After changing to the ruthless way, the brothers cried and begged for forgiveness chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Five Elements Sect Can Survive Without Zhou Jin Yue

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“Junior Sister Yu Zhao…”

Before Zhou Jin Yue could finish speaking, her expression suddenly changed. She gave Yu Zhao a meaningful look, then turned sharply and headed toward the Crimson Flame Lion, leaving only her determined silhouette behind.

“Sixth Junior Sister, Little Junior Sister, wait for our return,” Fang Cheng Lang called out, his voice as gentle as ever.

Without looking back, he followed closely behind Zhou Jin Yue. Lan Zi Yu, Zhang Jun, and Zhu Ming trailed behind him.

Yu Zhao watched as her familiar fellow disciples risked their lives in a dangerous gamble. In that moment, she realized the depth of Senior Sister Jin Yue’s sacrifice.

She was overwhelmed with shame. Both in her past life and now, she had been blinded by petty personal grievances. She had overvalued her sect and underestimated her own worth. Reborn with a chance to focus on true cultivation and the pursuit of immortality, she instead became obsessed with revenge.

Her priorities had been narrow and selfish.

Suddenly, it was as if lightning struck her mind. The confusion in Yu Zhao’s eyes cleared, replaced by a bright, resolute gaze. At that instant, the spiritual energy of the world seemed to answer her realization, swirling into a vortex around her.

This surge of energy flooded into her through every pore, rapidly boosting her spiritual power and pushing her past the mid-foundation stage all the way to the late foundation stage.

Now, only Yu Zhao, the five disciples from the Green Wood Sect, and Ye Cong Xin remained.

Yu Zhao’s sudden enlightenment was too conspicuous to ignore. The disciples from the Green Wood Sect stared in disbelief. How could someone from the Five Elements Sect have such a breakthrough in this desperate situation? What exceptional talent!

Jealousy flickered in Ye Cong Xin’s eyes. She remembered Yu Zhao’s once celebrated talent within the Five Elements Sect. If not for Yu Zhao’s earlier fixation on trivial matters, she wouldn’t have stagnated for years.

A mix of shock and resentment flashed across Ye Cong Xin’s face because the once-promising Yu Zhao had returned!

The sensation of enlightenment was bizarre. Although Yu Zhao lost control of her body, her awareness remained sharp. She saw the minute changes in Ye Cong Xin’s expression, her fellow disciples battling the Crimson Flame Lion, and the desolate scene of Dragon Roar Valley littered with bodies. She even perceived, from many miles away, the Five Elements Sect nestled on a lush mountain.

“Who dares to spy on the Five Elements Sect?!”

Yu Zhao’s body jerked as her ethereal consciousness snapped back. She inhaled deeply. The voice was unmistakably that of the Sect Master… So her vision was not an illusion.

Yu Zhao sensed that her recent experiences would have significant consequences for her future. Mixed with disappointment and relief, she was thankful the Sect Master had interrupted her. Any longer, and Senior Sister Jin Yue and the others would have been in greater danger.

Injecting spiritual power into her feet, she darted off like a meteor, vanishing into the forest in mere moments.

Mu Ye was stunned. Yu Zhao was heading straight toward the demon. Approaching it now would be suicidal. Mu Ye stomped her feet in frustration, concerned about Yu Zhao’s recklessness. Biting her lip, she decided to follow. She was determined to support her no matter what.

“Junior Sister Mu Ye!” The four Green Wood Sect disciples watched in terror. Witnessing Mu Ye’s unwavering determination, they exchanged uncertain glances.

Ye Cong Xin sneered at their reaction. These so-called elite Golden Core cultivators were mere cowards, undeserving of any grand destiny. Dismissing them, she moved to find a hidden spot to await the outcome.

What was once the lush, vibrant Dragon Roar Valley was now a scorched wasteland. Smoke billowed from the earth’s cracks, with flames dotting the landscape like stars, warping the air with their heat.

Zhou Jin Yue stood on the charred ground, holding a dark gold longbow. Her right hand trembled with strain, and her once-elegant robe was singed and tattered, adorned with burn marks.

She surveyed her surroundings. The others were faring even worse. Fang Cheng Lang’s normally pristine blue robe was smeared with blood and dirt. Lan Zi Yu had suffered a burn on her face, and blood trickled down her cheek. Some junior disciples were barely conscious and no longer able to fight.

Zhou Jin Yue’s heart sank. They were barely holding on. After only three rounds against the Crimson Flame Lion, they had exhausted all their weapons, talismans, and hidden tools, inflicting only minor injuries on the beast. Now, devoid of spiritual power, even mounting another attack seemed impossible.

The fourth-level demon, as intelligent as any human, sensed the cultivators’ exhaustion and stopped its assault. Its cruel eyes swept over them, calculating, as if choosing its next victim. Under its gaze, everyone froze, holding their breath as death’s shadow loomed.

The tension was so intense that a faint sob broke the silence, immediately drawing the demon’s attention. Its eyes fixed on the source—a disciple—and its sharp teeth gleamed with malevolent delight.

No! Zhou Jin Yue’s pupils dilated. A surge of fear gave way to fierce courage.

This novel is translated and hosted on BCatranslation

“Fang Cheng Lang, Lan Zi Yu, take everyone and leave! I’ll handle the rest!” Zhou Jin Yue’s command, carried by the harsh wind, reached every disciple of the Five Elements Sect.

“No! Senior Sister! I won’t leave!” Tears streaked down Zhang Jun’s face. Everyone understood the implication of Zhou Jin Yue’s decision; she was prepared to sacrifice herself to secure their escape.

“I am the captain! That’s an order!” Zhou Jin Yue’s tone was stern. “The Five Elements Sect can survive without Zhou Jin Yue, but not without all of you! Think of the sect! Leave now!”

One life for twenty. Zhou Jin Yue didn’t hesitate to make the sacrifice.


“We… we’ll go,” Fang Cheng Lang finally said. Usually overshadowed by Zhou Jin Yue, he seldom stood out. But now, as the vice-captain, it was his time to lead, even if it meant facing censure upon their return. Duty called, leaving no room for doubt.


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