disciples of the Five Elements Sect clustered, buzzing with questions and disbelief. They demanded an explanation for how a ferocious fourth-level Crimson Flame Lion had been subdued. As Zhou Jin Yue shared the details, their expressions shifted from skepticism to shock.

Zhou Jin Yue explained, “Honestly, I didn’t do much. At the crucial moment, Yu Zhao and Mu Ye appeared out of nowhere. Mu Ye distracted the lion, and Yu Zhao, seizing the moment, hurled a magical artifact that struck the lion down in a single blow.”

The revelation left everyone stunned. Not only was it astonishing that Yu Zhao had managed to defeat the lion, but her actions also contradicted the persistent rumors about her. Known previously as a petty and jealous girl who schemed against Junior Sister Cong Xin, Yu Zhao now seemed completely transformed.

With a touch of arrogance, Zhou Jin Yue said, “And you call yourselves cultivators? Ever heard the saying, ‘a scholar who has been away for three days must be looked at with new eyes’? If you don’t believe me, ask Mu Ye from the Green Wood Sect. She witnessed it all.”

All eyes turned to Mu Ye.

Blushing slightly, Mu Ye nodded vigorously. The memory of the encounter still made her heart race. She thought she was done for, but Yu Zhao’s timely arrival had dramatically turned the tables. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, you saved us all. I… I must bow to you as a show of thanks!”

Zhang Jun, tears drying on his cheeks, was visibly moved. He rushed towards Yu Zhao, about to kneel in gratitude.

Both Yu Zhao and Zhou Jin Yue reacted swiftly, stopping him. Yu Zhao sighed, “Senior Brother Zhang, saving Senior Sister Jin Yue was my duty, not a favor.”

“But I owe you, and I intend to repay that debt!” Zhang Jun insisted.

Another senior brother stepped forward, his voice earnest. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, I apologize for believing those rumors and speaking ill of you. I’m truly sorry.” He bowed deeply.

One after another, disciples started apologizing. “Junior Sister Yu Zhao, I was wrong about you. You’re incredible!”

“It was my mistake too. Please forgive me!”

The air was thick with regret as the disciples came to understand the true nature of Yu Zhao’s character, feeling ashamed for their earlier misjudgments.

Yu Zhao hadn’t anticipated this response; her aim had merely been to rescue Zhou Jin Yue without concern for others’ opinions. Yet, witnessing her usually proud peers now apologizing felt unexpectedly gratifying.

Then, a sharp, resentful glare cut through the crowd.

Yu Zhao’s heart tightened as she met Ye Cong Xin’s eyes. Seeing the glare, Ye Cong Xin quickly looked away, her lips pressed tightly together.

Yu Zhao smirked internally. Lost your cool, Junior Sister Cong Xin?

Despite having no direct confrontations with Ye Cong Xin since her rebirth, the animosity seemed deeply rooted. Yu Zhao pondered what schemes Ye Cong Xin might concoct next and what malevolent force lingered within her.

“Junior Sister Yu Zhao!” Zhou Jin Yue clapped her shoulder. “Thanks to you, we’re all safe. Who would’ve thought we’d encounter a fourth-level demon in Dragon Roar Valley?”

Zhou Jin Yue knew the dangers they had faced; she had nearly been overwhelmed herself.

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, isn’t it strange though?” Yu Zhao remarked thoughtfully. “Lingxiao Villa has cleared Dragon Roar Valley numerous times. There shouldn’t be any fourth-level beasts here. And wasn’t there supposed to be a Seven-Colored Stag?”

Zhou Jin Yue’s expression hardened, a flicker of suspicion in her eyes. “You think someone lured us into a trap?”

“It seems likely,” Yu Zhao confirmed, nodding.

The surrounding disciples erupted in outrage.

“Damn! Who would dare target the Five Elements Sect? They’re courting death!”

“So, it was a setup! No wonder we were so unlucky!”

“We need to find them and make them pay!”

The frustration they had been harboring now had a clear target, and they were eager for retribution.

Zhou Jin Yue stayed silent, pondering deeply. As the sect leader’s disciple, she considered the possibility of a broader conspiracy against the Five Elements Sect. Could other sects be involved? What were their ultimate goals?

“Senior Sister Jin Yue, I have a proposal,” Yu Zhao said.

“Go ahead,” Zhou Jin Yue responded, her voice steady.

With a slight smile, Yu Zhao suggested, “Let’s retrace our steps, collect valuable parts from the Crimson Flame Lion, and follow its tracks back to its lair. We might find some clues there.”

Yu Zhao proposed this with slight hesitation. She knew Senior Sister Jin Yue and the others might prefer to return to the sect swiftly, but she felt compelled to stay. She hadn’t yet found the injured Wu Shao Zhen. Missing this opportunity might mean losing the chance to confront him forever.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhou Jin Yue looked around at the others. “What do you all think?”

Zhang Jun clenched his teeth, his determination clear. “Senior Sister, I think Junior Sister Yu Zhao’s analysis is right. If we let those responsible off easy, it would tarnish the Five Elements Sect’s reputation!”

“Exactly! We can’t let that scoundrel get away!”

“If we don’t handle this, it’ll haunt me forever,” another disciple added.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

Zhou Jin Yue surveyed the determined faces around her and smiled. “Good. That’s the spirit of the Five Elements Sect! Everyone, rest for half an hour. Then we’ll retrace our steps!”


The disciples responded with renewed energy, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

On the fringes of the group, Ye Cong Xin felt like she was on the verge of exploding. They had barely escaped, and now they were heading back into danger. Idiots! A bunch of idiots! This is driving me insane!

Yu Zhao felt a surge of confidence as she saw the resolve in her fellow disciples. She knew they had a long journey ahead, but with this newfound unity, they would overcome any challenge.


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One thought on “After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 39

  1. If you thought about it, while the ability to lure doesn’t correlate with strength, holding the beast in place should.

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